blob: 270af5d5ba0c6a4485298097a3e67c948cd70c94 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/** Portion of the analyzer dealing with CSS sources. */
library polymer.src.css_analyzer;
import 'package:csslib/parser.dart' as css;
import 'package:csslib/visitor.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/dom.dart';
import 'package:html5lib/dom_parsing.dart';
import 'info.dart';
import 'files.dart' show SourceFile;
import 'messages.dart';
import 'compiler_options.dart';
void analyzeCss(String packageRoot, List<SourceFile> files,
Map<String, FileInfo> info, Map<String, String> pseudoElements,
Messages messages, {warningsAsErrors: false}) {
var analyzer = new _AnalyzerCss(packageRoot, info, pseudoElements, messages,
for (var file in files) analyzer.process(file);
class _AnalyzerCss {
final String packageRoot;
final Map<String, FileInfo> info;
final Map<String, String> _pseudoElements;
final Messages _messages;
final bool _warningsAsErrors;
Set<StyleSheet> allStyleSheets = new Set<StyleSheet>();
* [_pseudoElements] list of known pseudo attributes found in HTML, any
* CSS pseudo-elements 'name::custom-element' is mapped to the manged name
* associated with the pseudo-element key.
_AnalyzerCss(this.packageRoot,, this._pseudoElements,
this._messages, this._warningsAsErrors);
* Run the analyzer on every file that is a style sheet or any component that
* has a style tag.
void process(SourceFile file) {
var fileInfo = info[file.path];
if (file.isStyleSheet || fileInfo.styleSheets.length > 0) {
var styleSheets = processVars(fileInfo);
// Add to list of all style sheets analyzed.
// Process any components.
for (var component in fileInfo.declaredComponents) {
var all = processVars(component);
// Add to list of all style sheets analyzed.
void normalize() {
// Remove all var definitions for all style sheets analyzed.
for (var tree in allStyleSheets) new _RemoveVarDefinitions().visitTree(tree);
List<StyleSheet> processVars(var libraryInfo) {
// Get list of all stylesheet(s) dependencies referenced from this file.
var styleSheets = _dependencies(libraryInfo).toList();
var errors = [];
css.analyze(styleSheets, errors: errors, options:
[_warningsAsErrors ? '--warnings_as_errors' : '', 'memory']);
// Print errors as warnings.
for (var e in errors) {
_messages.warning(e.message, e.span);
// Build list of all var definitions.
Map varDefs = new Map();
for (var tree in styleSheets) {
var allDefs = (new _VarDefinitions()..visitTree(tree)).found;
allDefs.forEach((key, value) {
varDefs[key] = value;
// Resolve all definitions to a non-VarUsage (terminal expression).
varDefs.forEach((key, value) {
for (var expr in (value.expression as Expressions).expressions) {
var def = _findTerminalVarDefinition(varDefs, value);
varDefs[key] = def;
// Resolve all var usages.
for (var tree in styleSheets) new _ResolveVarUsages(varDefs).visitTree(tree);
return styleSheets;
processCustomPseudoElements() {
var polyFiller = new _PseudoElementExpander(_pseudoElements);
for (var tree in allStyleSheets) {
* Given a component or file check if any stylesheets referenced. If so then
* return a list of all referenced stylesheet dependencies (@imports or <link
* rel="stylesheet" ..>).
Set<StyleSheet> _dependencies(var libraryInfo, {Set<StyleSheet> seen}) {
if (seen == null) seen = new Set();
// Used to resolve all pathing information.
var inputUrl = libraryInfo is FileInfo
? libraryInfo.inputUrl
: (libraryInfo as ComponentInfo).declaringFile.inputUrl;
for (var styleSheet in libraryInfo.styleSheets) {
if (!seen.contains(styleSheet)) {
// TODO(terry): VM uses expandos to implement hashes. Currently, it's a
// linear (not constant) time cost (see
// If this bug isn't fixed and performance show's this a
// a problem we'll need to implement our own hashCode or
// use a different key for better perf.
// Add the stylesheet.
// Any other imports in this stylesheet?
var urlInfos = findImportsInStyleSheet(styleSheet, packageRoot,
inputUrl, _messages);
// Process other imports in this stylesheets.
for (var importSS in urlInfos) {
var importInfo = info[importSS.resolvedPath];
if (importInfo != null) {
// Add all known stylesheets processed.
