| // Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/syntactic_errors.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart'; |
| import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart'; |
| |
| import 'context_collection_resolution.dart'; |
| |
| main() { |
| defineReflectiveSuite(() { |
| defineReflectiveTests(FunctionReferenceResolutionTest); |
| defineReflectiveTests( |
| FunctionReferenceResolutionWithoutConstructorTearoffsTest); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class FunctionReferenceResolutionTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest { |
| test_constructorFunction_named() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A<T> { |
| A.foo() {} |
| } |
| |
| var x = (A.foo)<int>; |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('(A.foo)<int>;'), |
| findElement.constructor('foo'), 'A<int> Function()'); |
| } |
| |
| test_constructorFunction_unnamed() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A<T> { |
| A(); |
| } |
| |
| var x = (A.new)<int>; |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('(A.new)<int>;'), |
| findElement.unnamedConstructor('A'), 'A<int> Function()'); |
| } |
| |
| test_constructorReference() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A<T> { |
| A.foo() {} |
| } |
| |
| var x = A.foo<int>; |
| ''', [ |
| 5), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('A.foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.constructor('foo'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_dynamicTyped() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| dynamic i = 1; |
| |
| void bar() { |
| i<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('i<int>;'), |
| findElement.topGet('i'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_dynamicTyped_targetOfMethodCall() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| dynamic i = 1; |
| |
| void bar() { |
| i<int>.foo(); |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('i<int>.foo();'), |
| findElement.topGet('i'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_explicitReceiver_dynamicTyped() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| dynamic f() => 1; |
| |
| foo() { |
| f().instanceMethod<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| 29, 23), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('f().instanceMethod<int>;'), |
| null, |
| 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_explicitReceiver_unknown() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| bar() { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, 10, 1), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_explicitReceiver_unknown_multipleProperties() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| bar() { |
| a.b.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| // TODO(srawlins): Get the information to [FunctionReferenceResolve] that |
| // [PropertyElementResolver] encountered an error, to avoid double reporting. |
| 10, 12), |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, 10, 1), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extension() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| extension E<T> on String {} |
| |
| void foo() { |
| E<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('E<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.extension_('E'), |
| 'dynamic', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| test_extension_prefixed() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| extension E<T> on String {} |
| '''); |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as a; |
| |
| void foo() { |
| a.E<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix(findNode.simple('a.E'), findElement.prefix('a')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('E<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').extension_('E'), |
| 'dynamic', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionGetter_extensionOverride() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A {} |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| int get foo => 0; |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| E(a).foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.getter('foo'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A {} |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_explicitReceiver_this() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A {} |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| this.foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_extensionOverride() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| int foo = 0; |
| } |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| E(a).foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_extensionOverride_cascade() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| int foo = 0; |
| } |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| E(a)..foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENSION_OVERRIDE_WITH_CASCADE, 85, 1), |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_extensionOverride_static() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A {} |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| E(a).foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_extensionOverride_unknown() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A {} |
| |
| extension E on A {} |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| E(a).foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_EXTENSION_GETTER, 51, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_fromClassDeclaration() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| extension E on A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_extensionMethod_unknown() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| extension on double { |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(HintCode.UNUSED_ELEMENT, 24, 3), |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_METHOD, 36, 3, |
| messageContains: ["for the type 'double'"]), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_function_call() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.call<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo.call<int>;'), null, |
| 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_function_call_tooFewTypeArgs() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T, U>(T a, U b) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.call<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo.call<int>;'), null, |
| 'void Function(dynamic, dynamic)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_function_call_tooManyTypeArgs() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo(String a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.call<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo.call<int>;'), null, |
| 'void Function(String)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_function_call_typeArgNotMatchingBound() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T extends num>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.call<String>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo.call<String>;'), |
| null, 'void Function(String)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_function_extensionOnFunction() async { |
| // TODO(srawlins): Test extension on function type, like |
| // `extension on void Function<T>(T)`. |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.m<int>; |
| } |
| |
| extension on Function { |
| void m<T>(T t) {} |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo.m<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('m'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_function_extensionOnFunction_static() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.m<int>; |
| } |
| |
| extension on Function { |
| static void m<T>(T t) {} |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| CompileTimeErrorCode |
| 40, |
| 1), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo.m<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('m'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitCallTearoff() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class C { |
| T call<T>(T t) => t; |
| } |
| |
| foo() { |
| C()<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImplicitCallReference(findNode.implicitCallReference('C()<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('call'), 'int Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitCallTearoff_extensionOnNullable() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| Object? v = null; |
| extension E on Object? { |
| void call<R, S>(R r, S s) {} |
| } |
| void foo() { |
| v<int, String>; |
| } |
| |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImplicitCallReference( |
| findNode.implicitCallReference('v<int, String>;'), |
| findElement.method('call'), |
| 'void Function(int, String)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitCallTearoff_prefixed() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| class C { |
| T call<T>(T t) => t; |
| } |
