blob: dd01b09af4a7dde6ceab22929d92136a08ca84b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/bitmap.h"
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
#include "vm/constants.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
namespace dart {
class BaseTextBuffer;
class ConstantInstr;
class Definition;
class PairLocation;
class Value;
// All unboxed integer representations.
// Format: (representation name, is unsigned, value type)
M(UnboxedUint8, true, uint8_t) \
M(UnboxedUint16, true, uint16_t) \
M(UnboxedInt32, false, int32_t) \
M(UnboxedUint32, true, uint32_t) \
M(UnboxedInt64, false, int64_t)
// All unboxed representations.
// Format: (representation name, is unsigned, value type)
M(UnboxedDouble, false, double_t) \
M(UnboxedFloat, false, float_t) \
M(UnboxedFloat32x4, false, simd128_value_t) \
M(UnboxedInt32x4, false, simd128_value_t) \
M(UnboxedFloat64x2, false, simd128_value_t)
// All representations that represent a single boxed or unboxed value.
// (Note that packed SIMD values are considered a single value here.)
// Format: (representation name, is unsigned, value type)
M(Tagged, false, compiler::target::word) \
M(Untagged, false, compiler::target::word) \
// All representations, including sentinel and multi-value representations.
// Format: (representation name, _, _) (only the name is guaranteed to exist)
// Ordered so that NoRepresentation is first (and thus 0 in the enum).
M(NoRepresentation, _, _) \
M(PairOfTagged, _, _)
enum Representation {
#define DECLARE_REPRESENTATION(name, __, ___) k##name,
struct RepresentationUtils : AllStatic {
// Whether the representation is for a type of unboxed integer.
static bool IsUnboxedInteger(Representation rep);
// Whether the representation is for a type of unboxed value.
static bool IsUnboxed(Representation rep);
// The size of values described by this representation.
static size_t ValueSize(Representation rep);
// Whether the values described by this representation are unsigned integers.
static bool IsUnsigned(Representation rep);
static compiler::OperandSize OperandSize(Representation rep);
// The representation for word-sized unboxed fields.
static constexpr Representation kUnboxedWord =
compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kUnboxedInt32 : kUnboxedInt64;
// The representation for unsigned word-sized unboxed fields.
// Note: kUnboxedUword is identical to kUnboxedWord until range analysis can
// handle unsigned 64-bit ranges. This means that range analysis will give
// signed results for unboxed uword field values.
static constexpr Representation kUnboxedUword = kUnboxedWord;
// 'UnboxedFfiIntPtr' should be able to hold a pointer of the target word-size.
// On a 32-bit platform, it's an unsigned 32-bit int because it should be
// zero-extended to 64-bits, not sign-extended (pointers are inherently
// unsigned).
// Issue(36370): Use [kUnboxedIntPtr] instead.
static constexpr Representation kUnboxedFfiIntPtr =
compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kUnboxedUint32 : kUnboxedInt64;
// The representation which can be used for native pointers. We use signed 32/64
// bit representation to be able to do arithmetic on pointers.
static constexpr Representation kUnboxedIntPtr = kUnboxedWord;
// Location objects are used to connect register allocator and code generator.
// Instruction templates used by code generator have a corresponding
// LocationSummary object which specifies expected location for every input
// and output.
// Each location is encoded as a single word: for non-constant locations
// low 4 bits denote location kind, rest is kind specific location payload
// e.g. for REGISTER kind payload is register code (value of the Register
// enumeration), constant locations contain a tagged (low 2 bits are set to 01)
// Object handle.
// Locations must satisfy the following invariant: if two locations' encodings
// are bitwise unequal then these two locations are guaranteed to be disjoint.
// Properties like representation belong to the value that is stored in
// the location not to the location itself.
class Location : public ValueObject {
enum {
// Number of bits required to encode Kind value.
kKindBitsPos = 0,
kKindBitsSize = 5,
kPayloadBitsPos = kKindBitsPos + kKindBitsSize,
kPayloadBitsSize = kBitsPerWord - kPayloadBitsPos,
static const uword kInvalidLocation = 0;
static const uword kLocationTagMask = 0x3;
static bool ParseRepresentation(const char* str, Representation* out);
static const char* RepresentationToCString(Representation repr);
// Constant payload can overlap with kind field so Kind values
// have to be chosen in a way that their last 2 bits are never
// the same as kConstantTag or kPairLocationTag.
