| // Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // @dart = 2.9 |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/command.dart'; |
| import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/js_typerep.dart'; |
| import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/nullable_inference.dart'; |
| import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/target.dart'; |
| import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/ddc.dart' as fe; |
| import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart'; |
| import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart'; |
| import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'; |
| import 'package:kernel/src/printer.dart'; |
| import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart'; |
| import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart'; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart'; |
| |
| const AstTextStrategy astTextStrategy = AstTextStrategy( |
| includeLibraryNamesInTypes: true, |
| includeLibraryNamesInMembers: true, |
| useMultiline: false); |
| |
| void main() { |
| test('empty main', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() {}', ''); |
| }); |
| |
| group('literal', () { |
| test('null', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(null); }', ''); |
| }); |
| test('bool', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(false); }', 'false'); |
| }); |
| test('int', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(42); }', '42'); |
| }); |
| test('double', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(123.0); }', '123.0'); |
| }); |
| test('String', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print("hi"); }', '"hi"'); |
| }); |
| test('List', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'main() { print([42, null]); }', '<dart.core::int*>[42, null], 42'); |
| }); |
| test('Map', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print({"x": null}); }', |
| '<dart.core::String*, Null>{"x": null}, "x"'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('Symbol', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(#hi); }', '#hi'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('Type', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(Object); }', 'dart.core::Object*'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('this', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'library a; class C { m() { return this; } }', 'this, new a::C()'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('is', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { 42 is int; null is int; }', |
| '42 is dart.core::int*, 42, null is dart.core::int*'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('as', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'main() { 42 as int; null as int; }', '42 as dart.core::int*, 42'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('constructor', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'library a; class C {} main() { new C(); }', 'new a::C(), new a::C()'); |
| }); |
| |
| group('operator', () { |
| test('==', () async { |
| // This is not a correct non-null assumption when user-defined operators, |
| // are present, see: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31854 |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { 1 == 1; }'); |
| }); |
| test('!', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { !false; }'); |
| }); |
| test('!=', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { 1 != 2; }'); |
| }); |
| test('&&', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { true && true; }'); |
| }); |
| test('||', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { true || true; }'); |
| }); |
| test('? :', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { true ? true : false; }'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('bool', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { true.toString(); false.hashCode; }'); |
| }); |
| |
| group('int', () { |
| test('arithmetic', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { -0; 1 + 2; 3 - 4; 5 * 6; 7 / 8; 9 % 10; 11 ~/ 12; }'); |
| }); |
| test('bitwise', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { 1 & 2; 3 | 4; 5 ^ 6; ~7; 8 << 9; 10 >> 11; }'); |
| }); |
| test('comparison', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { 1 < 2; 3 > 4; 5 <= 6; 7 >= 8; }'); |
| }); |
| test('getters', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { 1.isOdd; 1.isEven; 1.isNegative; 1.isNaN; 1.isInfinite; ' |
| '1.isFinite; 1.sign; 1.bitLength; 1.hashCode; }'); |
| }); |
