blob: 2ef3f29cc1f3abcb9feecf5f387076c29fd69919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.10
import '../../common/elements.dart' show CommonElements;
import '../../constants/values.dart';
import '../../elements/entities.dart';
import '../../elements/names.dart';
import '../../elements/types.dart';
import '../../ir/class_relation.dart';
import '../../universe/selector.dart';
import '../../world.dart';
import '../abstract_value_domain.dart';
/// This class is used to store bits information about class entities.
class ClassInfo {
final int exactBits;
final int strictSubtypeBits;
final int strictSubclassBits;
const ClassInfo(
this.exactBits, this.strictSubtypeBits, this.strictSubclassBits);
/// This class is used as an API by the powerset abstract value domain to help
/// implement some queries. It stores the bitmasks as integers and has the
/// advantage that the operations needed are relatively fast. This will pack
/// multiple powerset domains into a single integer.
class PowersetBitsDomain {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final Map<ClassEntity, ClassInfo> _storedClassInfo = {};
static const int _trueIndex = 0;
static const int _falseIndex = 1;
static const int _nullIndex = 2;
static const int _otherIndex = 3;
static const int _interceptorIndex = 4;
static const int _notInterceptorIndex = 5;
static const int _nullInterceptorIndex = 6;
static const int _maxIndex = _nullInterceptorIndex;
static const List<int> _singletonIndices = [
static const List<String> _bitNames = [
CommonElements get commonElements => _closedWorld.commonElements;
DartTypes get dartTypes => _closedWorld.dartTypes;
int get trueMask => 1 << _trueIndex;
int get falseMask => 1 << _falseIndex;
int get nullMask => 1 << _nullIndex;
int get otherMask => 1 << _otherIndex;
int get boolMask => trueMask | falseMask;
int get boolOrNullMask => boolMask | nullMask;
int get nullOrOtherMask => nullMask | otherMask;
int get boolNullOtherMask => boolOrNullMask | otherMask;
int get preciseMask => _singletonIndices.fold(
powersetBottom, (mask, index) => mask | 1 << index);
int get interceptorMask => 1 << _interceptorIndex;
int get notInterceptorMask => 1 << _notInterceptorIndex;
int get nullInterceptorMask => 1 << _nullInterceptorIndex;
int get interceptorDomainMask =>
interceptorMask | notInterceptorMask | nullInterceptorMask;
int get powersetBottom => 0;
int get powersetTop => (1 << _maxIndex + 1) - 1;
int get trueValue => trueMask | interceptorMask;
int get falseValue => falseMask | interceptorMask;
int get boolValue => boolMask | interceptorMask;
int get nullValue => nullMask | nullInterceptorMask;
int get otherValue => otherMask | interceptorMask | notInterceptorMask;
int get interceptorOtherValue => otherMask | interceptorMask;
bool isPotentiallyBoolean(int value) => (value & boolMask) != 0;
bool isPotentiallyNull(int value) => (value & nullMask) != 0;
bool isPotentiallyOther(int value) => (value & otherMask) != 0;
bool isPotentiallyInterceptor(int value) => (value & interceptorMask) != 0;
bool isPotentiallyNotInterceptor(int value) =>
(value & notInterceptorMask) != 0;
bool isPotentiallyNullInterceptor(int value) =>
(value & notInterceptorMask) != 0;
bool isDefinitelyTrue(int value) => value == trueValue;
bool isDefinitelyFalse(int value) => value == falseValue;
bool isDefinitelyNull(int value) => value == nullValue;
bool isSingleton(int value) =>
isDefinitelyTrue(value) ||
isDefinitelyFalse(value) ||
/// Returns `true` if only singleton bits are set and `false` otherwise.
bool isPrecise(int value) => value & ~preciseMask == 0;
AbstractBool isOther(int value) =>
/// Returns a descriptive string for [bits]
static String toText(int bits, {bool omitIfTop = false}) {
int boolNullOtherMask = (1 << _otherIndex + 1) - 1;
int interceptorDomainMask =
(1 << _nullInterceptorIndex + 1) - (1 << _interceptorIndex);
return _toTextDomain(bits, interceptorDomainMask, omitIfTop) +
_toTextDomain(bits, boolNullOtherMask, omitIfTop);
/// Returns a descriptive string for a subset of [bits] defined by
/// [domainMask]. If [omitIfTop] is `true` and all the bits in the
/// [domainMask] are set, an empty string is returned.
