blob: 7db24e6b85d6368138cd6c4355ce14fe8dd0d534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#error "AOT runtime should not use compiler sources (including header files)"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
namespace dart {
class BufferFormatter;
namespace compiler {
namespace ffi {
class NativeRegistersLocation;
class NativeFpuRegistersLocation;
class NativeStackLocation;
// NativeLocation objects are used in the FFI to describe argument and return
// value locations in all native ABIs that the FFI supports.
// NativeLocations contain two NativeTypes.
// * The payload type.
// * The container type, equal to or larger than the payload. If the
// container is larger than the payload, the upper bits are defined by sign
// or zero extension.
// NativeLocations can express things that dart::Locations cannot express:
// * Multiple consecutive registers.
// * Multiple sizes of FPU registers (e.g. S, D, and Q on Arm32).
// * Arbitrary byte-size stack locations, at byte-size offsets.
// (The Location class uses word-size offsets.)
// * Pointers including a backing location on the stack.
// * No location.
// * Split between multiple registers and stack.
// NativeLocations cannot express the following dart::Locations:
// * No PairLocations. Instead, NativeRegistersLocations can have multiple
// registers, and NativeStackLocations can have arbitrary types.
// * No ConstantLocations.
// NativeLocation does not satisfy the invariant of Location: bitwise
// inequality cannot be used to determine disjointness.
class NativeLocation : public ZoneAllocated {
static bool LocationCanBeExpressed(Location loc, Representation rep);
static NativeLocation& FromLocation(Location loc,
Representation rep,
Zone* zone);
static NativeLocation& FromPairLocation(Location loc,
Representation rep,
intptr_t index,
Zone* zone);
// The type of the data at this location.
const NativeType& payload_type() const { return payload_type_; }
// The location container size, possibly larger than data.
// If the container is larger than the data, the remaining bits are _not_
// undefined. For example a uint8 inside a uint32 has the upper 24 bits set
// to 0. Effectively allowing the value to be read as uint8, uint16 and
// uint32.
const NativeType& container_type() const { return container_type_; }
virtual NativeLocation& WithOtherNativeType(
const NativeType& new_payload_type,
const NativeType& new_container_type,
Zone* zone) const = 0;
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
const NativeLocation& WidenToQFpuRegister(Zone* zone) const;
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
NativeLocation& WidenTo4Bytes(Zone* zone) const;
virtual bool IsRegisters() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsFpuRegisters() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsStack() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsExpressibleAsLocation() const { return false; }
virtual Location AsLocation() const {
virtual void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
const char* ToCString() const;
const NativeRegistersLocation& AsRegisters() const;
const NativeFpuRegistersLocation& AsFpuRegisters() const;
const NativeStackLocation& AsStack() const;
virtual NativeLocation& Split(intptr_t index, Zone* zone) const {
ASSERT(index == 0 || index == 1);
// Equality of location, ignores the payload and container native types.
virtual bool Equals(const NativeLocation& other) const { UNREACHABLE(); }
virtual ~NativeLocation() {}
NativeLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type)
: payload_type_(payload_type), container_type_(container_type) {}
const NativeType& payload_type_;
// The location container size, possibly larger than data.
// If the container is larger than the data, the remaining bits are _not_
// undefined. For example a uint8 inside a uint32 has the upper 24 bits set
// to 0. Effectively allowing the value to be read as uint8, uint16 and
// uint32.
