blob: 125c224743930fcaec9cec4123a76f94c5db8870 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'path.dart';
/// This is the maximum time we expect stdout/stderr of subprocesses to deliver
/// data after we've got the exitCode.
const Duration maxStdioDelay = Duration(seconds: 30);
final maxStdioDelayPassedMessage =
"""Not waiting for stdout/stderr from subprocess anymore
($maxStdioDelay passed). Please note that this could be an indicator
that there is a hanging process which we were unable to kill.""";
/// The names of the packages that are available for use in tests.
const testPackages = [
/// Gets the file extension for a shell script on the host OS.
String get shellScriptExtension => Platform.isWindows ? '.bat' : '';
/// Gets the file extension for an executable binary on the host OS.
String get executableExtension => Platform.isWindows ? '.exe' : '';
class DebugLogger {
static IOSink? _sink;
/// If [path] was null, the DebugLogger will write messages to stdout.
static void init(Path? path) {
if (path != null) {
_sink = File(path.toNativePath()).openWrite(mode: FileMode.append);
static void close() {
if (_sink != null) {
_sink = null;
static String _formatErrorMessage(String msg, error) {
if (error == null) return msg;
msg += ": $error";
// TODO(floitsch): once the dart-executable that is bundled
// with the Dart sources is updated, pass a trace parameter too and do:
// if (trace != null) msg += "\nStackTrace: $trace";
return msg;
static void info(String msg, [error]) {
msg = _formatErrorMessage(msg, error);
_print("$_datetime Info: $msg");
static void warning(String msg, [error]) {
msg = _formatErrorMessage(msg, error);
_print("$_datetime Warning: $msg");
static void error(String msg, [error]) {
msg = _formatErrorMessage(msg, error);
_print("$_datetime Error: $msg");
static void _print(String msg) {
if (_sink != null) {
} else {
static String get _datetime => "${}";
// TODO(kustermann,ricow): As soon we have a debug log we should log
// invalid utf8-encoded input to the log.
// Currently invalid bytes will be replaced by a replacement character.
String decodeUtf8(List<int> bytes) {
return utf8.decode(bytes, allowMalformed: true);
/// Given a chunk of UTF-8 output, splits it into lines, normalizes carriage
/// returns, and deletes and trailing and leading whitespace.
List<String> decodeLines(List<int> output) {
return decodeUtf8(output)
.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n')
.replaceAll('\r', '\n')
String indent(String string, int numSpaces) {
var spaces = List.filled(numSpaces, ' ').join('');
return string
.replaceAll('\r\n', '\n')
.map((line) => "$spaces$line")
/// Convert [duration] to a short but precise human-friendly string.
String niceTime(Duration duration) {
String digits(int count, int n, int period) {
n = n.remainder(period).toInt();
return n.toString().padLeft(count, "0");
var minutes = digits(2, duration.inMinutes, Duration.minutesPerHour);
var seconds = digits(2, duration.inSeconds, Duration.secondsPerMinute);
var millis =
digits(6, duration.inMilliseconds, Duration.millisecondsPerSecond);
if (duration.inHours >= 1) {
return "${duration.inHours}:$minutes:${seconds}s";
} else if (duration.inMinutes >= 1) {
return "$minutes:$seconds.${millis}s";
} else if (duration.inSeconds >= 1) {
return "$seconds.${millis}s";
} else {
return "${duration.inMilliseconds}ms";
/// This function is pretty stupid and only puts quotes around an argument if
/// it the argument contains a space.
String escapeCommandLineArgument(String argument) {
if (argument.contains(' ')) {
return '"$argument"';
return argument;
class HashCodeBuilder {
int _value = 0;
void add(Object? object) {
_value = ((_value * 31) ^ object.hashCode) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
void addJson(Object? object) {
if (object == null ||
object is num ||
object is String ||
object is Uri ||
object is bool) {
} else if (object is List) {
} else if (object is Map) {
for (var key in object.keys.toList()..sort()) {
} else {
throw Exception("Can't build hashcode for non json-like object "
int get value => _value;
bool deepJsonCompare(Object? a, Object? b) {
if (a == null || a is num || a is String || a is Uri) {
return a == b;
} else if (a is List) {
if (b is List) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!deepJsonCompare(a[i], b[i])) return false;
return true;
return false;
} else if (a is Map) {
if (b is Map) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (var key in a.keys) {
if (!b.containsKey(key)) return false;
if (!deepJsonCompare(a[key], b[key])) return false;
return true;
return false;
} else {
throw Exception("Can't compare two non json-like objects "
"(a: ${a.runtimeType}, b: ${b.runtimeType})");
class LastModifiedCache {
final Map<String, DateTime?> _cache = {};
/// Returns the last modified date of the given [uri].
/// The return value will be cached for future queries. If [uri] is a local
/// file, its last modified [DateTime] will be returned. If the file does not
/// exist, null will be returned instead.
/// In case [uri] is not a local file, this method will always return
/// the current date.
DateTime? getLastModified(Uri uri) {
if (uri.isScheme("file")) {
if (_cache.containsKey(uri.path)) {
return _cache[uri.path];
var file = File(Path(uri.path).toNativePath());
_cache[uri.path] = file.existsSync() ? file.lastModifiedSync() : null;
return _cache[uri.path];
class ExistsCache {
final Map<String, bool> _cache = {};
/// Returns true if the file in [path] exists, false otherwise.
