blob: 0d2b5696f6c4114d74222cfac7b28fce9bb46a36 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Usage: call directly in the commandline as test/ ensuring that you have
# both 'dart' and 'content_shell' in your path. Filter tests by passing a
# pattern as an argument to this script.
# TODO(sigmund): replace with a real test runner
# bail on error
set -e
# print commands executed by this script
# set -x
DIR=$( cd $( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ) && pwd )
export DART_FLAGS="--checked"
function fail {
return 1
function show_diff {
diff -u -N $1 $2 | \
sed -e "s/^\(+.*\)/\1/" |\
sed -e "s/^\(-.*\)/\1/"
return 1
function update {
read -p "Would you like to update the expectations? [y/N]: " answer
if [[ $answer == 'y' || $answer == 'Y' ]]; then
cp $2 $1
return 0
return 1
function pass {
echo -e "OK"
function compare {
# use a standard diff, if they are not identical, format the diff nicely to
# see what's the error and prompt to see if they wish to update it. If they
# do, continue running more tests.
diff -q $1 $2 && pass || show_diff $1 $2 || update $1 $2
if [[ ($TEST_PATTERN == "") ]]; then
# Note: dartanalyzer needs to be run from the root directory for proper path
# canonicalization.
pushd $DIR/.. > /dev/null
echo Analyzing compiler for warnings or type errors
dartanalyzer --hints --fatal-warnings --fatal-type-errors bin/dwc.dart
echo -e "\nAnalyzing runtime for warnings or type errors"
dartanalyzer --hints --fatal-warnings --fatal-type-errors lib/polymer.dart
popd > /dev/null
function compare_all {
# TODO(jmesserly): bash and dart regexp might not be 100% the same. Ideally we
# could do all the heavy lifting in Dart code, and keep this script as a thin
# wrapper that sets `--enable-type-checks --enable-asserts`
for input in $DIR/../example/component/news/test/*_test.html \
$DIR/../../../samples/third_party/todomvc/test/*_test.html; do
if [[ ($TEST_PATTERN == "") || ($input =~ $TEST_PATTERN) ]]; then
FILENAME=`basename $input`
DIRNAME=`dirname $input`
if [[ `basename $DIRNAME` == 'input' ]]; then
echo -e -n "Checking diff for $FILENAME "
echo -e "Some tests failed"
if [[ -e $DIR/data/input/example ]]; then
echo "WARNING: detected old data/input/example symlink."
echo "Removing it and rerunning pub install to fix broken example symlinks."
echo "See for more information."
echo "You should only see this message once."
if [[ -e $DIR/packages ]]; then
find . -name packages -type l | xargs rm
rm $DIR/data/input/example
pushd $DIR/..
pub install
# TODO(jmesserly): dart:io fails if we run the Dart scripts with an absolute
# path. So use pushd/popd to change the working directory.
if [[ ($TEST_PATTERN == "") ]]; then
pushd $DIR/.. > /dev/null
echo -e "\nTesting build.dart... "
dart $DART_FLAGS build.dart
# Run it the way the editor does. Hide stdout because it is in noisy machine
# format. Show stderr in case something breaks.
# NOTE: not using --checked because the editor doesn't use it, and to workaround
dart build.dart --machine --clean > /dev/null
dart build.dart --machine --full > /dev/null
dart build.dart --machine --changed ../../samples/third_party/todomvc/web/index.html > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
pushd $DIR > /dev/null
echo -e "\nRunning unit tests... "
dart $DART_FLAGS run_all.dart $@ || compare_all
popd > /dev/null
# Run Dart analyzer to check that we're generating warning clean code.
# It's a bit slow, so only do this for TodoMVC and html5_utils tests.
if [[ `ls $OUT_PATTERN 2>/dev/null` != "" ]]; then
echo -e "\nAnalyzing generated code for warnings or type errors."
ls $OUT_PATTERN 2>/dev/null | dartanalyzer --package-root=packages \
--fatal-warnings --fatal-type-errors -batch
echo -e "All tests pass"