blob: 9a7b530dbc9304b80f28cdfc2988f06d7a108152 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Datatypes holding information extracted by the analyzer and used by later
* phases of the compiler.
import 'dart:collection' show SplayTreeMap, LinkedHashMap;
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:csslib/visitor.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' show Span;
import 'dart_parser.dart' show DartCodeInfo;
import 'messages.dart';
import 'summary.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
* Information that is global. Roughly corresponds to `window` and `document`.
class GlobalInfo {
* Pseudo-element names exposed in a component via a pseudo attribute.
* The name is only available from CSS (not Dart code) so they're mangled.
* The same pseudo-element in different components maps to the same
* mangled name (as the pseudo-element is scoped inside of the component).
final Map<String, String> pseudoElements = <String, String>{};
/** All components declared in the application. */
final Map<String, ComponentInfo> components = new SplayTreeMap();
* Information for any library-like input. We consider each HTML file a library,
* and each component declaration a library as well. Hence we use this as a base
* class for both [FileInfo] and [ComponentInfo]. Both HTML files and components
* can have .dart code provided by the user for top-level user scripts and
* component-level behavior code. This code can either be inlined in the HTML
* file or included in a script tag with the "src" attribute.
abstract class LibraryInfo implements LibrarySummary {
/** Whether there is any code associated with the page/component. */
bool get codeAttached => inlinedCode != null || externalFile != null;
* The actual inlined code. Use [userCode] if you want the code from this file
* or from an external file.
DartCodeInfo inlinedCode;
* If this library's code was loaded using a script tag (e.g. in a component),
* [externalFile] has the path to such Dart file relative from the compiler's
* base directory.
UrlInfo externalFile;
/** Info asscociated with [externalFile], if any. */
FileInfo externalCode;
* The inverse of [externalCode]. If this .dart file was imported via a script
* tag, this refers to the HTML file that imported it.
LibraryInfo htmlFile;
/** File where the top-level code was defined. */
UrlInfo get dartCodeUrl;
* Name of the file that will hold any generated Dart code for this library
* unit. Note this is initialized after parsing.
String outputFilename;
/** Parsed cssSource. */
List<StyleSheet> styleSheets = [];
/** This is used in transforming Dart code to track modified files. */
bool modified = false;
* This is used in transforming Dart code to compute files that reference
* [modified] files.
List<FileInfo> referencedBy = [];
* Components used within this library unit. For [FileInfo] these are
* components used directly in the page. For [ComponentInfo] these are
* components used within their shadowed template.
final Map<ComponentSummary, bool> usedComponents =
new LinkedHashMap<ComponentSummary, bool>();
* The actual code, either inlined or from an external file, or `null` if none
* was defined.
DartCodeInfo get userCode =>
externalCode != null ? externalCode.inlinedCode : inlinedCode;
/** Information extracted at the file-level. */
class FileInfo extends LibraryInfo implements HtmlFileSummary {
/** Relative path to this file from the compiler's base directory. */
final UrlInfo inputUrl;
* Whether this file should be treated as the entry point of the web app, i.e.
* the file users navigate to in their browser. This will be true if this file
* was passed in the command line to the dwc compiler, and the
* `--components_only` flag was omitted.
final bool isEntryPoint;
// TODO(terry): Ensure that that the libraryName is a valid identifier:
// a..z || A..Z || _ [a..z || A..Z || 0..9 || _]*
String get libraryName =>
path.basename(inputUrl.resolvedPath).replaceAll('.', '_');
/** File where the top-level code was defined. */
UrlInfo get dartCodeUrl => externalFile != null ? externalFile : inputUrl;
* All custom element definitions in this file. This may contain duplicates.
* Normally you should use [components] for lookup.
final List<ComponentInfo> declaredComponents = new List<ComponentInfo>();
* All custom element definitions defined in this file or imported via
*`<link rel='components'>` tag. Maps from the tag name to the component
* information. This map is sorted by the tag name.
final Map<String, ComponentSummary> components =
new SplayTreeMap<String, ComponentSummary>();
/** Files imported with `<link rel="import">` */
final List<UrlInfo> componentLinks = <UrlInfo>[];
/** Files imported with `<link rel="stylesheet">` */
final List<UrlInfo> styleSheetHrefs = <UrlInfo>[];
/** Root is associated with the body node. */
Element body;
FileInfo(this.inputUrl, [this.isEntryPoint = false]);
* Query for an [Element] matching the provided [tag], starting from the
* [body].
