blob: 71996f775ba848c391370757a8298b48ba0128ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'package:front_end/src/base/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_shadow_ast.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_inference_engine.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_inference_listener.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_promotion.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_schema_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
/// Keeps track of information about the innermost function or closure being
/// inferred.
class ClosureContext {
final bool isAsync;
final bool isGenerator;
final DartType returnContext;
DartType _inferredReturnType;
ClosureContext(this.isAsync, this.isGenerator, this.returnContext);
/// Gets the return type that was inferred for the current closure, or `null`
/// if there were no `return` statements.
get inferredReturnType {
return _inferredReturnType;
/// Updates the inferred return type based on the presence of a return
/// statement returning the given [type].
void updateInferredReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, DartType type) {
if (_inferredReturnType == null) {
_inferredReturnType = type;
} else {
_inferredReturnType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
.getLeastUpperBound(_inferredReturnType, type);
/// Keeps track of the local state for the type inference that occurs during
/// compilation of a single method body or top level initializer.
/// This class describes the interface for use by clients of type inference
/// (e.g. BodyBuilder). Derived classes should derive from [TypeInferrerImpl].
abstract class TypeInferrer {
/// Gets the [TypePromoter] that can be used to perform type promotion within
/// this method body or initializer.
TypePromoter<Expression, VariableDeclaration> get typePromoter;
/// The URI of the code for which type inference is currently being
/// performed--this is used for testing.
String get uri;
/// Gets the [FieldNode] corresponding to the given [readTarget], if any.
FieldNode getFieldNodeForReadTarget(Member readTarget);
/// Performs type inference on the given [statement].
/// Derived classes should override this method with logic that dispatches on
/// the statement type and calls the appropriate specialized "infer" method.
void inferStatement(Statement statement);
/// Derived class containing generic implementations of [TypeInferrer].
/// This class contains as much of the implementation of type inference as
/// possible without knowing the identity of the type parameters. It defers to
/// abstract methods for everything else.
abstract class TypeInferrerImpl extends TypeInferrer {
static final FunctionType _functionReturningDynamic =
new FunctionType(const [], const DynamicType());
final String uri;
/// Indicates whether the construct we are currently performing inference for
/// is outside of a method body, and hence top level type inference rules
/// should apply.
final bool isTopLevel = false;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final bool strongMode;
final ClassHierarchy classHierarchy;
final Instrumentation instrumentation;
final TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment;
final TypeInferenceListener listener;
/// Context information for the current closure, or `null` if we are not
/// inside a closure.
ClosureContext closureContext;
TypeInferrerImpl(TypeInferenceEngineImpl engine, this.uri, this.listener)
: coreTypes = engine.coreTypes,
strongMode = engine.strongMode,
classHierarchy = engine.classHierarchy,
instrumentation = engine.instrumentation,
typeSchemaEnvironment = engine.typeSchemaEnvironment;
/// Gets the type promoter that should be used to promote types during
/// inference.
TypePromoter<Expression, VariableDeclaration> get typePromoter;
FunctionType getCalleeFunctionType(Member interfaceMember,
DartType receiverType, Name methodName, int offset) {
if (receiverType is InterfaceType) {
if (interfaceMember == null) return _functionReturningDynamic;
var memberClass = interfaceMember.enclosingClass;
if (interfaceMember is Procedure) {
instrumentation?.record(Uri.parse(uri), offset, 'target',
new InstrumentationValueForProcedure(interfaceMember));
var memberFunctionType = interfaceMember.function.functionType;
if (memberClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
var castedType = classHierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(
receiverType.classNode, memberClass);
memberFunctionType = Substitution
return memberFunctionType;
} else if (interfaceMember is Field) {
// TODO(paulberry): handle this case
return _functionReturningDynamic;
} else {
return _functionReturningDynamic;
} else if (receiverType is DynamicType) {
return _functionReturningDynamic;
} else if (receiverType is FunctionType) {
// TODO(paulberry): handle the case of invoking .call() or .toString() on
// a function type.
return _functionReturningDynamic;
} else if (receiverType is TypeParameterType) {
// TODO(paulberry): use the bound
return _functionReturningDynamic;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): handle the case of invoking .toString() on a type
// that's none of the above (e.g. `dynamic` or `bottom`)
return _functionReturningDynamic;
/// Gets the initializer for the given [field], or `null` if there is no
/// initializer.
Expression getFieldInitializer(KernelField field);
DartType getNamedParameterType(FunctionType functionType, String name) {
return functionType.getNamedParameter(name) ?? const DynamicType();
DartType getPositionalParameterType(FunctionType functionType, int i) {
if (i < functionType.positionalParameters.length) {
return functionType.positionalParameters[i];
} else {
return const DynamicType();
DartType getTypeArgumentOf(DartType type, Class class_) {
if (type is InterfaceType && identical(type.classNode, class_)) {
return type.typeArguments[0];
} else {
return null;
/// Modifies a type as appropriate when inferring a declared variable's type.