| test('methods', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { 1.compareTo(2); 1.remainder(2); 1.abs(); 1.toInt(); ' |
| '1.ceil(); 1.floor(); 1.truncate(); 1.round(); 1.ceilToDouble(); ' |
| '1.floorToDouble(); 1.truncateToDouble(); 1.roundToDouble(); ' |
| '1.toDouble(); 1.clamp(2, 2); 1.toStringAsFixed(2); ' |
| '1.toStringAsExponential(); 1.toStringAsPrecision(2); 1.toString(); ' |
| '1.toRadixString(2); 1.toUnsigned(2); 1.toSigned(2); 1.modPow(2, 2); ' |
| '1.modInverse(2); 1.gcd(2); }'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('double', () { |
| test('arithmetic', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { -0.0; 1.0 + 2.0; 3.0 - 4.0; 5.0 * 6.0; 7.0 / 8.0; ' |
| '9.0 % 10.0; 11.0 ~/ 12.0; }'); |
| }); |
| test('comparison', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { 1.0 < 2.0; 3.0 > 4.0; 5.0 <= 6.0; 7.0 >= 8.0; }'); |
| }); |
| test('getters', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { (1.0).isNegative; (1.0).isNaN; (1.0).isInfinite; ' |
| '(1.0).isFinite; (1.0).sign; (1.0).hashCode; }'); |
| }); |
| test('methods', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { (1.0).compareTo(2.0); (1.0).remainder(2.0); (1.0).abs(); ' |
| '(1.0).toInt(); (1.0).ceil(); (1.0).floor(); (1.0).truncate(); ' |
| '(1.0).round(); (1.0).ceilToDouble(); (1.0).floorToDouble(); ' |
| '(1.0).truncateToDouble(); (1.0).roundToDouble(); (1.0).toDouble(); ' |
| '(1.0).clamp(2.0, 2.0); (1.0).toStringAsFixed(2); (1.0).toString(); ' |
| '(1.0).toStringAsExponential(); (1.0).toStringAsPrecision(2); }'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('num', () { |
| test('arithmetic', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { num n = 1; -n; n + n; n - n; n * n; n / n; n % n; n % n; ' |
| 'n ~/ n; }'); |
| }); |
| test('comparison', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { num n = 1; n < n; n > n; n <= n; n >= n; }'); |
| }); |
| test('getters', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { num n = 1; n.isNegative; n.isNaN; n.isInfinite; ' |
| 'n.isFinite; n.sign; n.hashCode; }'); |
| }); |
| test('methods', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { num n = 1; n.compareTo(n); n.remainder(n); n.abs(); ' |
| 'n.toInt(); n.ceil(); n.floor(); n.truncate(); ' |
| 'n.round(); n.ceilToDouble(); n.floorToDouble(); ' |
| 'n.truncateToDouble(); n.roundToDouble(); n.toDouble(); ' |
| 'n.clamp(n, n); n.toStringAsFixed(n); n.toString(); ' |
| 'n.toStringAsExponential(); n.toStringAsPrecision(n); }'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('String', () { |
| test('concatenation', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { "1" "2"; }'); |
| }); |
| test('interpolation', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { "1${2}"; }'); |
| }); |
| test('getters', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull( |
| 'main() { "".codeUnits; "".hashCode; "".isEmpty; "".isNotEmpty; ' |
| '"".length; "".runes; }'); |
| }); |
| test('operators', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { "" + ""; "" * 2; "" == ""; "x"[0]; }'); |
| }); |
| test('methods', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('''main() { |
| String s = ''; |
| s.codeUnitAt(0); |
| s.contains(s); |
| s.endsWith(s); |
| s.indexOf(s); |
| s.lastIndexOf(s); |
| s.padLeft(1); |
| s.padRight(1); |
| s.replaceAll(s, s); |
| s.replaceAllMapped(s, (_) => s); |
| s.replaceFirst(s, s); |
| s.replaceFirstMapped(s, (_) => s); |
| s.replaceRange(1, 2, s); |
| s.split(s); |
| s.splitMapJoin(s, onMatch: (_) => s, onNonMatch: (_) => s); |
| s.startsWith(s); |
| s.substring(1); |
| s.toLowerCase(); |
| s.toUpperCase(); |
| s.trim(); |
| s.trimLeft(); |
| s.trimRight(); |
| |
| // compareTo relies on the interface target being String.compareTo |
| // except that method does not exist unless we insert too many |
| // forwarding stubs. |
| // |
| // s.compareTo(s); |
| |
| s.toString(); |
| // Pattern methods (allMatches, matchAsPrefix) are not recognized. |
| }'''); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('identical', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { identical(null, null); }', |
| 'dart.core::identical(null, null)'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('throw', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { print(throw null); }', 'throw null'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('rethrow', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { try {} catch (e) { rethrow; } }', 'rethrow'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('function expression', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'main() { () => null; f() {}; f; }', 'Null () => null, f'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('cascades (kernel BlockExpression)', () async { |
