blob: 4925e4971ad56d9f98ef684c3606eb6dbcb80be4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This script extracts data from the analyzer classes derived from `ErrorCode`
// (as well as the comments next to their declarations) and produces a
// `messages.yaml` file capturing the same information. In the future, we will
// generate the `ErrorCode` derived classes from this `messages.yaml` file.
// TODO(paulberry): once code generation is in place, remove this script.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/todo_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_utilities/package_root.dart' as pkg_root;
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'error_code_info.dart';
main() {
var errorDeclarations = _findErrorDeclarations();
var errorCodesByClass = _findErrorCodesByClass();
_generateYaml(errorCodesByClass, errorDeclarations);
/// The path to the `analyzer` package.
final String _analyzerPkgPath =
normalize(join(pkg_root.packageRoot, 'analyzer'));
/// Encodes [yaml] into a string parseable as YAML.
/// YAML is complex and we are just trying to do a good enough job for a one
/// shot generation of a `messages.yaml` file, so instead of trying to
/// exhaustively implement the YAML standard, we have a heuristic
/// implementation, and then we double check that we can parse the result and
/// get back the original data structures.
String _encodeYaml(Map<Object?, Object?> yaml) {
var out = StringBuffer();
void visit(Map<Object?, Object?> yaml, String prefix) {
for (var entry in yaml.entries) {
var keyPart = '$prefix${entry.key}:';
var value = entry.value;
if (value is Map<Object?, Object?>) {
visit(value, '$prefix ');
} else if (value is String) {
if (value.contains('\n')) {
if (value.trim() != value) {
throw 'TODO(paulberry): handle a string with leading or trailing '
out.writeln('$keyPart |-');
var indented = value.replaceAll(RegExp('\n(?!\n)'), '\n$prefix ');
out.writeln('$prefix $indented');
} else if (value.contains('{') ||
value.contains(':') ||
value.contains("'") ||
value.trim() != value) {
out.writeln('$keyPart ${json.encode(value)}');
} else {
out.writeln('$keyPart $value');
} else if (value is bool) {
out.writeln('$keyPart $value');
} else {
throw 'TODO(paulberry): encode ${value.runtimeType}';
visit(yaml, '');
var result = out.toString();
// Double check that the result parses correctly.
try {
var parsedYaml = loadYaml(result);
if (json.encode(yaml) != json.encode(parsedYaml)) {
throw 'YAML did match after parsing';
} on Object {
print('=== Error in yaml file ===');
return result;
/// Extract comments from the parsed AST of a field declaration, so that we can
/// include them in the YAML output.
_CommentInfo _extractCommentInfo(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration) {
var firstToken = fieldDeclaration.metadata.beginToken ??
var commentToken = firstToken.precedingComments;
StringBuffer? documentationComment;
StringBuffer? otherComment;
while (commentToken != null) {
var lexeme = commentToken.lexeme;
if (lexeme.startsWith('///')) {
(documentationComment ??= StringBuffer())
.writeln(lexeme.replaceFirst(RegExp('/// ?'), '').trimRight());
} else if (lexeme.startsWith('/**')) {
(documentationComment ??= StringBuffer()).writeln(lexeme
.substring(0, lexeme.length - 2)
.replaceFirst(RegExp('/\\*\\*\n?'), '')
.replaceAll(RegExp(' *\\* ?'), '')
} else if (lexeme.startsWith('//')) {
(otherComment ??= StringBuffer())
.writeln(lexeme.replaceFirst(RegExp('// ?'), '').trimRight());
} else if (lexeme.startsWith('/*')) {
(otherComment ??= StringBuffer()).writeln(lexeme
.substring(0, lexeme.length - 2)
.replaceFirst(RegExp('/\\*(\n| )?'), '')
.replaceAll(RegExp(' *(\\*|//) ?'), '')
} else {
throw 'Unexpected comment type: ${json.encode(lexeme)}';
commentToken = as CommentToken?;
return _CommentInfo(
documentationComment: documentationComment?.toString().trim(),
otherComment: otherComment?.toString().trim());
/// Computes a map from class name to a list of all the error codes defined by
/// that class. Uses the analyzer's global variable `errorCodeValues` to find
/// all the error codes.
