blob: 17645145a1e8de9923a09f543f6f6c6f5fb958b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// The performance of an operation.
abstract class OperationPerformance {
/// The child operations, might be empty.
List<OperationPerformance> get children;
/// The duration of this operation, including its children.
Duration get elapsed;
/// The duration of this operation, excluding its children.
Duration get elapsedSelf;
/// The name of the operation.
String get name;
OperationPerformance getChild(String name);
/// Write this operation and its children into the [buffer].
void write({
@required StringBuffer buffer,
String indent = '',
class OperationPerformanceImpl implements OperationPerformance {
final String name;
final Stopwatch _timer = Stopwatch();
final List<OperationPerformance> _children = [];
List<OperationPerformance> get children {
return _children;
Duration get elapsed {
return _timer.elapsed;
Duration get elapsedSelf {
return elapsed - _elapsedChildren;
Duration get _elapsedChildren {
return children.fold<Duration>(,
(sum, child) => sum + child.elapsed,
OperationPerformance getChild(String name) {
return children.firstWhere(
(child) => == name,
orElse: () => null,
/// Run the [operation] as a child with the given [name].
/// If there is no such child, a new one is created, with a new timer.
/// If there is already a child with that name, its timer will resume and
/// then stop. So, it will accumulate time across all runs.
T run<T>(
String name,
T Function(OperationPerformanceImpl) operation,
) {
OperationPerformanceImpl child = _existingOrNewChild(name);
try {
return operation(child);
} finally {
/// Run the [operation] as a child with the given [name].
/// If there is no such child, a new one is created, with a new timer.
/// If there is already a child with that name, its timer will resume and
/// then stop. So, it will accumulate time across all runs.
Future<T> runAsync<T>(
String name,
Future<T> Function(OperationPerformanceImpl) operation,
) async {
var child = _existingOrNewChild(name);
try {
return await operation(child);
} finally {
String toString() {
return '(name: $name, elapsed: $elapsed, elapsedSelf: $elapsedSelf)';
void write({StringBuffer buffer, String indent = ''}) {
var childIndent = '$indent ';
for (var child in children) {
child.write(buffer: buffer, indent: childIndent);
OperationPerformanceImpl _existingOrNewChild(String name) {
var child = getChild(name);
if (child == null) {
child = OperationPerformanceImpl(name);
return child;