| // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)" |
| #endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME) |
| |
| #include <initializer_list> |
| |
| #include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h" |
| #include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h" |
| #include "vm/object.h" |
| |
| namespace dart { |
| |
| class InlineExitCollector; |
| |
| namespace kernel { |
| |
| class BaseFlowGraphBuilder; |
| class TryCatchBlock; |
| |
| class Fragment { |
| public: |
| Instruction* entry = nullptr; |
| Instruction* current = nullptr; |
| |
| Fragment() {} |
| |
| explicit Fragment(Instruction* instruction) |
| : entry(instruction), current(instruction) {} |
| |
| Fragment(Instruction* entry, Instruction* current) |
| : entry(entry), current(current) {} |
| |
| bool is_open() const { return entry == nullptr || current != nullptr; } |
| bool is_closed() const { return !is_open(); } |
| |
| bool is_empty() const { return entry == nullptr && current == nullptr; } |
| |
| void Prepend(Instruction* start); |
| |
| Fragment& operator+=(const Fragment& other); |
| Fragment& operator<<=(Instruction* next); |
| |
| Fragment closed(); |
| |
| private: |
| }; |
| |
| Fragment operator+(const Fragment& first, const Fragment& second); |
| Fragment operator<<(const Fragment& fragment, Instruction* next); |
| |
| // IL fragment that performs some sort of test (comparison) and |
| // has a single entry and multiple true and false exits. |
| class TestFragment { |
| public: |
| BlockEntryInstr* CreateTrueSuccessor(BaseFlowGraphBuilder* builder); |
| BlockEntryInstr* CreateFalseSuccessor(BaseFlowGraphBuilder* builder); |
| |
| void IfTrueGoto(BaseFlowGraphBuilder* builder, JoinEntryInstr* join) { |
| ConnectBranchesTo(builder, *true_successor_addresses, join); |
| } |
| |
| // If negate is true then return negated fragment by flipping |
| // true and false successors. Otherwise return this fragment |
| // without change. |
| TestFragment Negate(bool negate) { |
| if (negate) { |
| return TestFragment(entry, false_successor_addresses, |
| true_successor_addresses); |
| } else { |
| return *this; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| typedef ZoneGrowableArray<TargetEntryInstr**> SuccessorAddressArray; |
| |
| // Create an empty fragment. |
| TestFragment() {} |
| |
| // Create a fragment with the given entry and true/false exits. |
| TestFragment(Instruction* entry, |
| SuccessorAddressArray* true_successor_addresses, |
| SuccessorAddressArray* false_successor_addresses) |
| : entry(entry), |
| true_successor_addresses(true_successor_addresses), |
| false_successor_addresses(false_successor_addresses) {} |
| |
| // Create a fragment with the given entry and a single branch as an exit. |
| TestFragment(Instruction* entry, BranchInstr* branch); |
| |
| void ConnectBranchesTo(BaseFlowGraphBuilder* builder, |
| const TestFragment::SuccessorAddressArray& branches, |
| JoinEntryInstr* join); |
| |
| BlockEntryInstr* CreateSuccessorFor( |
| BaseFlowGraphBuilder* builder, |
| const TestFragment::SuccessorAddressArray& branches); |
| |
| Instruction* entry = nullptr; |
| SuccessorAddressArray* true_successor_addresses = nullptr; |
| SuccessorAddressArray* false_successor_addresses = nullptr; |
| }; |
| |
| // Indicates which form of the unchecked entrypoint we are compiling. |
| // |
| // kNone: |
| // |
| // There is no unchecked entrypoint: the unchecked entry is set to NULL in |
| // the 'GraphEntryInstr'. |
| // |
| // kSeparate: |
| // |
| // The normal and unchecked entrypoint each point to their own versions of |
| // the prologue, containing exactly those checks which need to be performed |
| // on either side. Both sides jump directly to the body after performing |
| // their prologue. |
| // |
| // kSharedWithVariable: |
| // |
| // A temporary variable is allocated and initialized to 0 on normal entry |
| // and 2 on unchecked entry. Code which should be ommitted on the unchecked |
| // entrypoint is made conditional on this variable being equal to 0. |
| // |
| enum class UncheckedEntryPointStyle { |
| kNone = 0, |
| kSeparate = 1, |
| kSharedWithVariable = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| class BaseFlowGraphBuilder { |
| public: |
| BaseFlowGraphBuilder( |
| const ParsedFunction* parsed_function, |
| intptr_t last_used_block_id, |
| intptr_t osr_id = DeoptId::kNone, |
| ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array = nullptr, |
| InlineExitCollector* exit_collector = nullptr, |
| bool inlining_unchecked_entry = false) |
| : parsed_function_(parsed_function), |
| function_(parsed_function_->function()), |
| thread_(Thread::Current()), |
| zone_(thread_->zone()), |
| osr_id_(osr_id), |
| context_level_array_(context_level_array), |
| context_depth_(0), |
| last_used_block_id_(last_used_block_id), |
| current_try_index_(kInvalidTryIndex), |
| next_used_try_index_(0), |
| stack_(NULL), |
| exit_collector_(exit_collector), |
| inlining_unchecked_entry_(inlining_unchecked_entry), |
| saved_args_desc_array_( |
| has_saved_args_desc_array() |
| ? Array::ZoneHandle(zone_, function_.saved_args_desc()) |
| : Object::null_array()) {} |
| |
| Fragment LoadField(const Field& field, bool calls_initializer); |
| Fragment LoadNativeField(const Slot& native_field, |
| bool calls_initializer = false); |
| // Pass true for index_unboxed if indexing into external typed data. |
| Fragment LoadIndexed(classid_t class_id, |
| intptr_t index_scale = compiler::target::kWordSize, |
| bool index_unboxed = false, |
| AlignmentType alignment = kAlignedAccess); |
| |
| Fragment LoadUntagged(intptr_t offset); |
| Fragment ConvertUntaggedToUnboxed(Representation to); |
| Fragment ConvertUnboxedToUntagged(Representation from); |
| Fragment UnboxSmiToIntptr(); |
| Fragment FloatToDouble(); |
| Fragment DoubleToFloat(); |
| |
| Fragment AddIntptrIntegers(); |
| |
| void SetTempIndex(Definition* definition); |
| |
| Fragment LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable); |
| Fragment StoreLocal(LocalVariable* variable) { |
| return StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, variable); |
| } |
| Fragment StoreLocal(TokenPosition position, LocalVariable* variable); |
| Fragment StoreLocalRaw(TokenPosition position, LocalVariable* variable); |
| Fragment LoadContextAt(int depth); |
| Fragment GuardFieldLength(const Field& field, intptr_t deopt_id); |
| Fragment GuardFieldClass(const Field& field, intptr_t deopt_id); |
| static const Field& MayCloneField(Zone* zone, const Field& field); |
| Fragment StoreNativeField( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const Slot& slot, |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind kind = |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind::kOther, |
| StoreBarrierType emit_store_barrier = kEmitStoreBarrier, |
| compiler::Assembler::MemoryOrder memory_order = |
| compiler::Assembler::kRelaxedNonAtomic); |
| Fragment StoreNativeField( |
| const Slot& slot, |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind kind = |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind::kOther, |
| StoreBarrierType emit_store_barrier = kEmitStoreBarrier, |
| compiler::Assembler::MemoryOrder memory_order = |
| compiler::Assembler::kRelaxedNonAtomic) { |
| return StoreNativeField(TokenPosition::kNoSource, slot, kind, |
| emit_store_barrier, memory_order); |
| } |
| Fragment StoreInstanceField( |
| const Field& field, |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind kind = |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind::kOther, |
| StoreBarrierType emit_store_barrier = kEmitStoreBarrier); |
| Fragment StoreInstanceFieldGuarded(const Field& field, |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind kind = |
| StoreInstanceFieldInstr::Kind::kOther); |
| Fragment LoadStaticField(const Field& field, bool calls_initializer); |
| Fragment RedefinitionWithType(const AbstractType& type); |
| Fragment ReachabilityFence(); |
| Fragment StoreStaticField(TokenPosition position, const Field& field); |
| Fragment StoreIndexed(classid_t class_id); |
| // Takes a [class_id] valid for StoreIndexed. |
| Fragment StoreIndexedTypedData(classid_t class_id, |
| intptr_t index_scale, |
| bool index_unboxed, |
| AlignmentType alignment = kAlignedAccess); |
| |
| // Sign-extends kUnboxedInt32 and zero-extends kUnboxedUint32. |
| Fragment Box(Representation from); |
| |
| void Push(Definition* definition); |
| Definition* Peek(intptr_t depth = 0); |
| Value* Pop(); |
| Fragment Drop(); |
| // Drop given number of temps from the stack but preserve top of the stack. |
| Fragment DropTempsPreserveTop(intptr_t num_temps_to_drop); |
| Fragment MakeTemp(); |
| |
| // Create a pseudo-local variable for a location on the expression stack. |
| // Note: SSA construction currently does not support inserting Phi functions |
| // for expression stack locations - only real local variables are supported. |
| // This means that you can't use MakeTemporary in a way that would require |
| // a Phi in SSA form. For example example below will be miscompiled or |
| // will crash debug VM with assertion when building SSA for optimizing |
| // compiler: |
| // |
| // t = MakeTemporary() |
| // Branch B1 or B2 |
| // B1: |
| // StoreLocal(t, v0) |
| // goto B3 |
| // B2: |
| // StoreLocal(t, v1) |
| // goto B3 |
| // B3: |
| // LoadLocal(t) |
| LocalVariable* MakeTemporary(const char* suffix = nullptr); |
| Fragment DropTemporary(LocalVariable** temp); |
| |
| InputsArray* GetArguments(int count); |
| |
| TargetEntryInstr* BuildTargetEntry(); |
| FunctionEntryInstr* BuildFunctionEntry(GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry); |
| JoinEntryInstr* BuildJoinEntry(); |
| JoinEntryInstr* BuildJoinEntry(intptr_t try_index); |
| IndirectEntryInstr* BuildIndirectEntry(intptr_t indirect_id, |
| intptr_t try_index); |
| |
| Fragment StrictCompare(TokenPosition position, |
| Token::Kind kind, |
| bool number_check = false); |
| Fragment StrictCompare(Token::Kind kind, bool number_check = false); |
| Fragment Goto(JoinEntryInstr* destination); |
| Fragment UnboxedIntConstant(int64_t value, Representation representation); |
| Fragment IntConstant(int64_t value); |
| Fragment Constant(const Object& value); |
| Fragment NullConstant(); |
| Fragment SmiRelationalOp(Token::Kind kind); |
| Fragment SmiBinaryOp(Token::Kind op, bool is_truncating = false); |
| Fragment BinaryIntegerOp(Token::Kind op, |
| Representation representation, |
| bool is_truncating = false); |
| Fragment LoadFpRelativeSlot(intptr_t offset, |
| CompileType result_type, |
| Representation representation = kTagged); |
| Fragment StoreFpRelativeSlot(intptr_t offset); |
| Fragment BranchIfTrue(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry, |
| bool negate = false); |
| Fragment BranchIfNull(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry, |
| bool negate = false); |
| Fragment BranchIfEqual(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry, |
| bool negate = false); |
| Fragment BranchIfStrictEqual(TargetEntryInstr** then_entry, |
| TargetEntryInstr** otherwise_entry); |
| Fragment Return( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| intptr_t yield_index = UntaggedPcDescriptors::kInvalidYieldIndex); |
| Fragment CheckStackOverflow(TokenPosition position, |
| intptr_t stack_depth, |
| intptr_t loop_depth); |
| Fragment CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment MemoryCopy(classid_t src_cid, classid_t dest_cid); |
| Fragment TailCall(const Code& code); |
| Fragment Utf8Scan(); |