// Note that two locations with different kinds should never point to
// the same place. For example kQuadStackSlot location should never intersect
// with kDoubleStackSlot location.
enum Kind : intptr_t {
// This location is invalid. Payload must be zero.
kInvalid = 0,
// Constant value. This location contains a tagged Object handle.
kConstantTag = 1,
// This location contains a tagged pointer to a PairLocation.
kPairLocationTag = 2,
// Unallocated location represents a location that is not fixed and can be
// allocated by a register allocator. Each unallocated location has
// a policy that specifies what kind of location is suitable. Payload
// contains register allocation policy.
kUnallocated = 1 << 2,
// Spill slots allocated by the register allocator. Payload contains
// a spill index.
kStackSlot = 2 << 2, // Word size slot.
kDoubleStackSlot = 3 << 2, // 64bit stack slot.
kQuadStackSlot = 4 << 2, // 128bit stack slot.
// Register location represents a fixed register. Payload contains
// register code.
kRegister = 5 << 2,
// FpuRegister location represents a fixed fpu register. Payload contains
// its code.
kFpuRegister = 6 << 2,
Location() : value_(kInvalidLocation) {
// Verify that non-tagged location kinds do not interfere with location tags
// (kConstantTag and kPairLocationTag).
COMPILE_ASSERT((kInvalid & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kInvalid & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kUnallocated & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kUnallocated & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kDoubleStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kDoubleStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kQuadStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kQuadStackSlot & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kFpuRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kFpuRegister & kLocationTagMask) != kPairLocationTag);
// Verify tags and tagmask.
COMPILE_ASSERT((kConstantTag & kLocationTagMask) == kConstantTag);
COMPILE_ASSERT((kPairLocationTag & kLocationTagMask) == kPairLocationTag);
Location(const Location& other) : ValueObject(), value_(other.value_) {}
Location& operator=(const Location& other) {
value_ = other.value_;
return *this;
bool IsInvalid() const { return value_ == kInvalidLocation; }
// Constants.
bool IsConstant() const { return (value_ & kConstantTag) == kConstantTag; }
static Location Constant(const ConstantInstr* obj, int pair_index = 0) {
ASSERT((pair_index == 0) || (pair_index == 1));
Location loc(reinterpret_cast<uword>(obj) |
(pair_index != 0 ? static_cast<uword>(kPairLocationTag) : 0) |
ASSERT(obj == loc.constant_instruction());
ASSERT(loc.pair_index() == pair_index);
return loc;
intptr_t pair_index() const {
return (value_ & kPairLocationTag) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
ConstantInstr* constant_instruction() const {
return reinterpret_cast<ConstantInstr*>(value_ & ~kLocationTagMask);
const Object& constant() const;
bool IsPairLocation() const {
return (value_ & kLocationTagMask) == kPairLocationTag;
static Location Pair(Location first, Location second);
PairLocation* AsPairLocation() const;
// For pair locations, returns the ith component (for i in {0, 1}).
Location Component(intptr_t i) const;
// Unallocated locations.
enum Policy {
bool IsUnallocated() const { return kind() == kUnallocated; }
bool IsRegisterBeneficial() { return !Equals(Any()); }
static Location UnallocatedLocation(Policy policy) {
return Location(kUnallocated, PolicyField::encode(policy));
// Any free register is suitable to replace this unallocated location.
static Location Any() { return UnallocatedLocation(kAny); }
static Location PrefersRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kPrefersRegister);
static Location RequiresRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kRequiresRegister);
static Location RequiresFpuRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kRequiresFpuRegister);
static Location RequiresStackSlot() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kRequiresStackSlot);
static Location WritableRegister() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kWritableRegister);
// The location of the first input to the instruction will be
// used to replace this unallocated location.
static Location SameAsFirstInput() {
return UnallocatedLocation(kSameAsFirstInput);
// Empty location. Used if there the location should be ignored.
static Location NoLocation() { return Location(); }
Policy policy() const {
return PolicyField::decode(payload());
// Register locations.
static Location RegisterLocation(Register reg) {
return Location(kRegister, reg);
bool IsRegister() const { return kind() == kRegister; }
Register reg() const {
return static_cast<Register>(payload());
// FpuRegister locations.