const NativeType& container_type_;
class NativeRegistersLocation : public NativeLocation {
NativeRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
ZoneGrowableArray<Register>* registers)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type), regs_(registers) {}
NativeRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
Register reg)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type) {
regs_ = new ZoneGrowableArray<Register>();
NativeRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
Register register1,
Register register2)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type) {
regs_ = new ZoneGrowableArray<Register>();
virtual ~NativeRegistersLocation() {}
virtual NativeRegistersLocation& WithOtherNativeType(
const NativeType& new_payload_type,
const NativeType& new_container_type,
Zone* zone) const {
return *new (zone)
NativeRegistersLocation(new_payload_type, new_container_type, regs_);
virtual bool IsRegisters() const { return true; }
virtual bool IsExpressibleAsLocation() const {
return num_regs() == 1 || num_regs() == 2;
virtual Location AsLocation() const;
intptr_t num_regs() const { return regs_->length(); }
Register reg_at(intptr_t index) const { return regs_->At(index); }
virtual NativeRegistersLocation& Split(intptr_t index, Zone* zone) const;
virtual void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
virtual bool Equals(const NativeLocation& other) const;
ZoneGrowableArray<Register>* regs_;
enum FpuRegisterKind {
kQuadFpuReg, // 16 bytes
kDoubleFpuReg, // 8 bytes, a double
kSingleFpuReg // 4 bytes, a float
intptr_t SizeFromFpuRegisterKind(FpuRegisterKind kind);
FpuRegisterKind FpuRegisterKindFromSize(intptr_t size_in_bytes);
class NativeFpuRegistersLocation : public NativeLocation {
NativeFpuRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
FpuRegisterKind fpu_reg_kind,
intptr_t fpu_register)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type),
fpu_reg_(fpu_register) {}
NativeFpuRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
FpuRegister fpu_register)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type),
fpu_reg_(fpu_register) {}
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
NativeFpuRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
DRegister fpu_register)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type),
fpu_reg_(fpu_register) {}
NativeFpuRegistersLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
SRegister fpu_register)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type),
fpu_reg_(fpu_register) {}
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
virtual ~NativeFpuRegistersLocation() {}
virtual NativeFpuRegistersLocation& WithOtherNativeType(
const NativeType& new_payload_type,
const NativeType& new_container_type,
Zone* zone) const {
return *new (zone) NativeFpuRegistersLocation(
new_payload_type, new_container_type, fpu_reg_kind_, fpu_reg_);
virtual bool IsFpuRegisters() const { return true; }
virtual bool IsExpressibleAsLocation() const {
return fpu_reg_kind_ == kQuadFpuReg;
virtual Location AsLocation() const {
return Location::FpuRegisterLocation(fpu_reg());
FpuRegisterKind fpu_reg_kind() const { return fpu_reg_kind_; }
FpuRegister fpu_reg() const {
ASSERT(fpu_reg_kind_ == kQuadFpuReg);
return static_cast<FpuRegister>(fpu_reg_);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
DRegister fpu_d_reg() const {
ASSERT(fpu_reg_kind_ == kDoubleFpuReg);
return static_cast<DRegister>(fpu_reg_);
SRegister fpu_s_reg() const {
ASSERT(fpu_reg_kind_ == kSingleFpuReg);
return static_cast<SRegister>(fpu_reg_);
DRegister fpu_as_d_reg() const;
SRegister fpu_as_s_reg() const;
bool IsLowestBits() const;
#endif // defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
virtual void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
virtual bool Equals(const NativeLocation& other) const;
FpuRegisterKind fpu_reg_kind_;
intptr_t fpu_reg_;
class NativeStackLocation : public NativeLocation {
NativeStackLocation(const NativeType& payload_type,
const NativeType& container_type,
Register base_register,
intptr_t offset_in_bytes)
: NativeLocation(payload_type, container_type),
offset_in_bytes_(offset_in_bytes) {}
virtual ~NativeStackLocation() {}
virtual NativeStackLocation& WithOtherNativeType(
const NativeType& new_payload_type,
const NativeType& new_container_type,
Zone* zone) const {
return *new (zone) NativeStackLocation(new_payload_type, new_container_type,
base_register_, offset_in_bytes_);
virtual bool IsStack() const { return true; }
virtual bool IsExpressibleAsLocation() const {
const intptr_t size = payload_type().SizeInBytes();
const intptr_t size_slots = size / compiler::target::kWordSize;
return offset_in_bytes_ % compiler::target::kWordSize == 0 &&
size % compiler::target::kWordSize == 0 &&
(size_slots == 1 || size_slots == 2);
virtual Location AsLocation() const;
// ConstantInstr expects DoubleStackSlot for doubles, even on 64-bit systems.
// So this return a wrong-sized Location on purpose.
Location AsDoubleStackSlotLocation() const {
ASSERT(compiler::target::kWordSize == 8);
return Location::DoubleStackSlot(offset_in_words(), base_register_);
virtual NativeStackLocation& Split(intptr_t index, Zone* zone) const;
virtual void PrintTo(BufferFormatter* f) const;
virtual bool Equals(const NativeLocation& other) const;
Register base_register() const { return base_register_; }
intptr_t offset_in_bytes() const { return offset_in_bytes_; }
intptr_t offset_in_words() const {
ASSERT(offset_in_bytes_ % compiler::target::kWordSize == 0);
return offset_in_bytes_ / compiler::target::kWordSize;
Register base_register_;
intptr_t offset_in_bytes_;
// Return a memory operand for stack slot locations.
compiler::Address NativeLocationToStackSlotAddress(
const NativeStackLocation& loc);
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart