blob: b867e079eba9069ee1a863c85a5c25cbbf36f4e3 [file] [log] [blame]
library test;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/inference/top_level_return_and_yield.dart:18:36: Error: A value of type 'Future<dynamic Function(dynamic)>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<int Function(int)>'.
// - 'Future' is from 'dart:async'.
// return /*@ returnType=dynamic */ (/*@ type=dynamic */ x) => x;
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:async" as asy;
import "dart:async";
typedef IntToInt = (core::int*) →* core::int*;
static method a() (core::int*) →* core::int* {
return (core::int* x) core::int* => x;
static method b() asy::Future<(core::int*) →* core::int*>* async /* futureValueType= (core::int*) →* core::int* */ {
return invalid-expression "pkg/front_end/testcases/inference/top_level_return_and_yield.dart:18:36: Error: A value of type 'Future<dynamic Function(dynamic)>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'FutureOr<int Function(int)>'.
- 'Future' is from 'dart:async'.
return /*@ returnType=dynamic */ (/*@ type=dynamic */ x) => x;
^" in ((dynamic x) dynamic => x) as{TypeError} FutureOr<(core::int*) →* core::int*>*;
static method c() core::Iterable<(core::int*) →* core::int*>* /* originally sync* */ {
function :sync_op_gen() (core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>*, dynamic, dynamic) →* core::bool* {
core::int* :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :sync_op(core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>* :iterator, dynamic :exception, dynamic :stack_trace) core::bool* yielding {
:iterator.{core::_SyncIterator::_current} = (core::int* x) core::int* => x;
[yield] true;
return false;
return :sync_op;
return new core::_SyncIterable::•<(core::int*) →* core::int*>(:sync_op_gen);
static method d() core::Iterable<(core::int*) →* core::int*>* /* originally sync* */ {
function :sync_op_gen() (core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>*, dynamic, dynamic) →* core::bool* {
core::int* :await_jump_var = 0;
dynamic :await_ctx_var;
function :sync_op(core::_SyncIterator<dynamic>* :iterator, dynamic :exception, dynamic :stack_trace) core::bool* yielding {
:iterator.{core::_SyncIterator::_yieldEachIterable} = core::_GrowableList::_literal1<(core::int*) →* core::int*>((core::int* x) core::int* => x);
[yield] true;
return false;
return :sync_op;
return new core::_SyncIterable::•<(core::int*) →* core::int*>(:sync_op_gen);
static method e() asy::Stream<(core::int*) →* core::int*>* async* {
yield(core::int* x) core::int* => x;
static method f() asy::Stream<(core::int*) →* core::int*>* async* {
yield* asy::Stream::fromIterable<(core::int*) →* core::int*>(core::_GrowableList::_literal1<(core::int*) →* core::int*>((core::int* x) core::int* => x));
static method main() dynamic {}