static Location FpuRegisterLocation(FpuRegister reg) {
return Location(kFpuRegister, reg);
bool IsFpuRegister() const { return kind() == kFpuRegister; }
FpuRegister fpu_reg() const {
return static_cast<FpuRegister>(payload());
static bool IsMachineRegisterKind(Kind kind) {
return (kind == kRegister) || (kind == kFpuRegister);
static Location MachineRegisterLocation(Kind kind, intptr_t reg) {
if (kind == kRegister) {
return RegisterLocation(static_cast<Register>(reg));
} else {
ASSERT(kind == kFpuRegister);
return FpuRegisterLocation(static_cast<FpuRegister>(reg));
bool IsMachineRegister() const { return IsMachineRegisterKind(kind()); }
intptr_t register_code() const {
return static_cast<intptr_t>(payload());
static uword EncodeStackIndex(intptr_t stack_index) {
ASSERT((-kStackIndexBias <= stack_index) &&
(stack_index < kStackIndexBias));
return static_cast<uword>(kStackIndexBias + stack_index);
static Location StackSlot(intptr_t stack_index, Register base) {
uword payload = StackSlotBaseField::encode(base) |
Location loc(kStackSlot, payload);
// Ensure that sign is preserved.
ASSERT(loc.stack_index() == stack_index);
return loc;
bool IsStackSlot() const { return kind() == kStackSlot; }
static Location DoubleStackSlot(intptr_t stack_index, Register base) {
uword payload = StackSlotBaseField::encode(base) |
Location loc(kDoubleStackSlot, payload);
// Ensure that sign is preserved.
ASSERT(loc.stack_index() == stack_index);
return loc;
bool IsDoubleStackSlot() const { return kind() == kDoubleStackSlot; }
static Location QuadStackSlot(intptr_t stack_index, Register base) {
uword payload = StackSlotBaseField::encode(base) |
Location loc(kQuadStackSlot, payload);
// Ensure that sign is preserved.
ASSERT(loc.stack_index() == stack_index);
return loc;
bool IsQuadStackSlot() const { return kind() == kQuadStackSlot; }
Register base_reg() const {
return StackSlotBaseField::decode(payload());
intptr_t stack_index() const {
// Decode stack index manually to preserve sign.
return StackIndexField::decode(payload()) - kStackIndexBias;
bool HasStackIndex() const {
return IsStackSlot() || IsDoubleStackSlot() || IsQuadStackSlot();
// Returns the offset from the frame pointer for stack slot locations.
intptr_t ToStackSlotOffset() const;
const char* Name() const;
void PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f) const;
void Print() const;
const char* ToCString() const;
// Compare two locations.
bool Equals(Location other) const { return value_ == other.value_; }
// If current location is constant might return something that
// is not equal to any Kind.
Kind kind() const { return KindField::decode(value_); }
Location Copy() const;
static Location read(uword value) { return Location(value); }
uword write() const { return value_; }
explicit Location(uword value) : value_(value) {}
void set_stack_index(intptr_t index) {
value_ = PayloadField::update(
StackIndexField::update(EncodeStackIndex(index), payload()), value_);
void set_base_reg(Register reg) {
value_ = PayloadField::update(StackSlotBaseField::update(reg, payload()),
Location(Kind kind, uword payload)
: value_(KindField::encode(kind) | PayloadField::encode(payload)) {}
uword payload() const { return PayloadField::decode(value_); }
class KindField : public BitField<uword, Kind, kKindBitsPos, kKindBitsSize> {
class PayloadField
: public BitField<uword, uword, kPayloadBitsPos, kPayloadBitsSize> {};
// Layout for kUnallocated locations payload.
typedef BitField<uword, Policy, 0, 3> PolicyField;
// Layout for stack slots.
#if defined(ARCH_IS_64_BIT)
static const intptr_t kBitsForBaseReg = 6;
static const intptr_t kBitsForBaseReg = 5;
static const intptr_t kBitsForStackIndex = kPayloadBitsSize - kBitsForBaseReg;
class StackSlotBaseField
: public BitField<uword, Register, 0, kBitsForBaseReg> {};
class StackIndexField
: public BitField<uword, intptr_t, kBitsForBaseReg, kBitsForStackIndex> {
COMPILE_ASSERT(1 << kBitsForBaseReg >= kNumberOfCpuRegisters);
static const intptr_t kStackIndexBias = static_cast<intptr_t>(1)
<< (kBitsForStackIndex - 1);
// Location either contains kind and payload fields or a tagged handle for
// a constant locations. Values of enumeration Kind are selected in such a
// way that none of them can be interpreted as a kConstant tag.
uword value_;
Location LocationArgumentsDescriptorLocation();
Location LocationExceptionLocation();
Location LocationStackTraceLocation();
// Constants.