/// The information will be cached.
bool doesFileExist(String path) {
return _cache.putIfAbsent(path, () => File(path).existsSync());
class TestUtils {
static LastModifiedCache lastModifiedCache = LastModifiedCache();
static ExistsCache existsCache = ExistsCache();
/// Creates a directory using a [relativePath] to an existing
/// [base] directory if that [relativePath] does not already exist.
static Directory mkdirRecursive(Path base, Path relativePath) {
if (relativePath.isAbsolute) {
base = Path('/');
var dir = Directory(base.toNativePath());
var segments = relativePath.segments();
for (var segment in segments) {
base = base.append(segment);
if (base.toString() == "/$segment" &&
segment.length == 2 &&
segment.endsWith(':')) {
// Skip the directory creation for a path like "/E:".
dir = Directory(base.toNativePath());
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
return dir;
/// Keep a map of files copied to avoid race conditions.
static final Map<String, Future> _copyFilesMap = {};
/// Copy a [source] file to a new place.
/// Assumes that the directory for [dest] already exists.
static Future copyFile(Path source, Path dest) {
return _copyFilesMap.putIfAbsent(dest.toNativePath(),
() => File(source.toNativePath()).copy(dest.toNativePath()));
static Future copyDirectory(String source, String dest) {
source = Path(source).toNativePath();
dest = Path(dest).toNativePath();
var executable = 'cp';
var args = ['-Rp', source, dest];
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
executable = 'xcopy';
args = [source, dest, '/e', '/i'];
return, args).then((ProcessResult result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception("Failed to execute '$executable "
"${args.join(' ')}'.");
static Future deleteDirectory(String path) {
// We are seeing issues with long path names on windows when
// deleting them. Use the system tools to delete our long paths.
// See issue 16264.
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
var native_path = Path(path).toNativePath();
// Running this in a shell sucks, but rmdir is not part of the standard
// path.
return'rmdir', ['/s', '/q', native_path], runInShell: true)
.then((ProcessResult result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception('Can\'t delete path $native_path. '
'This path might be too long');
} else {
var dir = Directory(path);
return dir.delete(recursive: true);
static void deleteTempSnapshotDirectory(TestConfiguration configuration) {
if (configuration.compiler == Compiler.dartk ||
configuration.compiler == Compiler.dartkp) {
var generatedPath = [
if (FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(generatedPath)) {
static final debugLogFilePath = Path(".debug.log");
/// If was invoked with '--write-results' it will write
/// test outcomes to this file in the '--output-directory'.
static const resultsFileName = "results.json";
/// If was invoked with '--write-results' and '--write-logs", save
/// the stdout and stderr to this file in the '--output-directory'.
static const logsFileName = "logs.json";
static void ensureExists(String filename, TestConfiguration configuration) {
if (!configuration.listTests && !existsCache.doesFileExist(filename)) {
throw "'$filename' does not exist";
/// Make unique short file names on Windows.
static int shortNameCounter = 0;
static String getShortName(String path) {
const pathReplacements = {
"caretRangeFromPoint-": "co19_caretrangefrompoint_",
"hittest-relative-to-viewport_": "co19_caretrange_hittest_",
"stylesheet-with-": "co19_dom_link-",
"tests_co19_src_LayoutTests_fast_dom_": "co19_dom",
"tests_co19_src_LayoutTests_fast_canvas_webgl": "co19_canvas_webgl",
"AbstractClassInstantiationError_": "co19_abstract_class_",
"IntegerDivisionByZeroException_": "co19_division_by_zero",
"media-elements_": "co19_media_elements",
"tests_co19_src_WebPlatformTest_html_semantics_": "co19_semantics_",
"the-steps-to-clone-a-node_": "co19_htmltemplates_clone_",
"template-contents-owner": "co19_htmltemplates_contents",
"templates_additions-to-": "co19_htmltemplates_add_",
"templates_appending-to-a-template_": "co19_htmltemplates_append_",
"_template-": "co19_htmltemplates_element-",
"tests_co19_src_WebPlatformTest_html-templates_": "co19_htmltemplate_",
"shadow-trees_": "co19_shadow_html_",
"capabilities_the-navigator-object": "co19_webappapis_navigator_",
"tests_co19_src_WebPlatformTest_DOMEvents_approved_": "co19_dom_approved_"
// Some tests are already in [build_dir]/generated_tests.
var generated = 'generated_tests/';
if (path.contains(generated)) {
var index = path.indexOf(generated) + generated.length;
path = 'multitest/${path.substring(index)}';
path = path.replaceAll('/', '_');
var windowsShortenPathLimit = 58;
var windowsPathEndLength = 30;
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows' &&
path.length > windowsShortenPathLimit) {
for (var entry in pathReplacements.entries) {
if (path.startsWith(entry.key)) {
path = path.replaceFirst(entry.key, entry.value);
if (path.length > windowsShortenPathLimit) {
var pathEnd = path.substring(path.length - windowsPathEndLength);
path = "short${shortNameCounter}_$pathEnd";
return path;