Element query(String tag) => body.query(tag);
/** Information about a web component definition declared locally. */
// TODO(sigmund): use a mixin to pull in ComponentSummary.
class ComponentInfo extends LibraryInfo implements ComponentSummary {
/** The file that declares this component. */
final FileInfo declaringFile;
/** The component tag name, defined with the `name` attribute on `element`. */
final String tagName;
* The tag name that this component extends, defined with the `extends`
* attribute on `element`.
final String extendsTag;
* The component info associated with the [extendsTag] name, if any.
* This will be `null` if the component extends a built-in HTML tag, or
* if the analyzer has not run yet.
ComponentSummary extendsComponent;
/** The Dart class containing the component's behavior. */
String className;
/** The Dart class declaration. */
ClassDeclaration get classDeclaration => _classDeclaration;
ClassDeclaration _classDeclaration;
/** The declaring `<element>` tag. */
final Node element;
/** File where this component was defined. */
UrlInfo get dartCodeUrl => externalFile != null
? externalFile : declaringFile.inputUrl;
* True if [tagName] was defined by more than one component. If this happened
* we will skip over the component.
bool hasConflict = false;
ComponentInfo(this.element, this.declaringFile, this.tagName,
* Gets the HTML tag extended by the base of the component hierarchy.
* Equivalent to [extendsTag] if this inherits directly from an HTML element,
* in other words, if [extendsComponent] is null.
String get baseExtendsTag =>
extendsComponent == null ? extendsTag : extendsComponent.baseExtendsTag;
Span get sourceSpan => element.sourceSpan;
/** Is apply-author-styles enabled. */
bool get hasAuthorStyles =>
* Finds the declaring class, and initializes [className] and
* [classDeclaration]. Also [userCode] is generated if there was no script.
void findClassDeclaration(Messages messages) {
var constructor = element.attributes['constructor'];
className = constructor != null ? constructor :
toCamelCase(tagName, startUppercase: true);
// If we don't have any code, generate a small class definition, and
// pretend the user wrote it as inlined code.
if (userCode == null) {
var superclass = extendsComponent != null ? extendsComponent.className
: 'autogenerated.PolymerElement';
inlinedCode = new DartCodeInfo(null, null, [],
'class $className extends $superclass {\n}', null);
var code = userCode.code;
_classDeclaration = userCode.findClass(className);
if (_classDeclaration == null) {
// Check for deprecated x-tags implied constructor.
if (tagName.startsWith('x-') && constructor == null) {
var oldCtor = toCamelCase(tagName.substring(2), startUppercase: true);
_classDeclaration = userCode.findClass(oldCtor);
if (_classDeclaration != null) {
messages.warning('Implied constructor name for x-tags has changed to '
'"$className". You should rename your class or add a '
'constructor="$oldCtor" attribute to the element declaration. '
'Also custom tags are not required to start with "x-" if their '
'name has at least one dash.',
className = oldCtor;
if (_classDeclaration == null) {
messages.error('please provide a class definition '
'for $className:\n $code', element.sourceSpan);
String toString() => '#<ComponentInfo $tagName '
'${inlinedCode != null ? "inline" : "from ${dartCodeUrl.resolvedPath}"}>';
* Information extracted about a URL that refers to another file. This is
* mainly introduced to be able to trace back where URLs come from when
* reporting errors.
class UrlInfo {
/** Original url. */
final String url;
/** Path that the URL points to. */
final String resolvedPath;
/** Original source location where the URL was extracted from. */
final Span sourceSpan;
UrlInfo(this.url, this.resolvedPath, this.sourceSpan);
* Resolve a path from an [url] found in a file located at [inputUrl].
* Returns null for absolute [url]. Unless [ignoreAbsolute] is true, reports
* an error message if the url is an absolute url.
static UrlInfo resolve(String url, UrlInfo inputUrl, Span span,
String packageRoot, Messages messages, {bool ignoreAbsolute: false}) {
var uri = Uri.parse(url);
if ( != '' || (uri.scheme != '' && uri.scheme != 'package')) {
if (!ignoreAbsolute) {
messages.error('absolute paths not allowed here: "$url"', span);
return null;
var target;
if (url.startsWith('package:')) {
target = path.join(packageRoot, url.substring(8));
} else if (path.isAbsolute(url)) {
if (!ignoreAbsolute) {
messages.error('absolute paths not allowed here: "$url"', span);
return null;
} else {
target = path.join(path.dirname(inputUrl.resolvedPath), url);
url = pathToUrl(path.normalize(path.join(
path.dirname(inputUrl.url), url)));
target = path.normalize(target);
return new UrlInfo(url, target, span);
bool operator ==(UrlInfo other) =>
url == other.url && resolvedPath == other.resolvedPath;
int get hashCode => resolvedPath.hashCode;
String toString() => "#<UrlInfo url: $url, resolvedPath: $resolvedPath>";