| |
| intptr_t GetNextDeoptId() { |
| intptr_t deopt_id = thread_->compiler_state().GetNextDeoptId(); |
| if (context_level_array_ != NULL) { |
| intptr_t level = context_depth_; |
| context_level_array_->Add(deopt_id); |
| context_level_array_->Add(level); |
| } |
| return deopt_id; |
| } |
| |
| intptr_t AllocateTryIndex() { return next_used_try_index_++; } |
| intptr_t CurrentTryIndex() const { return current_try_index_; } |
| void SetCurrentTryIndex(intptr_t try_index) { |
| current_try_index_ = try_index; |
| } |
| |
| bool IsCompiledForOsr() { return osr_id_ != DeoptId::kNone; } |
| |
| bool IsInlining() const { return exit_collector_ != nullptr; } |
| |
| void InlineBailout(const char* reason); |
| |
| Fragment LoadArgDescriptor(); |
| Fragment TestTypeArgsLen(Fragment eq_branch, |
| Fragment neq_branch, |
| intptr_t num_type_args); |
| Fragment TestDelayedTypeArgs(LocalVariable* closure, |
| Fragment present, |
| Fragment absent); |
| Fragment TestAnyTypeArgs(Fragment present, Fragment absent); |
| |
| JoinEntryInstr* BuildThrowNoSuchMethod(); |
| |
| Fragment AssertBool(TokenPosition position); |
| Fragment BooleanNegate(); |
| Fragment AllocateContext(const ZoneGrowableArray<const Slot*>& scope); |
| // Top of the stack should be the closure function. |
| Fragment AllocateClosure(TokenPosition position = TokenPosition::kNoSource); |
| Fragment CreateArray(); |
| Fragment AllocateTypedData(TokenPosition position, classid_t class_id); |
| Fragment InstantiateType(const AbstractType& type); |
| Fragment InstantiateTypeArguments(const TypeArguments& type_arguments); |
| Fragment InstantiateDynamicTypeArguments(); |
| Fragment LoadClassId(); |
| |
| // Returns true if we are building a graph for inlining of a call site that |
| // enters the function through the unchecked entry. |
| bool InliningUncheckedEntry() const { return inlining_unchecked_entry_; } |
| |
| // Returns depth of expression stack. |
| intptr_t GetStackDepth() const { |
| return stack_ == nullptr ? 0 : stack_->definition()->temp_index() + 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Builds the graph for an invocation of '_asFunctionInternal'. |
| // |
| // 'signatures' contains the pair [<dart signature>, <native signature>]. |
| Fragment BuildFfiAsFunctionInternalCall(const TypeArguments& signatures, |
| bool is_leaf); |
| |
| Fragment AllocateObject(TokenPosition position, |
| const Class& klass, |
| intptr_t argument_count); |
| |
| Fragment DebugStepCheck(TokenPosition position); |
| |
| // Loads 'receiver' and checks it for null. Throws NoSuchMethod if it is null. |
| // 'function_name' is a selector which is being called (reported in |
| // NoSuchMethod message). |
| // Sets 'receiver' to 'null' after the check if 'clear_the_temp'. |
| // Note that this does _not_ use the result of the CheckNullInstr, so it does |
| // not create a data depedency and might break with code motion. |
| Fragment CheckNull(TokenPosition position, |
| LocalVariable* receiver, |
| const String& function_name, |
| bool clear_the_temp = true); |
| |
| // Pops the top of the stack, checks it for null, and pushes the result on |
| // the stack to create a data dependency. |
| // |
| // Note that the result can currently only be used in optimized code, because |
| // optimized code uses FlowGraph::RemoveRedefinitions to remove the |
| // redefinitions, while unoptimized code does not. |
| Fragment CheckNullOptimized( |
| const String& name, |
| CheckNullInstr::ExceptionType exception_type, |
| TokenPosition position = TokenPosition::kNoSource); |
| Fragment CheckNullOptimized( |
| const String& function_name, |
| TokenPosition position = TokenPosition::kNoSource) { |
| return CheckNullOptimized(function_name, CheckNullInstr::kNoSuchMethod, |
| position); |
| } |
| |
| // Records extra unchecked entry point 'unchecked_entry' in 'graph_entry'. |
| void RecordUncheckedEntryPoint(GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry, |
| FunctionEntryInstr* unchecked_entry); |
| |
| // Pop the index of the current entry-point off the stack. If there is any |
| // entrypoint-tracing hook registered in a pragma for the function, it is |
| // called with the name of the current function and the current entry-point |
| // index. |
| Fragment BuildEntryPointsIntrospection(); |
| |
| // Builds closure call with given number of arguments. Target closure |
| // (in bare instructions mode) or closure function (otherwise) is taken from |
| // top of the stack. |
| // PushArgument instructions should be already added for arguments. |
| Fragment ClosureCall(TokenPosition position, |
| intptr_t type_args_len, |
| intptr_t argument_count, |
| const Array& argument_names); |
| |
| // Pops function type arguments, instantiator type arguments, dst_type, and |
| // value; and type checks value against the type arguments. |
| Fragment AssertAssignable( |
| TokenPosition position, |
| const String& dst_name, |
| AssertAssignableInstr::Kind kind = AssertAssignableInstr::kUnknown); |
| |
| // Returns true if we're currently recording deopt_id -> context level |
| // mapping. |
| bool is_recording_context_levels() const { |
| return context_level_array_ != nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| // Sets current context level. It will be recorded for all subsequent |
| // deopt ids (until it is adjusted again). |
| void set_context_depth(intptr_t context_level) { |
| context_depth_ = context_level; |
| } |
| |
| // Reset context level for the given deopt id (which was allocated earlier). |
| void reset_context_depth_for_deopt_id(intptr_t deopt_id); |
| |
| // Sets raw parameter variables to inferred constant values. |
| Fragment InitConstantParameters(); |
| |
| Fragment InvokeMathCFunction(MethodRecognizer::Kind recognized_kind, |
| intptr_t num_inputs); |
| |
| // Pops double value and converts it to double as specified |
| // by the recognized method (kDoubleTruncateToDouble, |
| // kDoubleFloorToDouble or kDoubleCeilToDouble). |
| Fragment DoubleToDouble(MethodRecognizer::Kind recognized_kind); |
| |
| // Pops double value and converts it to int as specified |
| // by the recognized method (kDoubleToInteger, |
| // kDoubleFloorToInt or kDoubleCeilToInt). |
| Fragment DoubleToInteger(MethodRecognizer::Kind recognized_kind); |
| |
| // Pops double value and applies unary math operation. |
| Fragment MathUnary(MathUnaryInstr::MathUnaryKind kind); |
| |
| // Returns whether this function has a saved arguments descriptor array. |
| bool has_saved_args_desc_array() { |
| return function_.HasSavedArgumentsDescriptor(); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the saved arguments descriptor array for functions that have them. |
| const Array& saved_args_desc_array() { |
| ASSERT(has_saved_args_desc_array()); |
| return saved_args_desc_array_; |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| intptr_t AllocateBlockId() { return ++last_used_block_id_; } |
| |
| const ParsedFunction* parsed_function_; |
| const Function& function_; |
| Thread* thread_; |
| Zone* zone_; |
| intptr_t osr_id_; |
| // Contains (deopt_id, context_level) pairs. |
| ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array_; |
| intptr_t context_depth_; |
| intptr_t last_used_block_id_; |
| |
| intptr_t current_try_index_; |
| intptr_t next_used_try_index_; |
| |
| Value* stack_; |
| InlineExitCollector* exit_collector_; |
| |
| const bool inlining_unchecked_entry_; |
| const Array& saved_args_desc_array_; |
| |
| friend class StreamingFlowGraphBuilder; |
| |
| private: |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BaseFlowGraphBuilder); |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace kernel |
| } // namespace dart |
| |