Map<String, List<ErrorCode>> _findErrorCodesByClass() {
var errorCodesByClass = <String, List<ErrorCode>>{};
for (var errorCode in errorCodeValues) {
if (errorCode is ScannerErrorCode) {
continue; // Will deal with later
if (errorCode is TodoCode) {
continue; // It's not worth converting these to YAML.
var className = errorCode.runtimeType.toString();
(errorCodesByClass[className] ??= []).add(errorCode);
return errorCodesByClass;
/// Finds all the variable declaration ASTs in the analyzer that might represent
/// error codes. The result is a two-tiered map, indexed first by class name
/// and then by error code name.
Map<String, Map<String, VariableDeclaration>> _findErrorDeclarations() {
var filePaths = [
join(_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'analysis_options', 'error',
join(_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'dart', 'error', 'ffi_code.dart'),
join(_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'dart', 'error', 'hint_codes.dart'),
join(_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'dart', 'error',
join(_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'error', 'codes.dart'),
join(_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'manifest',
_analyzerPkgPath, 'lib', 'src', 'pubspec', 'pubspec_warning_code.dart'),
var result = <String, Map<String, VariableDeclaration>>{};
for (var filePath in filePaths) {
var unit = parseFile(
path: filePath, featureSet: FeatureSet.latestLanguageVersion())
for (var declaration in unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is! ClassDeclaration) continue;
var className =;
for (var member in declaration.members) {
if (member is! FieldDeclaration) continue;
for (var variable in member.fields.variables) {
(result[className] ??= {})[] = variable;
return result;
/// Combines the information in [errorCodesByClass] (obtained from
/// [_findErrorCodesByClass]) and [errorDeclarations] (obtained from
/// [_findErrorDeclarations]) into a YAML representation of the errors, and
/// prints the resulting YAML.
void _generateYaml(Map<String, List<ErrorCode>> errorCodesByClass,
Map<String, Map<String, VariableDeclaration>> errorDeclarations) {
var yaml = <String, Map<String, Object?>>{};
for (var entry in errorCodesByClass.entries) {
var yamlCodes = <String, Object?>{};
var className = entry.key;
yaml[className] = yamlCodes;
entry.value.sort((a, b) =>;
for (var code in entry.value) {
var name =;
var uniqueName = code.uniqueName;
if (!uniqueName.startsWith('$className.')) {
throw 'Unexpected unique name ${json.encode(uniqueName)}';
var uniqueNameSuffix = uniqueName.substring(className.length + 1);
if (uniqueNameSuffix.contains('.')) {
throw 'Unexpected unique name ${json.encode(uniqueName)}';
var classDeclaration = errorDeclarations[className];
if (classDeclaration == null) {
throw 'Could not find class declaration for $className';
var declaration = classDeclaration[uniqueNameSuffix];
if (declaration == null) {
throw 'Could not find declaration for $className.$uniqueNameSuffix';
var variableDeclarationList =
declaration.parent as VariableDeclarationList;
var fieldDeclaration = variableDeclarationList.parent as FieldDeclaration;
var commentInfo = _extractCommentInfo(fieldDeclaration);
var documentationComment = commentInfo.documentationComment;
var otherComment = commentInfo.otherComment;
yamlCodes[uniqueNameSuffix] = AnalyzerErrorCodeInfo(
sharedName: uniqueNameSuffix == name ? null : name,
problemMessage: code.problemMessage,
correctionMessage: code.correctionMessage,
isUnresolvedIdentifier: code.isUnresolvedIdentifier,
hasPublishedDocs: code.hasPublishedDocs,
comment: documentationComment,
documentation: otherComment)
String encodedYaml = _encodeYaml(yaml);
class _CommentInfo {
final String? documentationComment;
final String? otherComment;
_CommentInfo({this.documentationComment, this.otherComment});