blob: 0ccf2e3d6835959abc81c8d6c3e70d1dc2b36e58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library descriptor.git;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:scheduled_test/scheduled_test.dart';
import 'package:scheduled_test/descriptor.dart';
import '../../lib/src/git.dart' as git;
/// Describes a Git repository and its contents.
class GitRepoDescriptor extends DirectoryDescriptor {
GitRepoDescriptor(String name, List<Descriptor> contents)
: super(name, contents);
/// Creates the Git repository and commits the contents.
Future create([String parent]) => schedule(() {
return super.create(parent).then((_) {
return _runGitCommands(parent, [
['add', '.'],
['commit', '-m', 'initial commit']
}, 'creating Git repo:\n${describe()}');
/// Writes this descriptor to the filesystem, than commits any changes from
/// the previous structure to the Git repo.
/// [parent] defaults to [defaultRoot].
Future commit([String parent]) => schedule(() {
return super.create(parent).then((_) {
return _runGitCommands(parent, [
['add', '.'],
['commit', '-m', 'update']
}, 'committing Git repo:\n${describe()}');
/// Return a Future that completes to the commit in the git repository
/// referred to by [ref] at the current point in the scheduled test run.
/// [parent] defaults to [defaultRoot].
Future<String> revParse(String ref, [String parent]) => schedule(() {
return _runGit(['rev-parse', ref], parent).then((output) => output[0]);
}, 'parsing revision $ref for Git repo:\n${describe()}');
/// Schedule a Git command to run in this repository.
/// [parent] defaults to [defaultRoot].
Future runGit(List<String> args, [String parent]) => schedule(() {
return _runGit(args, parent);
}, "running 'git ${args.join(' ')}' in Git repo:\n${describe()}");
Future _runGitCommands(String parent, List<List<String>> commands) =>
Future.forEach(commands, (command) => _runGit(command, parent));
Future<List<String>> _runGit(List<String> args, String parent) {
// Explicitly specify the committer information. Git needs this to commit
// and we don't want to rely on the buildbots having this already set up.
var environment = {
'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME': 'Pub Test',
if (parent == null) parent = defaultRoot;
workingDir: path.join(parent, name),
environment: environment);