blob: 7889ece656baf0f96c0d2aefac34944c4b37463c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/resource_provider_mixin.dart';
/// A mixin for test classes that provides support for creating packages.
mixin PackageMixin implements ResourceProviderMixin {
/// Return the map from package names to lists of folders that is used to
/// resolve 'package:' URIs.
Map<String, List<Folder>> get packageMap;
/// Create a fake 'js' package that can be used by tests.
void addJsPackage() {
var rootFolder = getFolder('/.pub-cache/js');
/// Create a fake 'meta' package that can be used by tests.
void addMetaPackage() {
var rootFolder = getFolder('/.pub-cache/meta');
/// Return a newly created directory in which the contents of a pub package
/// with the given [packageName] can be written. The package will be added to
/// the package map so that the package can be referenced from the code being
/// analyzed.
Folder addPubPackage(String packageName) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider renaming this to `addPackage` and passing
// in a `PackageStyle` (pub, bazel, gn, build, plain) in order to support
// creating other styles of packages.
Folder lib = getFolder('/.pub-cache/$packageName/lib');
packageMap[packageName] = [lib];
return lib;
/// Helper for creating mock packages.
class PackagesContent {
/// Create a fake 'js' package that can be used by tests.
static void addJsPackageFiles(Folder rootFolder) {
var libFolder = rootFolder.getChildAssumingFolder('lib');
library js;
class JS {
const JS([String js]);
/// Create a fake 'meta' package that can be used by tests.
static void addMetaPackageFiles(Folder rootFolder) {
var libFolder = rootFolder.getChildAssumingFolder('lib');
library meta;
const _AlwaysThrows alwaysThrows = const _AlwaysThrows();
const _Factory factory = const _Factory();
const Immutable immutable = const Immutable();
const _Literal literal = const _Literal();
const _MustCallSuper mustCallSuper = const _MustCallSuper();
const _NonVirtual nonVirtual = const _NonVirtual();
const _OptionalTypeArgs optionalTypeArgs = const _OptionalTypeArgs();
const _Protected protected = const _Protected();
const Required required = const Required();
const _Sealed sealed = const _Sealed();
const _VisibleForTesting visibleForTesting = const _VisibleForTesting();
class Immutable {
final String reason;
const Immutable([this.reason]);
class _AlwaysThrows {
const _AlwaysThrows();
class _Factory {
const _Factory();
class _Literal {
const _Literal();
class _MustCallSuper {
const _MustCallSuper();
class _NonVirtual {
const _NonVirtual();
class _OptionalTypeArgs {
const _OptionalTypeArgs();
class _Protected {
const _Protected();
class Required {
final String reason;
const Required([this.reason]);
class _Sealed {
const _Sealed();
class _VisibleForTesting {
const _VisibleForTesting();