| C c = C(); |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.c<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| assertImplicitCallReference( |
| findNode.implicitCallReference('c<int>;'), |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').method('call'), |
| 'int Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitCallTearoff_tooFewTypeArguments() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class C { |
| void call<T, U>(T t, U u) {} |
| } |
| |
| foo() { |
| C()<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertImplicitCallReference(findNode.implicitCallReference('C()<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('call'), 'void Function(dynamic, dynamic)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_implicitCallTearoff_tooManyTypeArguments() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class C { |
| int call(int t) => t; |
| } |
| |
| foo() { |
| C()<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertImplicitCallReference(findNode.implicitCallReference('C()<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('call'), 'int Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceGetter_explicitReceiver() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| late void Function<T>(T) foo; |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.getter('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceGetter_functionTyped() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| abstract class A { |
| late void Function<T>(T) foo; |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.getter('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceGetter_functionTyped_inherited() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| abstract class A { |
| late void Function<T>(T) foo; |
| } |
| abstract class B extends A { |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.getter('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_call() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class C { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo.call<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo.call<int>;'); |
| // TODO(srawlins): PropertyElementResolver does not return an element for |
| // `.call`. If we want `findElement.method('foo')` here, we must change the |
| // policy over there. |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, null, 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_call() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class C { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| void bar(C c) { |
| c.foo.call<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo.call<int>;'); |
| // TODO(srawlins): PropertyElementResolver does not return an element for |
| // `.call`. If we want `findElement.method('foo')` here, we must change the |
| // policy over there. |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, null, 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_field() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| class B { |
| A a; |
| B(this.a); |
| bar() { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_otherExpression() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| void f(A? a, A b) { |
| (a ?? b).foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('(a ?? b).foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_receiverIsNotIdentifier_call() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| extension on List<Object?> { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| var a = [].foo.call<int>; |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo.call<int>;'); |
| // TODO(srawlins): PropertyElementResolver does not return an element for |
| // `.call`. If we want `findElement.method('foo')` here, we must change the |
| // policy over there. |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, null, 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_super() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| class B extends A { |
| bar() { |
| super.foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_super_noMethod() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| bar() { |
| super.foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_SUPER_GETTER, 30, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_super_noSuper() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| bar() { |
| super.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT, 10, 5), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_targetOfFunctionCall() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| extension on Function { |
| void m() {} |
| } |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| a.foo<int>.m(); |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_this() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| this.foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_topLevelVariable() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| var a = A(); |
| |
| void bar() { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertIdentifierTopGetRef(findNode.simple('a.'), 'a'); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_topLevelVariable_prefix() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| var a = A(); |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').method('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_topLevelVariable_prefix_unknown() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| class A {} |
| var a = A(); |
| '''); |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER, 47, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_typeParameter() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| bar<T>() { |
| T.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER, 15, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_variable() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_explicitReceiver_variable_cascade() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar(A a) { |
| a..foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_inherited() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| class B extends A { |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_targetOfFunctionCall() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| extension on Function { |
| void m() {} |
| } |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>.m(); |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_instanceMethod_unknown() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_METHOD, 24, 3, |
| messageContains: ["for the type 'A'"]), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localFunction() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar() { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.localFunction('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localVariable() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar(void Function<T>(T a) foo) { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.parameter('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localVariable_call() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| var fn = foo; |
| fn.call<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('fn.call<int>;'); |
| // TODO(srawlins): PropertyElementResolver does not return an element for |
| // `.call`. If we want `findElement.method('foo')` here, we must change the |
| // policy over there. |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, null, 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localVariable_call_tooManyTypeArgs() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| void Function(int) fn = foo; |
| fn.call<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('fn.call<int>;'); |
| // TODO(srawlins): PropertyElementResolver does not return an element for |
| // `.call`. If we want `findElement.method('fn')` here, we must change the |
| // policy over there. |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, null, 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localVariable_typeVariable_boundToFunction() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar<T extends Function>(T foo) { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, findElement.parameter('foo'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localVariable_typeVariable_functionTyped() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar<T extends void Function<U>(U)>(T foo) { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.parameter('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_localVariable_typeVariable_nonFunction() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar<T>(T foo) { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, findElement.parameter('foo'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_neverTyped() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| external Never get i; |
| |
| void bar() { |
| i<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('i<int>;'), |
| findElement.topGet('i'), 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_nonGenericFunction() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo() {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function()'); |