Location LocationRegisterOrConstant(Value* value);
Location LocationRegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value);
Location LocationWritableRegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value);
Location LocationFixedRegisterOrConstant(Value* value, Register reg);
Location LocationFixedRegisterOrSmiConstant(Value* value, Register reg);
Location LocationAnyOrConstant(Value* value);
Location LocationRemapForSlowPath(Location loc,
Definition* def,
intptr_t* cpu_reg_slots,
intptr_t* fpu_reg_slots);
// Return a memory operand for stack slot locations.
compiler::Address LocationToStackSlotAddress(Location loc);
class PairLocation : public ZoneAllocated {
PairLocation() {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kPairLength; i++) {
intptr_t length() const { return kPairLength; }
Location At(intptr_t i) const {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPairLength);
return locations_[i];
void SetAt(intptr_t i, Location loc) {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPairLength);
locations_[i] = loc;
Location* SlotAt(intptr_t i) {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < kPairLength);
return &locations_[i];
static const intptr_t kPairLength = 2;
Location locations_[kPairLength];
template <typename T>
class SmallSet {
SmallSet() : data_(0) {}
explicit SmallSet(intptr_t data) : data_(data) {}
bool Contains(T value) const { return (data_ & ToMask(value)) != 0; }
void Add(T value) { data_ |= ToMask(value); }
void Remove(T value) { data_ &= ~ToMask(value); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return data_ == 0; }
void Clear() { data_ = 0; }
intptr_t data() const { return data_; }
static intptr_t ToMask(T value) {
ASSERT(static_cast<intptr_t>(value) < (kWordSize * kBitsPerByte));
return 1 << static_cast<intptr_t>(value);
intptr_t data_;
class RegisterSet : public ValueObject {
: cpu_registers_(), untagged_cpu_registers_(), fpu_registers_() {
ASSERT(kNumberOfCpuRegisters <= (kWordSize * kBitsPerByte));
ASSERT(kNumberOfFpuRegisters <= (kWordSize * kBitsPerByte));
explicit RegisterSet(intptr_t cpu_register_mask,
intptr_t fpu_register_mask = 0)
: RegisterSet() {
AddTaggedRegisters(cpu_register_mask, fpu_register_mask);
void AddAllNonReservedRegisters(bool include_fpu_registers) {
for (intptr_t i = kNumberOfCpuRegisters - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ((kReservedCpuRegisters & (1 << i)) != 0u) continue;
if (include_fpu_registers) {
for (intptr_t i = kNumberOfFpuRegisters - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// Adds all registers which don't have a special purpose (e.g. FP, SP, PC,
// CSP, etc.).
void AddAllGeneralRegisters() {
for (intptr_t i = kNumberOfCpuRegisters - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
Register reg = static_cast<Register>(i);
if (reg == FPREG || reg == SPREG) continue;
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
if (reg == PC) continue;
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
if (reg == R31) continue;
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
if (TargetCPUFeatures::vfp_supported()) {
for (intptr_t i = kNumberOfFpuRegisters - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
void AddAllArgumentRegisters() {
// All (native) arguments are passed on the stack in IA32.
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfCpuRegisters; ++i) {
const Register reg = static_cast<Register>(i);
if (IsArgumentRegister(reg)) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfFpuRegisters; ++i) {
const FpuRegister reg = static_cast<FpuRegister>(i);
if (IsFpuArgumentRegister(reg)) {
void AddTaggedRegisters(intptr_t cpu_register_mask,
intptr_t fpu_register_mask) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfCpuRegisters; ++i) {
if (Utils::TestBit(cpu_register_mask, i)) {
const Register reg = static_cast<Register>(i);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumberOfFpuRegisters; ++i) {
if (Utils::TestBit(fpu_register_mask, i)) {
const FpuRegister reg = static_cast<FpuRegister>(i);
void Add(Location loc, Representation rep = kTagged) {
if (loc.IsRegister()) {
if (rep != kTagged) {
// CPU register contains an untagged value.
