blob: 94391dca766d582a42e9e042054180cfd10fed71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of pipeline;
List stdout, stderr, log;
var replyPort;
int _procId = 1;
Map _procs = {};
* Create a file path for a temporary file. The file will be in the
* [tmpDir] directory, with name [basis], but with any extension
* stripped and replaced by [suffix].
String createTempName(String tmpDir, String basis, String suffix) {
var p = new Path(basis);
return '$tmpDir${Platform.pathSeparator}'
* Given a file path [file], make it absolute if it is relative,
* and return the result as a [Path].
Path getAbsolutePath(String file) {
var p = new Path(file).canonicalize();
if (p.isAbsolute) {
return p;
} else {
var cwd = new Path((new Directory.current()).path);
return cwd.join(p);
/** Get the directory that contains a [file]. */
String getDirectory(String file) =>
/** Create a file [fileName] and populate it with [contents]. */
void writeFile(String fileName, String contents) {
var file = new File(fileName);
var ostream = file.openOutputStream(FileMode.WRITE);
* Run an external process [cmd] with command line arguments [args].
* [timeout] can be used to forcefully terminate the process after
* some number of seconds. This is used by runCommand and startProcess.
* If [procId] is non-zero (i.e. called from startProcess) then a reference
* to the [Process] will be put in a map with key [procId]; in this case
* the process can be terminated later by calling [stopProcess] and
* passing in the [procId].
* [outputMonitor] is an optional function that will be called back with each
* line of output from the process.
* Returns a [Future] for when the process terminates.
Future _processHelper(String command, List<String> args,
[int timeout = 300, int procId = 0, Function outputMonitor]) {
var completer = procId == 0 ? new Completer() : null;
log.add('Running $command ${args.join(" ")}');
var timer = null;
var stdoutHandler, stderrHandler;
var processFuture = Process.start(command, args);
processFuture.then((process) {
_procs[procId] = process;
timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: timeout), () {
timer = null;
process.onExit = (exitCode) {
if (timer != null) {
if (completer != null) {
_pipeStream(process.stdout, stdout, outputMonitor);
_pipeStream(process.stderr, stderr, outputMonitor);
processFuture.handleException((e) {
stderr.add("Error starting process:");
stderr.add(" Command: $command");
stderr.add(" Error: $e");
return true;
return completer.future;
void _pipeStream(InputStream stream, List<String> destination,
Function outputMonitor) {
var source = new StringInputStream(stream);
source.onLine = () {
if (source.available() == 0) return;
var line = source.readLine();
while (null != line) {
if (config["immediate"] && line.startsWith('###')) {
// TODO - when we dump the list later skip '###' messages if immediate.
if (outputMonitor != null) {
line = source.readLine();
* Run an external process [cmd] with command line arguments [args].
* [timeout] can be used to forcefully terminate the process after
* some number of seconds.
* Returns a [Future] for when the process terminates.
Future runCommand(String command, List<String> args,
[int timeout = 300, Function outputMonitor]) {
return _processHelper(command, args, timeout, outputMonitor:outputMonitor);
* Start an external process [cmd] with command line arguments [args].
* Returns an ID by which it can later be stopped.
int startProcess(String command, List<String> args, [Function outputMonitor]) {
int id = _procId++;
_processHelper(command, args, 3000, id,
outputMonitor:outputMonitor).then((e) {
return id;
/** Checks if a process is still running. */
bool isProcessRunning(int id) {
return _procs.containsKey(id);
* Stop a process previously started with [startProcess] or [runCommand],
* given the id string.
void stopProcess(int id) {
if (_procs.containsKey(id)) {
Process p = _procs.remove(id);
/** Delete a file named [fname] if it exists. */
bool cleanup(String fname) {
if (fname != null && !config['keep-files']) {
var f = new File(fname);
try {
if (f.existsSync()) {
logMessage('Removing $fname');
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
initPipeline(port) {
replyPort = port;
stdout = new List();
stderr = new List();
log = new List();
void completePipeline([exitCode = 0]) {
replyPort.send([stdout, stderr, log, exitCode]);
/** Utility function to log diagnostic messages. */
void logMessage(msg) => log.add(msg);