| } |
| |
| test_otherExpression() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void f(void Function<T>(T a) foo, void Function<T>(T a) bar) { |
| (1 == 2 ? foo : bar)<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('(1 == 2 ? foo : bar)<int>;'); |
| assertType(reference, 'void Function(int)'); |
| // A ParenthesizedExpression has no element to assert on. |
| } |
| |
| test_otherExpression_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void f(void Function<T>(T a) foo, void Function<T>(T a) bar) { |
| (1 == 2 ? foo : bar)<int, String>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| CompileTimeErrorCode |
| 85, |
| 13), |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = |
| findNode.functionReference('(1 == 2 ? foo : bar)<int, String>;'); |
| assertType(reference, 'void Function(dynamic)'); |
| // A ParenthesizedExpression has no element to assert on. |
| } |
| |
| test_receiverIsDynamic() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| bar(dynamic a) { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| 19, 5), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('a.foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_staticMethod() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_staticMethod_explicitReceiver() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| |
| bar() { |
| A.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertClassRef(findNode.simple('A.'), findElement.class_('A')); |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_staticMethod_explicitReceiver_importPrefix() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| class A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as a; |
| |
| bar() { |
| a.A.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix(findNode.simple('a.A'), findElement.prefix('a')); |
| assertClassRef(findNode.simple('A.'), |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').class_('A')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').method('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_staticMethod_explicitReceiver_prefix_typeAlias() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| class A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| typedef TA = A; |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.TA.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').method('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_staticMethod_explicitReceiver_typeAlias() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| typedef TA = A; |
| |
| bar() { |
| TA.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertTypeAliasRef(findNode.simple('TA.'), findElement.typeAlias('TA')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_staticMethod_explicitReciver_prefix() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| class A { |
| static void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| } |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.A.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').method('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_tooFewTypeArguments() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T, U>(T a, U b) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference(reference, findElement.method('foo'), |
| 'void Function(dynamic, dynamic)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_tooManyTypeArguments() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A { |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| bar() { |
| foo<int, int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error( |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int, int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.method('foo'), 'void Function(dynamic)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelFunction() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.topFunction('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelFunction_importPrefix() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| void foo<T>(T arg) {} |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as a; |
| |
| void bar() { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix(findNode.simple('a.f'), findElement.prefix('a')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').topFunction('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelFunction_importPrefix_asTargetOfFunctionCall() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| void foo<T>(T arg) {} |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as a; |
| |
| extension on Function { |
| void m() {} |
| } |
| void bar() { |
| a.foo<int>.m(); |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix(findNode.simple('a.f'), findElement.prefix('a')); |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').topFunction('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)', |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelFunction_prefix_unknownPrefix() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| bar() { |
| prefix.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, 10, 6), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelFunction_targetOfCall() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T a) {} |
| |
| void bar() { |
| foo<int>.call; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>.call;'), |
| findElement.topFunction('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| assertSimpleIdentifier(findNode.simple('call;'), |
| element: null, type: 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelFunction_targetOfFunctionCall() async { |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| void foo<T>(T arg) {} |
| |
| extension on Function { |
| void m() {} |
| } |
| void bar() { |
| foo<int>.m(); |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference(findNode.functionReference('foo<int>'), |
| findElement.topFunction('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelVariable_prefix() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''' |
| void Function<T>(T) foo = <T>(T arg) {} |
| '''); |
| await assertNoErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.foo<int>; |
| } |
| '''); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), |
| findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart').topGet('foo'), |
| 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| |
| test_topLevelVariable_prefix_unknownIdentifier() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''); |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as prefix; |
| |
| bar() { |
| prefix.a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| 38, 17), |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_PREFIXED_NAME, 45, 1), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertImportPrefix( |
| findNode.simple('prefix.'), findElement.prefix('prefix')); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_typeAlias_function_unknownProperty() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| typedef Cb = void Function(); |
| |
| var a = Cb.foo<int>; |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER, 42, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_typeAlias_typeVariable_unknownProperty() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| typedef T<E> = E; |
| |
| var a = T.foo<int>; |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER, 29, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_unknownIdentifier() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar() { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER, 15, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_unknownIdentifier_explicitReceiver() async { |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| class A {} |
| |
| class B { |
| bar(A a) { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER, 41, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| |
| test_unknownIdentifier_importPrefix() async { |
| newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: ''); |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| import 'a.dart' as a; |
| |
| void bar() { |
| a.foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_PREFIXED_NAME, 40, 3), |
| ]); |
| |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'), null, 'dynamic'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @reflectiveTest |
| class FunctionReferenceResolutionWithoutConstructorTearoffsTest |
| extends PubPackageResolutionTest with WithoutConstructorTearoffsMixin { |
| test_localVariable() async { |
| // This code includes a disallowed type instantiation (local variable), |
| // but in the case that the experiment is not enabled, we suppress the |
| // associated error. |
| await assertErrorsInCode(''' |
| void bar(void Function<T>(T a) foo) { |
| foo<int>; |
| } |
| ''', [ |
| error(ParserErrorCode.EXPERIMENT_NOT_ENABLED, 43, 5), |
| ]); |
| |
| var reference = findNode.functionReference('foo<int>;'); |
| assertFunctionReference( |
| reference, findElement.parameter('foo'), 'void Function(int)'); |
| } |
| } |