// Find dependencies for stylesheet referenced with a
// @import
for (var ss in importInfo.styleSheets) {
var urls = findImportsInStyleSheet(ss, packageRoot, inputUrl,
for (var url in urls) {
_dependencies(info[url.resolvedPath], seen: seen);
return seen;
* Find var- definitions in a style sheet.
* [found] list of known definitions.
class _VarDefinitions extends Visitor {
final Map<String, VarDefinition> found = new Map();
void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition node) {
// Replace with latest variable definition.
found[node.definedName] = node;
void visitVarDefinitionDirective(VarDefinitionDirective node) {
* Resolve any CSS expression which contains a var() usage to the ultimate real
* CSS expression value e.g.,
* var-one: var(two);
* var-two: #ff00ff;
* .test {
* color: var(one);
* }
* then .test's color would be #ff00ff
class _ResolveVarUsages extends Visitor {
final Map<String, VarDefinition> varDefs;
bool inVarDefinition = false;
bool inUsage = false;
Expressions currentExpressions;
void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
void visitVarDefinition(VarDefinition varDef) {
inVarDefinition = true;
inVarDefinition = false;
void visitExpressions(Expressions node) {
currentExpressions = node;
currentExpressions = null;
void visitVarUsage(VarUsage node) {
// Don't process other var() inside of a varUsage. That implies that the
// default is a var() too. Also, don't process any var() inside of a
// varDefinition (they're just place holders until we've resolved all real
// usages.
if (!inUsage && !inVarDefinition && currentExpressions != null) {
var expressions = currentExpressions.expressions;
var index = expressions.indexOf(node);
assert(index >= 0);
var def = varDefs[];
if (def != null) {
// Found a VarDefinition use it.
_resolveVarUsage(currentExpressions.expressions, index, def);
} else if (node.defaultValues.any((e) => e is VarUsage)) {
// Don't have a VarDefinition need to use default values resolve all
// default values.
var terminalDefaults = [];
for (var defaultValue in node.defaultValues) {
expressions.replaceRange(index, index + 1, terminalDefaults);
} else {
// No VarDefinition but default value is a terminal expression; use it.
expressions.replaceRange(index, index + 1, node.defaultValues);
inUsage = true;
inUsage = false;
List<Expression> resolveUsageTerminal(VarUsage usage) {
var result = [];
var varDef = varDefs[];
var expressions;
if (varDef == null) {
// VarDefinition not found try the defaultValues.
expressions = usage.defaultValues;
} else {
// Use the VarDefinition found.
expressions = (varDef.expression as Expressions).expressions;
for (var expr in expressions) {
if (expr is VarUsage) {
// Get terminal value.
// We're at a terminal just return the VarDefinition expression.
if (result.isEmpty && varDef != null) {
result = (varDef.expression as Expressions).expressions;
return result;
_resolveVarUsage(List<Expressions> expressions, int index,
VarDefinition def) {
var defExpressions = (def.expression as Expressions).expressions;
expressions.replaceRange(index, index + 1, defExpressions);
/** Remove all var definitions. */
class _RemoveVarDefinitions extends Visitor {
void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
void visitStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) {
ss.topLevels.removeWhere((e) => e is VarDefinitionDirective);
void visitDeclarationGroup(DeclarationGroup node) {
node.declarations.removeWhere((e) => e is VarDefinition);
* Process all selectors looking for a pseudo-element in a selector. If the
* name is found in our list of known pseudo-elements. Known pseudo-elements
* are built when parsing a component looking for an attribute named "pseudo".
* The value of the pseudo attribute is the name of the custom pseudo-element.
* The name is mangled so Dart/JS can't directly access the pseudo-element only
* CSS can access a custom pseudo-element (and see issue #510, querying needs
* access to custom pseudo-elements).
* Change the custom pseudo-element to be a child of the pseudo attribute's
* mangled custom pseudo element name. e.g,
* .test::x-box
* would become:
* .test > *[pseudo="x-box_2"]
class _PseudoElementExpander extends Visitor {
final Map<String, String> _pseudoElements;
void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) => visitStyleSheet(tree);
visitSelector(Selector node) {
var selectors = node.simpleSelectorSequences;
for (var index = 0; index < selectors.length; index++) {
var selector = selectors[index].simpleSelector;
if (selector is PseudoElementSelector) {
if (_pseudoElements.containsKey( {
// Pseudo Element is a custom element.
var mangledName = _pseudoElements[];
var span = selectors[index].span;
var attrSelector = new AttributeSelector(
new Identifier('pseudo', span), css.TokenKind.EQUALS,
mangledName, span);
// The wildcard * namespace selector.