| // `null..toString()` evaluates to `null` so it is nullable. |
| await expectNotNull('main() { null..toString(); }', ''); |
| await expectAllNotNull('main() { 1..toString(); }'); |
| }); |
| |
| group('variable', () { |
| test('declaration not-null', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { var x = 42; print(x); }', '42, x'); |
| }); |
| test('declaration null', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { var x = null; print(x); }', ''); |
| }); |
| test('declaration without initializer', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { var x; x = 1; print(x); }', 'x = 1, 1'); |
| }); |
| test('assignment non-null', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'main() { var x = 42; x = 1; print(x); }', '42, x = 1, 1, x'); |
| }); |
| test('assignment null', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('main() { var x = 42; x = null; print(x); }', '42'); |
| }); |
| test('flow insensitive', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = 1; |
| if (true) { |
| print(x); |
| } else { |
| x = null; |
| print(x); |
| } |
| }''', '1, true'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('declaration from variable', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = 1; |
| var y = x; |
| print(y); |
| x = null; |
| }''', '1'); |
| }); |
| test('declaration from variable nested', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = 1; |
| var y = (x = null) == null; |
| print(x); |
| print(y); |
| }''', '1, (x = null) == null, y'); |
| }); |
| test('declaration from variable transitive', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = 1; |
| var y = x; |
| var z = y; |
| print(z); |
| x = null; |
| }''', '1'); |
| }); |
| test('declaration between variable transitive nested', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = 1; |
| var y = 1; |
| var z = y = x; |
| print(z); |
| x = null; |
| }''', '1, 1'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('for not-null', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('''main() { |
| for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| i; |
| } |
| }'''); |
| }); |
| test('for nullable', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| '''main() { |
| for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| if (i >= 10) i = null; |
| } |
| }''', |
| // arithmetic operation results on `i` are themselves not null, even |
| // though `i` is nullable. |
| '0, i.{dart.core::num.<}(10), 10, i = i.{dart.core::num.+}(1), ' |
| 'i.{dart.core::num.+}(1), 1, i.{dart.core::num.>=}(10), 10'); |
| }); |
| test('for-in', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| for (var i in []) { |
| print(i); |
| } |
| }''', '<dynamic>[]'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('inner functions', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var y = 0; |
| f(x) { |
| var g = () => print('g'); |
| g(); |
| print(x); |
| print(y); |
| var z = 1; |
| print(z); |
| } |
| f; |
| f(42); |
| }''', '0, void () => dart.core::print("g"), "g", g, y, 1, z, f, 42'); |
| }); |
| test('assignment to closure variable', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var y = 0; |
| f(x) { |
| y = x; |
| } |
| f; |
| f(42); |
| print(y); |
| }''', '0, f, 42'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('declaration visits initializer', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = () { var y = 1; return y; }; |
| x; |
| }'''); |
| }); |
| test('assignment visits value', () async { |
| await expectAllNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = () => 42; |
| x = () { var y = 1; return y; }; |
| }'''); |
| }); |
| test('assignment visits value with closure variable set', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = () => 42; |
| var y = (() => x = null); |
| }''', 'dart.core::int* () => 42, 42, Null () => x = null'); |
| }); |
| test('do not depend on unrelated variables', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x; |
| var y = identical(x, null); |
| y; // this is still non-null even though `x` is nullable |
| }''', 'dart.core::identical(x, null), y'); |
| }); |
| test('do not depend on unrelated variables updated later', () async { |
| await expectNotNull('''main() { |
| var x = 1; |
| var y = identical(x, 1); |
| x = null; |
| y; // this is still non-null even though `x` is nullable |
| }''', '1, dart.core::identical(x, 1), 1, y'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| group('functions parameters in SDK', () { |
