blob: b748d1ff850fabf9f5de9450fe7070242c3020e4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import os.path
import sys
def _get_browser_compat_data():
current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
browser_compat_folder = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(current_dir, '..', '..', '..', 'third_party', 'mdn',
'browser-compat-data', 'src'))
if not os.path.exists(browser_compat_folder):
raise RuntimeError('Browser compatibility data not found at %s' %
browser_compat_data = {}
# TODO(srujzs): add more if needed
# Transform to absolute paths
os.path.join(browser_compat_folder, dir) for dir in INCLUDE_DIRS
def process_json_dict(json_dict):
# Returns a tuple of the interface name and the metadata corresponding
# to it.
if 'api' in json_dict:
# Get the interface name
api_dict = json_dict['api']
interface_name = api_dict.keys()[0]
return (interface_name, api_dict[interface_name])
elif 'html' in json_dict:
html_dict = json_dict['html']
if 'elements' in html_dict:
elements_dict = html_dict['elements']
element_name = elements_dict.keys()[0]
# Convert to WebCore name
interface = str('HTML' + element_name + 'Element')
return (interface, elements_dict[element_name])
elif 'svg' in json_dict:
svg_dict = json_dict['svg']
if 'elements' in svg_dict:
elements_dict = svg_dict['elements']
element_name = elements_dict.keys()[0]
# Convert to WebCore name
interface = str('SVG' + element_name + 'Element')
return (interface, elements_dict[element_name])
return (None, None)
def visitor(arg, dir_path, names):
def should_process_dir(dir_path):
if os.path.abspath(dir_path) == browser_compat_folder:
return True
for dir in INCLUDE_DIRS:
if dir_path.startswith(dir):
return True
return False
if should_process_dir(dir_path):
for name in names:
file_name = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
(interface_path, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_name)
if ext == '.json':
with open(file_name) as src:
json_dict = json.load(src)
interface, metadata = process_json_dict(json_dict)
if not interface is None:
# Note: interface and member names do not
# necessarily have the same capitalization as
# WebCore, so we keep them all lowercase for easier
# matching later.
interface = interface.lower()
metadata = {
member.lower(): info
for member, info in metadata.items()
if interface in browser_compat_data:
browser_compat_data[interface] = metadata
names[:] = [] # Do not go underneath
os.path.walk(browser_compat_folder, visitor, browser_compat_folder)
return browser_compat_data
class MDNReader(object):
# Statically initialize and treat as constant.
_BROWSER_COMPAT_DATA = _get_browser_compat_data()
def __init__(self):
self._compat_overrides = {}
def _get_attr_compatibility(self, compat_data):
# Parse schema syntax of MDN data:
# For now, we will require support for browsers since the last IDL roll.
# TODO(srujzs): Determine if this is too conservative.
browser_version_map = {
'chrome': 63,
'firefox': 57,
'safari': 11,
# We still support the latest version of IE.
'ie': 11,
'opera': 50,
version_key = 'version_added'
for browser in browser_version_map.keys():
support_data = compat_data['support']
if browser not in support_data:
return False
support_statement = support_data[browser]
if isinstance(support_statement, list): # array_support_statement
# TODO(srujzs): Parse this list to determine compatibility. Will
# likely require parsing for 'version_removed' keys. Notes about
# which browser version enabled this attribute for which
# platform also complicates things. For now, we assume it's not
# compatible.
return False
if len(support_statement.keys()) > 1:
# If it's anything more complicated than 'version_added', like
# 'notes' that specify platform versions, we assume it's not
# compatible.
return False
version = support_statement[version_key]
if not version or browser_version_map[browser] < float(version):
# simple_support_statement
return False
# If the attribute is experimental, we assume it's not compatible.
status_data = compat_data['status']
experimental_key = 'experimental'
if experimental_key in status_data and \
return False
return True
def is_compatible(self, attribute):
# Since capitalization isn't consistent across MDN and WebCore, we
# compare lowercase equivalents for interface and attribute names.
interface = attribute.doc_js_interface_name.lower()
if interface in self._BROWSER_COMPAT_DATA and and len( > 0:
interface_dict = self._BROWSER_COMPAT_DATA[interface]
id_name =
secure_context_key = 'isSecureContext'
if interface in self._compat_overrides and id_name in self._compat_overrides[
return self._compat_overrides[interface][id_name]
elif secure_context_key in interface_dict:
# If the interface requires a secure context, all attributes are
# implicitly incompatible.
return False
elif id_name in interface_dict:
id_data = interface_dict[id_name]
return self._get_attr_compatibility(id_data['__compat'])
# Might be an attribute that is defined in a parent interface.
# We defer until attribute emitting to determine if this is the
# case. Otherwise, return None.
return None
def set_compatible(self, attribute, compatible):
# Override value in the MDN browser compatibility data.
if not compatible in [True, False, None]:
raise ValueError('Cannot set a non-boolean object for compatible')
interface = attribute.doc_js_interface_name.lower()
if not interface in self._compat_overrides:
self._compat_overrides[interface] = {}
if and len( > 0:
id_name =
self._compat_overrides[interface][id_name] = compatible