static String _toTextDomain(int bits, int domainMask, bool omitIfTop) {
bits &= domainMask;
if (bits == domainMask && omitIfTop) return '';
final sb = StringBuffer();
String comma = '';
while (bits != 0) {
int lowestBit = bits & ~(bits - 1);
int index = lowestBit.bitLength - 1;
comma = ',';
bits &= ~lowestBit;
return '$sb';
AbstractBool _isIn(int subset, int superset) {
if (union(subset, superset) == superset) {
if (isPrecise(superset)) return AbstractBool.True;
} else {
if (isPrecise(subset)) return AbstractBool.False;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isIn(int subset, int superset) {
// TODO(coam): We can also take advantage of other bits to be more precise
return _isIn(subset & boolNullOtherMask, superset & boolNullOtherMask);
AbstractBool needsNoSuchMethodHandling(int receiver, Selector selector) =>
AbstractBool isTargetingMember(
int receiver, MemberEntity member, Name name) =>
int computeReceiver(Iterable<MemberEntity> members) {
return powersetTop;
// TODO(coam): This currently returns null if we are not sure if it's a primitive.
// It could be improved because we can also tell when we're certain it's not a primitive.
PrimitiveConstantValue getPrimitiveValue(int value) {
if (isDefinitelyTrue(value)) {
return TrueConstantValue();
if (isDefinitelyFalse(value)) {
return FalseConstantValue();
if (isDefinitelyNull(value)) {
return NullConstantValue();
return null;
int createPrimitiveValue(PrimitiveConstantValue value) {
return computeAbstractValueForConstant(value);
// TODO(coam): Same as getPrimitiveValue above.
bool isPrimitiveValue(int value) => isSingleton(value);
int computeAbstractValueForConstant(ConstantValue value) {
if (value is TrueConstantValue) {
return trueValue;
if (value is FalseConstantValue) {
return falseValue;
if (value is NullConstantValue) {
return nullValue;
// TODO(coam): We could be more precise if we implement a visitor to
// ConstantValue
// TODO(fishythefish): Naively calling `getType` on
// [LateSentinelConstantValue] will produce Never.
return createFromStaticType(value.getType(commonElements), nullable: false);
AbstractBool areDisjoint(int a, int b) {
int overlap = intersection(a, b);
if (overlap & interceptorDomainMask == powersetBottom) {
return AbstractBool.True;
if (overlap & boolNullOtherMask == powersetBottom) return AbstractBool.True;
if (isPrecise(overlap)) return AbstractBool.False;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
int intersection(int a, int b) {
return a & b;
int union(int a, int b) {
return a | b;
AbstractBool isPrimitiveOrNull(int value) => isPrimitive(excludeNull(value));
AbstractBool isStringOrNull(int value) => isString(excludeNull(value));
AbstractBool isString(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isBooleanOrNull(int value) => isBoolean(excludeNull(value));
AbstractBool isBoolean(int value) {
if (!isPotentiallyBoolean(value)) return AbstractBool.False;
if (value & ~boolMask == 0) return AbstractBool.True;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isTruthy(int value) {
if (value & ~trueMask == 0) return AbstractBool.True;
if (value & ~(falseMask | nullMask) == 0) return AbstractBool.False;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isNumberOrNull(int value) => isNumber(excludeNull(value));
AbstractBool isNumber(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isIntegerOrNull(int value) => isInteger(excludeNull(value));
AbstractBool isPositiveIntegerOrNull(int value) =>
AbstractBool isPositiveInteger(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isUInt31(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isUInt32(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isInteger(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isInterceptor(int value) {
if (!isPotentiallyInterceptor(value)) return AbstractBool.False;
if (isPotentiallyNotInterceptor(value)) return AbstractBool.Maybe;
return AbstractBool.True;
AbstractBool isPrimitiveString(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isArray(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isMutableIndexable(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isMutableArray(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isExtendableArray(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isFixedArray(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isIndexablePrimitive(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isPrimitiveBoolean(int value) {
if (isDefinitelyTrue(value) || isDefinitelyFalse(value)) {
return AbstractBool.True;
if (!isPotentiallyBoolean(value)) return AbstractBool.False;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isPrimitiveNumber(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isPrimitive(int value) =>
AbstractBool isNull(int value) => isDefinitelyNull(value)
? AbstractBool.True
: (isPotentiallyNull(value) ? AbstractBool.Maybe : AbstractBool.False);
// TODO(fishythefish): Support tracking late sentinels in the powerset domain.
