blob: c7f288764a7c3903c315e2ad20cff018f8afda54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'static_error.dart';
/// Matches leading indentation in a string.
final _indentationRegExp = RegExp(r"^(\s*)");
/// Matches a line that contains only a line comment.
final _lineCommentRegExp = RegExp(r"^\s*//");
/// Removes existing static error marker comments in [source] and adds markers
/// for the given [errors].
/// If [removeAnalyzer] is `false`, then existing analyzer errors in [source]
/// are preserved. Likewise for [removeCfe] and CFE errors.
String updateErrorExpectations(String source, List<StaticError> errors,
{bool removeAnalyzer, bool removeCfe}) {
removeAnalyzer ??= true;
removeCfe ??= true;
var existingErrors = StaticError.parseExpectations(source);
var lines = source.split("\n");
// Keep track of the indentation on any existing expectation markers. If
// found, it will try to preserve that indentation.
var indentation = <int, int>{};
// Remove existing markers that should be removed.
var preservedErrors = <StaticError>[];
for (var error in existingErrors) {
for (var i = error.markerStartLine; i <= error.markerEndLine; i++) {
indentation[i] = _countIndentation(lines[i]);
// Null the line instead of removing it so that line numbers in the
// reported errors are still correct.
lines[i] = null;
// Re-add errors for the portions we intend to preserve.
var keepAnalyzer = !removeAnalyzer && error.hasError(ErrorSource.analyzer);
var keepCfe = !removeCfe && error.hasError(ErrorSource.cfe);
var keptErrors = {
if (keepAnalyzer)
ErrorSource.analyzer: error.errorFor(ErrorSource.analyzer),
if (keepCfe) ErrorSource.cfe: error.errorFor(ErrorSource.cfe),
if (keptErrors.isNotEmpty) {
line: error.line, column: error.column, length: error.length));
// Merge the new errors with the preserved ones.
errors = StaticError.simplify([...errors, ...preservedErrors]);
var errorMap = <int, List<StaticError>>{};
for (var error in errors) {
// -1 to translate from one-based to zero-based index.
errorMap.putIfAbsent(error.line - 1, () => []).add(error);
// If there are multiple errors on the same line, order them
// deterministically.
for (var errorList in errorMap.values) {
var previousIndent = 0;
var codeLine = 1;
var result = <String>[];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Keep the code.
if (lines[i] != null) {
previousIndent = _countIndentation(lines[i]);
// Keep track of the resulting line number of the last line containing
// real code. We use this when outputting explicit line numbers instead
// the error's reported line to compensate for added or removed lines
// above the error.
codeLine = result.length;
// Add expectations for any errors reported on this line.
var errorsHere = errorMap[i];
if (errorsHere == null) continue;
for (var error in errorsHere) {
// Try to indent the line nicely to match either the existing expectation
// that is being regenerated, or, barring that, the previous line of code.
var indent = indentation[i + 1] ?? previousIndent;
// If the error is to the left of the indent and the "//", sacrifice the
// indentation.
if (error.column - 1 < indent + 2) indent = 0;
var comment = (" " * indent) + "//";
// If the error can't fit in a line comment, or no source location is
// sepcified, use an explicit location.
if (error.column <= 2 || error.length == 0) {
if (error.length == null) {
result.add("$comment [error line $codeLine, column "
} else {
result.add("$comment [error line $codeLine, column "
"${error.column}, length ${error.length}]");
} else {
var spacing = " " * (error.column - 1 - 2 - indent);
// A CFE-only error may not have a length, so treat it as length 1.
var carets = "^" * (error.length ?? 1);
for (var source in ErrorSource.all) {
var sourceError = error.errorFor(source);
if (sourceError == null) continue;
var errorLines = sourceError.split("\n");
result.add("$comment [${source.marker}] ${errorLines[0]}");
for (var errorLine in errorLines.skip(1)) {
result.add("$comment $errorLine");
// If the very next line in the source is a line comment, it would
// become part of the inserted message. To prevent that, insert a blank
// line.
if (i < lines.length - 1 &&
lines[i + 1] != null &&
_lineCommentRegExp.hasMatch(lines[i + 1])) {
return result.join("\n");
/// Returns the number of characters of leading spaces in [line].
int _countIndentation(String line) {
var match = _indentationRegExp.firstMatch(line);