| setUp(() { |
| // Using annotations here to test how the parameter is detected when |
| // compiling functions from the SDK. |
| // A regression test for: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/37700 |
| useAnnotations = true; |
| }); |
| tearDown(() { |
| useAnnotations = false; |
| }); |
| test('optional with default value', () async { |
| await expectNotNull(''' |
| f(x, [y = 1]) { x; y; } |
| ''', '1'); |
| }); |
| test('named with default value', () async { |
| await expectNotNull(''' |
| f(x, {y = 1}) { x; y; } |
| ''', '1'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| group('notNull', () { |
| setUp(() { |
| useAnnotations = true; |
| }); |
| tearDown(() { |
| useAnnotations = false; |
| }); |
| var imports = "import 'package:meta/meta.dart';"; |
| group('(previously known kernel annotation bug)', () { |
| test('variable without initializer', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| '$imports main() { @notNull var x; print(x); }', 'x'); |
| }); |
| test('variable with initializer', () async { |
| // TODO(jmesserly): this does not work in the Analyzer backend. |
| await expectNotNull( |
| '$imports main() { @notNull var x = null; print(x); }', 'x'); |
| }); |
| test('parameters', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| '$imports f(@notNull x, [@notNull y, @notNull z = 42]) ' |
| '{ x; y; z; }', |
| '42, x, y, z'); |
| }); |
| test('named parameters', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| '$imports f({@notNull x, @notNull y: 42}) { x; y; }', '42, x, y'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| test('top-level field', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'library a; $imports @notNull int x; main() { x; }', 'a::x'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('getter', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'library b; $imports @notNull get x => null; main() { x; }', 'b::x'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('function', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'library a; $imports @notNull f() {} main() { f(); }', 'a::f()'); |
| }); |
| |
| test('method', () async { |
| await expectNotNull( |
| 'library b; $imports class C { @notNull m() {} } ' |
| 'main() { var c = new C(); c.m(); }', |
| 'new b::C(), new b::C(), c.{b::C.m}(), c'); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Given the Dart [code], expects the [expectedNotNull] kernel expression list |
| /// to be produced in the set of expressions that cannot be null by DDC's null |
| /// inference. |
| Future expectNotNull(String code, String expectedNotNull) async { |
| code = '// @dart = 2.9\n$code'; |
| var result = await kernelCompile(code); |
| var collector = NotNullCollector(result.librariesFromDill); |
| result.component.accept(collector); |
| var actualNotNull = collector.notNullExpressions |
| // ConstantExpressions print the table offset - we want to compare |
| // against the underlying constant value instead. |
| .map((e) { |
| if (e is ConstantExpression) { |
| var c = e.constant; |
| if (c is DoubleConstant && |
| c.value.isFinite && |
| c.value.truncateToDouble() == c.value) { |
| // Print integer values as integers |
| return BigInt.from(c.value).toString(); |
| } |
| return c.toText(astTextStrategy); |
| } |
| return e.toText(astTextStrategy); |
| }) |
| // Filter out our own NotNull annotations. The library prefix changes |
| // per test, so just filter on the suffix. |
| .where((s) => !s.endsWith('_NotNull{}')) |
| .join(', '); |
| expect(actualNotNull, equals(expectedNotNull)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Given the Dart [code], expects all the expressions inferred to be not-null. |
| Future expectAllNotNull(String code) async { |
| code = '// @dart = 2.9\n$code'; |
| var result = (await kernelCompile(code)); |
| result.component.accept(ExpectAllNotNull(result.librariesFromDill)); |
| } |
| |
| bool useAnnotations = false; |
| NullableInference inference; |
| |
| class _TestRecursiveVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor { |
| final Set<Library> librariesFromDill; |
| int _functionNesting = 0; |
| TypeEnvironment _typeEnvironment; |
| StatefulStaticTypeContext _staticTypeContext; |
| |
| _TestRecursiveVisitor(this.librariesFromDill); |
| |
| @override |
| void visitComponent(Component node) { |
| var coreTypes = CoreTypes(node); |
| var hierarchy = ClassHierarchy(node, coreTypes); |
| var jsTypeRep = JSTypeRep( |
| fe.TypeSchemaEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy), |
| hierarchy, |
| ); |
| _typeEnvironment = jsTypeRep.types; |
| _staticTypeContext = StatefulStaticTypeContext.stacked(_typeEnvironment); |
| inference ??= NullableInference(jsTypeRep, _staticTypeContext); |
| |
| if (useAnnotations) { |
| inference.allowNotNullDeclarations = useAnnotations; |
| inference.allowPackageMetaAnnotations = useAnnotations; |
| } |
| super.visitComponent(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitLibrary(Library node) { |
| _staticTypeContext.enterLibrary(node); |
| if (librariesFromDill.contains(node) || |
| node.importUri.scheme == 'package' && |
| node.importUri.pathSegments[0] == 'meta') { |
| return; |
| } |
| super.visitLibrary(node); |
| _staticTypeContext.leaveLibrary(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitField(Field node) { |
| _staticTypeContext.enterMember(node); |
| super.visitField(node); |
| _staticTypeContext.leaveMember(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitConstructor(Constructor node) { |
| _staticTypeContext.enterMember(node); |
| super.visitConstructor(node); |
| _staticTypeContext.leaveMember(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitProcedure(Procedure node) { |
| _staticTypeContext.enterMember(node); |
| super.visitProcedure(node); |
| _staticTypeContext.leaveMember(node); |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| void visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) { |
| _functionNesting++; |
| if (_functionNesting == 1) { |
| inference.enterFunction(node); |
| } |
| super.visitFunctionNode(node); |
| if (_functionNesting == 1) inference.exitFunction(node); |
| _functionNesting--; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class NotNullCollector extends _TestRecursiveVisitor { |
| final notNullExpressions = <Expression>[]; |
| |
| NotNullCollector(Set<Library> librariesFromDill) : super(librariesFromDill); |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultExpression(Expression node) { |
| if (!inference.isNullable(node)) { |
| notNullExpressions.add(node); |
| } |
| super.defaultExpression(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ExpectAllNotNull extends _TestRecursiveVisitor { |
| ExpectAllNotNull(Set<Library> librariesFromDill) : super(librariesFromDill); |
| |
| @override |
| void defaultExpression(Expression node) { |
| expect(inference.isNullable(node), false, |
| reason: 'expression `$node` should be inferred as not-null'); |
| super.defaultExpression(node); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fe.InitializedCompilerState _compilerState; |
| final _fileSystem = fe.MemoryFileSystem(Uri.file('/memory/')); |
| |
| class CompileResult { |
| final Component component; |
| final Set<Library> librariesFromDill; |
| |
| CompileResult(this.component, this.librariesFromDill); |
| } |
| |
| Future<CompileResult> kernelCompile(String code) async { |
| var succeeded = true; |
| void diagnosticMessageHandler(fe.DiagnosticMessage message) { |
| if (message.severity == fe.Severity.error) { |
| succeeded = false; |
| } |
| fe.printDiagnosticMessage(message, print); |
| } |
| |
| var sdkUri = Uri.file('/memory/dart_sdk.dill'); |
| var sdkFile = _fileSystem.entityForUri(sdkUri); |
| if (!await sdkFile.exists()) { |
| sdkFile.writeAsBytesSync( |
| File(defaultSdkSummaryPath(soundNullSafety: false)).readAsBytesSync()); |
| } |
| var packagesUri = Uri.file('/memory/.packages'); |
| var packagesFile = _fileSystem.entityForUri(packagesUri); |
| if (!await packagesFile.exists()) { |
| packagesFile.writeAsStringSync('meta:/memory/meta/lib'); |
| _fileSystem |
| .entityForUri(Uri.file('/memory/meta/lib/meta.dart')) |
| .writeAsStringSync(''' |
| class _NotNull { const _NotNull(); } |
| const notNull = const _NotNull(); |
| class _NullCheck { const _NullCheck(); } |
| const nullCheck = const _NullCheck(); |
| '''); |
| } |
| |
| var mainUri = Uri.file('/memory/test.dart'); |
| _fileSystem.entityForUri(mainUri).writeAsStringSync(code); |
| var oldCompilerState = _compilerState; |
| _compilerState = fe.initializeCompiler(oldCompilerState, false, null, sdkUri, |
| packagesUri, null, [], DevCompilerTarget(TargetFlags()), |
| fileSystem: _fileSystem, |
| explicitExperimentalFlags: const {}, |
| environmentDefines: const {}, |
| nnbdMode: fe.NnbdMode.Weak); |
| if (!identical(oldCompilerState, _compilerState)) inference = null; |
| var result = |
| await fe.compile(_compilerState, [mainUri], diagnosticMessageHandler); |
| expect(succeeded, true); |
| |
| var librariesFromDill = result.computeLibrariesFromDill(); |
| return CompileResult(result.component, librariesFromDill); |
| } |