blob: 6a2e64119732061dd7f5802e00f844c31d16e551 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart' show
import 'message_kind_helper.dart';
import 'dart:mirrors';
main() {
ClassMirror cls = reflectClass(MessageKind);
Map<String, MessageKind> kinds = <String, MessageKind>{};
cls.variables.forEach((Symbol name, VariableMirror variable) {
if (variable.isStatic) {
var value = cls.getField(name).reflectee;
if (value is MessageKind) {
kinds[MirrorSystem.getName(name)] = value;
} else if (value is DualKind) {
kinds['${MirrorSystem.getName(name)}.error'] = value.error;
kinds['${MirrorSystem.getName(name)}.warning'] = value.warning;
} else {"Weird static field: '${MirrorSystem.getName(name)}'.");
List<String> names = kinds.keys.toList()..sort();
Map<String, bool> examples = <String, bool>{};
for (String name in names) {
MessageKind kind = kinds[name];
bool expectNoHowToFix = false;
if (name == 'READ_SCRIPT_ERROR') {
// For this we can give no how-to-fix since the underlying error is
// unknown.
expectNoHowToFix = true;
if (name == 'GENERIC' // Shouldn't be used.
// We can't provoke a crash.
// We cannot provide examples for patch errors.
|| name.startsWith('PATCH_')) continue;
if (kind.examples != null) {
examples[name] = expectNoHowToFix;
} else {
print("No example in '$name'");
var cachedCompiler;
examples.forEach((String name, bool expectNoHowToFix) {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
cachedCompiler = check(kinds[name], cachedCompiler,
expectNoHowToFix: expectNoHowToFix);
print("Checked '$name' in ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds}ms.");