AbstractBool isLateSentinel(int value) => AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isExact(int value) => AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isEmpty(int value) {
if (value & interceptorDomainMask == powersetBottom)
return AbstractBool.True;
if (value & boolNullOtherMask == powersetBottom) return AbstractBool.True;
if (isPrecise(value)) return AbstractBool.False;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isInstanceOf(int value, ClassEntity cls) => AbstractBool.Maybe;
AbstractBool isInstanceOfOrNull(int value, ClassEntity cls) =>
AbstractBool containsAll(int value) =>
AbstractBool.maybeOrFalse(value == powersetTop);
AbstractBool containsOnlyType(int value, ClassEntity cls) =>
AbstractBool containsType(int value, ClassEntity cls) => AbstractBool.Maybe;
int includeNull(int value) {
return value | nullValue;
int excludeNull(int value) {
return value & ~nullValue;
// TODO(fishythefish): Support tracking late sentinels in the powerset domain.
int includeLateSentinel(int value) => value;
// TODO(fishythefish): Support tracking late sentinels in the powerset domain.
int excludeLateSentinel(int value) => value;
AbstractBool couldBeTypedArray(int value) => isOther(value);
AbstractBool isTypedArray(int value) => AbstractBool.Maybe;
bool _isBoolSubtype(ClassEntity cls) {
return cls == commonElements.jsBoolClass || cls == commonElements.boolClass;
bool _isNullSubtype(ClassEntity cls) {
return cls == commonElements.jsNullClass || cls == commonElements.nullClass;
ClassInfo _computeClassInfo(ClassEntity cls) {
ClassInfo classInfo = _storedClassInfo[cls];
if (classInfo != null) {
return classInfo;
// Handle null case specially
if (_isNullSubtype(cls)) {
classInfo = ClassInfo(nullValue, powersetBottom, powersetBottom);
_storedClassInfo[cls] = classInfo;
return classInfo;
// Handle bool and JSBool specially. Both appear to be 'instantiated' but
// only JSBool is really instantiated.
if (_isBoolSubtype(cls)) {
int exactBits = boolMask | interceptorMask;
classInfo = ClassInfo(exactBits, powersetBottom, powersetBottom);
_storedClassInfo[cls] = classInfo;
return classInfo;
// Compute interceptor and notInterceptor bits first
int interceptorBits = powersetBottom;
if (_closedWorld.classHierarchy.isInstantiated(cls)) {
if (_closedWorld.classHierarchy
.isSubclassOf(cls, commonElements.jsInterceptorClass)) {
interceptorBits |= interceptorMask;
} else {
interceptorBits |= notInterceptorMask;
int exactBits = interceptorBits;
if (_closedWorld.classHierarchy.isInstantiated(cls)) {
// If cls is instantiated or live by default the 'other' bit should be set to 1.
exactBits |= otherMask;
int strictSubtypeBits = powersetBottom;
for (ClassEntity strictSubtype
in _closedWorld.classHierarchy.strictSubtypesOf(cls)) {
// Currently null is a subtype of Object in the class hierarchy but we don't
// want to consider it as a subtype of a nonnull class
if (!_isNullSubtype(strictSubtype)) {
strictSubtypeBits |= _computeClassInfo(strictSubtype).exactBits;
int strictSubclassBits = powersetBottom;
for (ClassEntity strictSubclass
in _closedWorld.classHierarchy.strictSubclassesOf(cls)) {
// Currently null is a subtype of Object in the class hierarchy but we don't
// want to consider it as a subtype of a nonnull class
if (!_isNullSubtype(strictSubclass)) {
strictSubclassBits |= _computeClassInfo(strictSubclass).exactBits;
classInfo = ClassInfo(exactBits, strictSubtypeBits, strictSubclassBits);
_storedClassInfo[cls] = classInfo;
return classInfo;
int createNullableSubtype(ClassEntity cls) {
return includeNull(createNonNullSubtype(cls));
int createNonNullSubtype(ClassEntity cls) {
ClassInfo classInfo = _computeClassInfo(cls);
return classInfo.exactBits | classInfo.strictSubtypeBits;
int createNonNullSubclass(ClassEntity cls) {
ClassInfo classInfo = _computeClassInfo(cls);
return classInfo.exactBits | classInfo.strictSubclassBits;
int createNullableExact(ClassEntity cls) {
return includeNull(createNonNullExact(cls));
int createNonNullExact(ClassEntity cls) {
ClassInfo classInfo = _computeClassInfo(cls);
return classInfo.exactBits;
int createFromStaticType(DartType type,
{ClassRelation classRelation = ClassRelation.subtype, bool nullable}) {
assert(nullable != null);
if ((classRelation == ClassRelation.subtype ||
classRelation == ClassRelation.thisExpression) &&
dartTypes.isTopType(type)) {
// A cone of a top type includes all values. This would be 'precise' if we
// tracked that.
return dynamicType;
if (type is NullableType) {
return _createFromStaticType(type.baseType, classRelation, true);
if (type is LegacyType) {
DartType baseType = type.baseType;
if (baseType is NeverType) {
// Never* is same as Null, for both 'is' and 'as'.
return nullMask;
// Object* is a top type for both 'is' and 'as'. This is handled in the
// 'cone of top type' case above.
return _createFromStaticType(baseType, classRelation, nullable);
if (dartTypes.useLegacySubtyping) {
// In legacy and weak mode, `String` is nullable depending on context.
return _createFromStaticType(type, classRelation, nullable);
} else {
// In strong mode nullability comes from explicit NullableType.
return _createFromStaticType(type, classRelation, false);
int _createFromStaticType(
DartType type, ClassRelation classRelation, bool nullable) {
assert(nullable != null);
int finish(int value, bool isPrecise) {
// [isPrecise] is ignored since we only treat singleton partitions as
// precise.
