blob: 9c2550aed4cbecb75cbb565d08f3e6457bd1d28a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** Transfomer that combines multiple dart script tags into a single one. */
library polymer.src.transform.script_compactor;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/parser.dart' show parseFragment;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'code_extractor.dart'; // import just for documentation.
import 'common.dart';
* Combines Dart script tags into a single script tag, and creates a new Dart
* file that calls the main function of each of the original script tags.
* This transformer assumes that all script tags point to external files. To
* support script tags with inlined code, use this transformer after running
* [InlineCodeExtractor] on an earlier phase.
* Internally, this transformer will convert each script tag into an import
* statement to a library, and then uses `initPolymer` (see polymer.dart) to
* invoke the main method on each of these libraries and register any polymer
* elements annotated with `@CustomTag`.
class ScriptCompactor extends Transformer {
Future<bool> isPrimary(Asset input) =>
new Future.value( == ".html");
Future apply(Transform transform) {
var id = transform.primaryId;
var logger = transform.logger;
return getPrimaryContent(transform).then((content) {
var document = parseHtml(content, id.path, logger);
var libraries = [];
bool changed = false;
var dartLoaderTag = null;
for (var tag in document.queryAll('script')) {
var src = tag.attributes['src'];
if (src != null) {
if (src == 'packages/polymer/boot.js') {
var last = src.split('/').last;
if (last == 'dart.js' || last == 'testing.js') {
dartLoaderTag = tag;
if (tag.attributes['type'] != 'application/dart') continue;
changed = true;
if (src == null) {
logger.warning('unexpected script without a src url. The '
'ScriptCompactor transformer should run after running the '
'InlineCodeExtractor', tag.sourceSpan);
var libraryId = resolve(id, src, logger, tag.sourceSpan);
// TODO(sigmund): should we detect/remove duplicates?
if (libraryId == null) continue;
if (!changed) {
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, content));
var bootstrapId = id.addExtension('_bootstrap.dart');
var filename = path.url.basename(bootstrapId.path);
var bootstrapScript = parseFragment(
'<script type="application/dart" src="$filename"></script>');
if (dartLoaderTag == null) {
document.body.nodes.add(parseFragment('<script type="text/javascript" '
} else if (dartLoaderTag.parent != document.body) {
} else {
document.body.insertBefore(bootstrapScript, dartLoaderTag);
var urls = => importUrlFor(id, bootstrapId, logger))
.where((url) => url != null).toList();
var buffer = new StringBuffer()..write(_header);
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
buffer.writeln("import '${urls[i]}' as i$i;");
..writeAll( => " '$url',\n"))
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(bootstrapId, buffer.toString()));
transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(id, document.outerHtml));
* Generate the import url for a file described by [id], referenced by a file
* with [sourceId].
String importUrlFor(AssetId id, AssetId sourceId, TransformLogger logger) {
// use package: urls if possible
if (id.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
return 'package:${id.package}/${id.path.substring(4)}';
// Use relative urls only if it's possible.
if (id.package != sourceId.package) {
logger.error("don't know how to import $id from $sourceId");
return null;
var builder = path.url;
return builder.relative(builder.join('/', id.path),
from: builder.join('/', builder.dirname(sourceId.path)));
const _header = """
library app_bootstrap;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
import 'dart:mirrors' show currentMirrorSystem;
const _mainPrefix = """
void main() {
// TODO(sigmund): investigate alternative to get the baseUri (
const _mainSuffix = """
], currentMirrorSystem().isolate.rootLibrary.uri.toString());