DartType inferDeclarationType(DartType initializerType) {
if (initializerType is BottomType ||
(initializerType is InterfaceType &&
initializerType.classNode == coreTypes.nullClass)) {
// If the initializer type is Null or bottom, the inferred type is
// dynamic.
// TODO(paulberry): this rule is inherited from analyzer behavior but is
// not spec'ed anywhere.
return const DynamicType();
return initializerType;
/// Performs type inference on the given [expression].
/// [typeContext] is the expected type of the expression, based on surrounding
/// code. [typeNeeded] indicates whether it is necessary to compute the
/// actual type of the expression. If [typeNeeded] is `true`, the actual type
/// of the expression is returned; otherwise `null` is returned.
/// Derived classes should override this method with logic that dispatches on
/// the expression type and calls the appropriate specialized "infer" method.
DartType inferExpression(
Expression expression, DartType typeContext, bool typeNeeded);
/// Performs type inference on the given [field]'s initializer expression.
/// Derived classes should provide an implementation that calls
/// [inferExpression] for the given [field]'s initializer expression.
DartType inferFieldInitializer(
KernelField field, DartType type, bool typeNeeded);
/// Performs the type inference steps that are shared by all kinds of
/// invocations (constructors, instance methods, and static methods).
DartType inferInvocation(DartType typeContext, bool typeNeeded, int offset,
FunctionType calleeType, DartType returnType, Arguments arguments,
{bool isOverloadedArithmeticOperator: false, DartType receiverType}) {
var calleeTypeParameters = calleeType.typeParameters;
List<DartType> explicitTypeArguments = getExplicitTypeArguments(arguments);
bool inferenceNeeded = explicitTypeArguments == null &&
strongMode &&
List<DartType> inferredTypes;
Substitution substitution;
List<DartType> formalTypes;
List<DartType> actualTypes;
if (inferenceNeeded) {
inferredTypes = new List<DartType>.filled(
calleeTypeParameters.length, const UnknownType());
calleeTypeParameters, null, null, typeContext, inferredTypes);
substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(calleeTypeParameters, inferredTypes);
formalTypes = [];
actualTypes = [];
} else if (explicitTypeArguments != null &&
calleeTypeParameters.length == explicitTypeArguments.length) {
substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(calleeTypeParameters, explicitTypeArguments);
} else if (calleeTypeParameters.length != 0) {
substitution = Substitution.fromPairs(
new List<DartType>.filled(
calleeTypeParameters.length, const DynamicType()));
int i = 0;
_forEachArgument(arguments, (name, expression) {
DartType formalType = name != null
? getNamedParameterType(calleeType, name)
: getPositionalParameterType(calleeType, i++);
DartType inferredFormalType = substitution != null
? substitution.substituteType(formalType)
: formalType;
var expressionType = inferExpression(expression, inferredFormalType,
inferenceNeeded || isOverloadedArithmeticOperator);
if (inferenceNeeded) {
if (isOverloadedArithmeticOperator) {
returnType = typeSchemaEnvironment.getTypeOfOverloadedArithmetic(
receiverType, expressionType);
if (inferenceNeeded) {
substitution =
Substitution.fromPairs(calleeTypeParameters, inferredTypes);
instrumentation?.record(Uri.parse(uri), offset, 'typeArgs',
new InstrumentationValueForTypeArgs(inferredTypes));
DartType inferredType;
if (typeNeeded) {
inferredType = substitution == null
? returnType
: substitution.substituteType(returnType);
return inferredType;
/// Modifies a type as appropriate when inferring a closure return type.
DartType inferReturnType(DartType returnType, bool isExpressionFunction) {
if (returnType == null) {
// Analyzer infers `Null` if there is no `return` expression; the spec
// says to return `void`. TODO(paulberry): resolve this difference.
return coreTypes.nullClass.rawType;
if (isExpressionFunction &&
returnType is InterfaceType &&
identical(returnType.classNode, coreTypes.nullClass)) {
// Analyzer coerces `Null` to `dynamic` in expression functions; the spec
// doesn't say to do this. TODO(paulberry): resolve this difference.
return const DynamicType();
return returnType;
DartType wrapType(DartType type, Class class_) {
return new InterfaceType(class_, <DartType>[type]);
void _forEachArgument(
Arguments arguments, void callback(String name, Expression expression)) {
for (var expression in arguments.positional) {
callback(null, expression);
for (var namedExpression in arguments.named) {
callback(, namedExpression.value);