} else if (loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
void Remove(Location loc) {
if (loc.IsRegister()) {
} else if (loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
bool Contains(Location loc) {
if (loc.IsRegister()) {
return ContainsRegister(loc.reg());
} else if (loc.IsFpuRegister()) {
return ContainsFpuRegister(loc.fpu_reg());
} else {
return false;
void DebugPrint();
void MarkUntagged(Location loc) {
bool HasUntaggedValues() const {
return !untagged_cpu_registers_.IsEmpty() || !fpu_registers_.IsEmpty();
bool IsTagged(Register reg) const {
return !untagged_cpu_registers_.Contains(reg);
bool ContainsRegister(Register reg) const {
return cpu_registers_.Contains(reg);
bool ContainsFpuRegister(FpuRegister fpu_reg) const {
return fpu_registers_.Contains(fpu_reg);
intptr_t CpuRegisterCount() const { return RegisterCount(cpu_registers()); }
intptr_t FpuRegisterCount() const { return RegisterCount(fpu_registers()); }
static intptr_t RegisterCount(intptr_t registers);
static bool Contains(intptr_t register_set, intptr_t reg) {
return (register_set & (1 << reg)) != 0;
intptr_t cpu_registers() const { return; }
intptr_t fpu_registers() const { return; }
void Clear() {
SmallSet<Register> cpu_registers_;
SmallSet<Register> untagged_cpu_registers_;
SmallSet<FpuRegister> fpu_registers_;
// Specification of locations for inputs and output.
class LocationSummary : public ZoneAllocated {
enum ContainsCall {
kNoCall, // Used registers must be reserved as tmp.
kCall, // Registers have been saved and can be used without reservation.
kCallCalleeSafe, // Registers will be saved by the callee.
kCallOnSlowPath, // Used registers must be reserved as tmp.
kCallOnSharedSlowPath // Registers used to invoke shared stub must be
// reserved as tmp.
LocationSummary(Zone* zone,
intptr_t input_count,
intptr_t temp_count,
LocationSummary::ContainsCall contains_call);
intptr_t input_count() const { return num_inputs_; }
Location in(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_inputs_);
return input_locations_[index];
Location* in_slot(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_inputs_);
return &input_locations_[index];
void set_in(intptr_t index, Location loc);
intptr_t temp_count() const { return num_temps_; }
Location temp(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_temps_);
return temp_locations_[index];
Location* temp_slot(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_temps_);
return &temp_locations_[index];
void set_temp(intptr_t index, Location loc) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < num_temps_);
ASSERT(!always_calls() || loc.IsMachineRegister());
temp_locations_[index] = loc;
intptr_t output_count() const { return 1; }
Location out(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index == 0);
return output_location_;
Location* out_slot(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index == 0);
return &output_location_;
void set_out(intptr_t index, Location loc);
const BitmapBuilder& stack_bitmap() { return EnsureStackBitmap(); }
void SetStackBit(intptr_t index) { EnsureStackBitmap().Set(index, true); }
bool always_calls() const {
return contains_call_ == kCall || contains_call_ == kCallCalleeSafe;
bool callee_safe_call() const { return contains_call_ == kCallCalleeSafe; }
bool can_call() { return contains_call_ != kNoCall; }
bool HasCallOnSlowPath() { return can_call() && !always_calls(); }
bool call_on_shared_slow_path() const {
return contains_call_ == kCallOnSharedSlowPath;
void PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f) const;
static LocationSummary* Make(Zone* zone,
intptr_t input_count,
Location out,
ContainsCall contains_call);
RegisterSet* live_registers() { return &live_registers_; }
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Debug only verification that ensures that writable registers are correctly
// preserved on the slow path.
void DiscoverWritableInputs();
void CheckWritableInputs();
BitmapBuilder& EnsureStackBitmap() {
if (stack_bitmap_ == NULL) {
stack_bitmap_ = new BitmapBuilder();
return *stack_bitmap_;
const intptr_t num_inputs_;
Location* input_locations_;
const intptr_t num_temps_;
Location* temp_locations_;
Location output_location_;
BitmapBuilder* stack_bitmap_;
const ContainsCall contains_call_;
RegisterSet live_registers_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
intptr_t writable_inputs_;
} // namespace dart