blob: 35d34d52bbdcc0752d5a04d7699172e6ddebe95f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library front_end.standard_file_system;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'file_system.dart';
import '../fasta/compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
/// Concrete implementation of [FileSystem] handling standard URI schemes.
/// file: URIs are handled using file I/O.
/// data: URIs return their data contents.
/// Not intended to be implemented or extended by clients.
class StandardFileSystem implements FileSystem {
static final StandardFileSystem instance = new StandardFileSystem._();
FileSystemEntity entityForUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme == 'file') {
return new _IoFileSystemEntity(uri);
} else if (uri.scheme == '') {
// TODO(askesc): Empty schemes should have been handled elsewhere.
return new _IoFileSystemEntity(Uri.base.resolveUri(uri));
} else if (uri.scheme == 'data') {
return new DataFileSystemEntity(Uri.base.resolveUri(uri));
} else {
throw new FileSystemException(
uri, 'StandardFileSystem only supports file:* and data:* URIs');
/// Concrete implementation of [FileSystemEntity] for file: URIs.
class _IoFileSystemEntity implements FileSystemEntity {
final Uri uri;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is _IoFileSystemEntity && other.uri == uri;
Future<bool> exists() async {
if (new io.File.fromUri(uri).existsSync()) {
return true;
if (io.FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(uri.toFilePath())) {
return true;
// TODO(CFE-team): What about [Link]s?
return false;
Future<bool> existsAsyncIfPossible() async {
if (await new io.File.fromUri(uri).exists()) {
return true;
if (await io.FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(uri.toFilePath())) {
return true;
// TODO(CFE-team): What about [Link]s?
return false;
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() async {
try {
return new io.File.fromUri(uri).readAsBytesSync();
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw _toFileSystemException(exception);
Future<List<int>> readAsBytesAsyncIfPossible() async {
try {
return await new io.File.fromUri(uri).readAsBytes();
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw _toFileSystemException(exception);
Future<String> readAsString() async {
try {
return await new io.File.fromUri(uri).readAsString();
} on io.FileSystemException catch (exception) {
throw _toFileSystemException(exception);
* Return the [FileSystemException] for the given I/O exception.
FileSystemException _toFileSystemException(io.FileSystemException exception) {
String message = exception.message;
String osMessage = exception.osError?.message;
if (osMessage != null && osMessage.isNotEmpty) {
message = osMessage;
return new FileSystemException(uri, message);
/// Concrete implementation of [FileSystemEntity] for data: URIs.
class DataFileSystemEntity implements FileSystemEntity {
final Uri uri;
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
other is DataFileSystemEntity && other.uri == uri;
Future<bool> exists() async {
return true;
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() async {
Future<bool> existsAsyncIfPossible() => exists();
Future<List<int>> readAsBytesAsyncIfPossible() => readAsBytes();
Future<String> readAsString() async {