blob: f1542bd3ec1b33b628b9b064d9f686372a3b5f9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
external Never _throwObjectWithStackTrace(Object error, StackTrace stacktrace);
class Error {
static String _objectToString(Object object) {
return 'Instance of ${object._runtimeType}';
static String _stringToSafeString(String string) {
return jsonEncode(string);
StackTrace? get stackTrace => _stackTrace;
StackTrace? _stackTrace;
static Never _throw(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (error is Error && error._stackTrace == null) {
error._stackTrace = stackTrace;
return _throwObjectWithStackTrace(error, stackTrace);
class _Error extends Error {
final String _message;
String toString() => _message;
class _TypeError extends _Error implements TypeError {
_TypeError(String message) : super(message);
factory _TypeError.fromMessageAndStackTrace(
String message, StackTrace stackTrace) {
final typeError = _TypeError(message);
typeError._stackTrace = stackTrace;
return typeError;
static Never _throwNullCheckError(StackTrace stackTrace) {
final typeError = _TypeError.fromMessageAndStackTrace(
"Null check operator used on a null value", stackTrace);
return _throwObjectWithStackTrace(typeError, stackTrace);
static Never _throwThrowNullError(StackTrace stackTrace) {
final typeError =
_TypeError.fromMessageAndStackTrace("Throw of null", stackTrace);
return _throwObjectWithStackTrace(typeError, stackTrace);
static Never _throwAsCheckError(
Object? operand, Type? type, StackTrace stackTrace) {
final typeError = _TypeError.fromMessageAndStackTrace(
"Type '${operand.runtimeType}' is not a subtype of type '$type'"
" in type cast",
return _throwObjectWithStackTrace(typeError, stackTrace);
static Never _throwWasmRefError(String expected, StackTrace stackTrace) {
final typeError = _TypeError.fromMessageAndStackTrace(
"The Wasm reference is not $expected", stackTrace);
return _throwObjectWithStackTrace(typeError, stackTrace);
class NoSuchMethodError {
final Object? _receiver;
final Symbol _memberName;
final List? _arguments;
final Map<Symbol, dynamic>? _namedArguments;
final List? _existingArgumentNames;
factory NoSuchMethodError.withInvocation(
Object? receiver, Invocation invocation) =>
NoSuchMethodError(receiver, invocation.memberName,
invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
NoSuchMethodError(Object? receiver, Symbol memberName,
List? positionalArguments, Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArguments,
[List? existingArgumentNames = null])
: _receiver = receiver,
_memberName = memberName,
_arguments = positionalArguments,
_namedArguments = namedArguments,
_existingArgumentNames = existingArgumentNames;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer('');
String comma = '';
List? arguments = _arguments;
if (arguments != null) {
for (var argument in arguments) {
comma = ', ';
Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArguments = _namedArguments;
if (namedArguments != null) {
namedArguments.forEach((Symbol key, var value) {
sb.write(": ");
comma = ', ';
String memberName = _symbolToString(_memberName);
String receiverText = Error.safeToString(_receiver);
String actualParameters = '$sb';
List? existingArgumentNames = _existingArgumentNames;
if (existingArgumentNames == null) {
return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '$memberName'\n"
"Receiver: ${receiverText}\n"
"Arguments: [$actualParameters]";
} else {
String formalParameters = existingArgumentNames.join(', ');
return "NoSuchMethodError: incorrect number of arguments passed to "
"method named '$memberName'\n"
"Receiver: ${receiverText}\n"
"Tried calling: $memberName($actualParameters)\n"
"Found: $memberName($formalParameters)";
/// Used by Fasta to report a runtime error when a final field with an
/// initializer is also initialized in a generative constructor.
/// Note: In strong mode, this is a compile-time error, but the CFE still needs
/// this class to exist in `dart:core`.
class _DuplicatedFieldInitializerError extends Error {
final String _name;
toString() => "Error: field '$_name' is already initialized.";