// TODO(sra): Each bit that represents more that one concrete value could
// have an 'isPrecise' bit.
return nullable ? includeNull(value) : value;
bool isPrecise = true;
while (type is TypeVariableType) {
TypeVariableType typeVariable = type;
type = _closedWorld.elementEnvironment
classRelation = ClassRelation.subtype;
isPrecise = false;
if (type is NullableType) {
// <A extends B?, B extends num> ... null is A --> can be `true`.
// <A extends B, B extends num?> ... null is A --> can be `true`.
nullable = true;
type = type.withoutNullability;
if ((classRelation == ClassRelation.thisExpression ||
classRelation == ClassRelation.subtype) &&
dartTypes.isTopType(type)) {
// A cone of a top type includes all values. Since we already tested this
// in [createFromStaticType], we get here only for type parameter bounds.
return finish(dynamicType, isPrecise);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
ClassEntity cls = type.element;
List<DartType> arguments = type.typeArguments;
if (isPrecise && arguments.isNotEmpty) {
// Can we ignore the type arguments?
// For legacy covariance, if the interface type is a generic interface
// type and is maximal (i.e. instantiated to bounds), the typemask,
// which is based on the class element, is still precise. We check
// against Top for the parameter arguments since we don't have a
// convenient check for instantation to bounds.
// TODO(sra): Check arguments against bounds.
// TODO(sra): Handle other variances.
List<Variance> variances = dartTypes.getTypeVariableVariances(cls);
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
Variance variance = variances[i];
DartType argument = arguments[i];
if (variance == Variance.legacyCovariant &&
dartTypes.isTopType(argument)) {
isPrecise = false;
switch (classRelation) {
case ClassRelation.exact:
return finish(createNonNullExact(cls), isPrecise);
case ClassRelation.thisExpression:
if (!_closedWorld.isUsedAsMixin(cls)) {
return finish(createNonNullSubclass(cls), isPrecise);
case ClassRelation.subtype:
return finish(createNonNullSubtype(cls), isPrecise);
if (type is FunctionType) {
return finish(createNonNullSubtype(commonElements.functionClass), false);
if (type is NeverType) {
return finish(emptyType, isPrecise);
return finish(dynamicType, false);
int get internalTopType => powersetTop;
int get dynamicType => powersetTop;
int get asyncStarStreamType => powersetTop;
int get asyncFutureType => powersetTop;
int get syncStarIterableType => powersetTop;
int get emptyType => powersetBottom;
int _constMapType;
int get constMapType => _constMapType ??=
int get constSetType => otherValue;
int _constListType;
int get constListType => _constListType ??=
int _fixedListType;
int get fixedListType =>
_fixedListType ??= createNonNullExact(commonElements.jsFixedArrayClass);
int _growableListType;
int get growableListType => _growableListType ??=
int _mutableArrayType;
int get mutableArrayType => _mutableArrayType ??=
int get nullType => nullValue;
int get nonNullType => powersetTop & ~nullValue;
// TODO(fishythefish): Support tracking late sentinels in the powerset domain.
int get lateSentinelType => powersetBottom;
int _mapType;
int get mapType =>
_mapType ??= createNonNullSubtype(commonElements.mapLiteralClass);
int _setType;
int get setType =>
_setType ??= createNonNullSubtype(commonElements.setLiteralClass);
int _listType;
int get listType =>
_listType ??= createNonNullExact(commonElements.jsArrayClass);
int _stringType;
int get stringType =>
_stringType ??= createNonNullSubtype(commonElements.jsStringClass);
int _numType;
int get numType =>
_numType ??= createNonNullSubclass(commonElements.jsNumberClass);
int _numNotIntType;
int get numNotIntType =>
_numNotIntType ??= createNonNullExact(commonElements.jsNumNotIntClass);
int _intType;
int get intType =>
_intType ??= createNonNullSubtype(commonElements.jsIntClass);
int get positiveIntType => intType;
int get uint32Type => intType;
int get uint31Type => intType;
int get boolType => boolValue;
int _functionType;
int get functionType =>
_functionType ??= createNonNullSubtype(commonElements.functionClass);
int get typeType => otherValue;