var wildCard = new ElementSelector(new Wildcard(span), span);
selectors[index] = new SimpleSelectorSequence(wildCard, span,
new SimpleSelectorSequence(attrSelector, span));
List<UrlInfo> findImportsInStyleSheet(StyleSheet styleSheet,
String packageRoot, UrlInfo inputUrl, Messages messages) {
var visitor = new _CssImports(packageRoot, inputUrl, messages);
return visitor.urlInfos;
* Find any imports in the style sheet; normalize the style sheet href and
* return a list of all fully qualified CSS files.
class _CssImports extends Visitor {
final String packageRoot;
/** Input url of the css file, used to normalize relative import urls. */
final UrlInfo inputUrl;
/** List of all imported style sheets. */
final List<UrlInfo> urlInfos = [];
final Messages _messages;
_CssImports(this.packageRoot, this.inputUrl, this._messages);
void visitTree(StyleSheet tree) {
void visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
var urlInfo = UrlInfo.resolve(node.import, inputUrl,
node.span, packageRoot, _messages, ignoreAbsolute: true);
if (urlInfo == null) return;
StyleSheet parseCss(String content, Messages messages,
CompilerOptions options) {
if (content.trim().isEmpty) return null;
var errors = [];
// TODO(terry): Add --checked when fully implemented and error handling.
var stylesheet = css.parse(content, errors: errors, options:
[options.warningsAsErrors ? '--warnings_as_errors' : '', 'memory']);
// Note: errors aren't fatal in HTML (unless strict mode is on).
// So just print them as warnings.
for (var e in errors) {
messages.warning(e.message, e.span);
return stylesheet;
/** Find terminal definition (non VarUsage implies real CSS value). */
VarDefinition _findTerminalVarDefinition(Map<String, VarDefinition> varDefs,
VarDefinition varDef) {
var expressions = varDef.expression as Expressions;
for (var expr in expressions.expressions) {
if (expr is VarUsage) {
var usageName = (expr as VarUsage).name;
var foundDef = varDefs[usageName];
// If foundDef is unknown check if defaultValues; if it exist then resolve
// to terminal value.
if (foundDef == null) {
// We're either a VarUsage or terminal definition if in varDefs;
// either way replace VarUsage with it's default value because the
// VarDefinition isn't found.
var defaultValues = (expr as VarUsage).defaultValues;
var replaceExprs = expressions.expressions;
assert(replaceExprs.length == 1);
replaceExprs.replaceRange(0, 1, defaultValues);
return varDef;
if (foundDef is VarDefinition) {
return _findTerminalVarDefinition(varDefs, foundDef);
} else {
// Return real CSS property.
return varDef;
// Didn't point to a var definition that existed.
return varDef;
* Find urls imported inside style tags under [info]. If [info] is a FileInfo
* then process only style tags in the body (don't process any style tags in a
* component). If [info] is a ComponentInfo only process style tags inside of
* the element are processed. For an [info] of type FileInfo [node] is the
* file's document and for an [info] of type ComponentInfo then [node] is the
* component's element tag.
List<UrlInfo> findUrlsImported(LibraryInfo info, UrlInfo inputUrl,
String packageRoot, Node node, Messages messages, CompilerOptions options) {
// Process any @imports inside of the <style> tag.
var styleProcessor =
new _CssStyleTag(packageRoot, info, inputUrl, messages, options);
return styleProcessor.imports;
/* Process CSS inside of a style tag. */
class _CssStyleTag extends TreeVisitor {
final String _packageRoot;
/** Either a FileInfo or ComponentInfo. */
final LibraryInfo _info;
final Messages _messages;
final CompilerOptions _options;
* Path of the declaring file, for a [_info] of type FileInfo it's the file's
* path for a type ComponentInfo it's the declaring file path.
final UrlInfo _inputUrl;
/** List of @imports found. */
List<UrlInfo> imports = [];
_CssStyleTag(this._packageRoot, this._info, this._inputUrl, this._messages,
void visitElement(Element node) {
// Don't process any style tags inside of element if we're processing a
// FileInfo. The style tags inside of a component defintion will be
// processed when _info is a ComponentInfo.
if (node.tagName == 'polymer-element' && _info is FileInfo) return;
if (node.tagName == 'style') {
// Parse the contents of the scoped style tag.
var styleSheet = parseCss(node.nodes.single.value, _messages, _options);
if (styleSheet != null) {
// Find all imports return list of @imports in this style tag.
var urlInfos = findImportsInStyleSheet(styleSheet, _packageRoot,
_inputUrl, _messages);