blob: 288deaa92a9cece01013a90650343725b7d4134f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart.wasm;
// A collection a special Dart tytpes that are mapped directly to Wasm types
// by the dart2wasm compiler. These types have a number of constraints:
// - They can only be used directly as types of local variables, fields, or
// parameter/return of static functions. No other uses of the types are valid.
// - They are not assignable to or from any ordinary Dart types.
// - The integer and float types can't be nullable.
// TODO(askesc): Give an error message if any of these constraints are violated.
abstract class _WasmBase {}
abstract class _WasmInt extends _WasmBase {}
abstract class _WasmFloat extends _WasmBase {}
/// The Wasm `anyref` type.
class WasmAnyRef extends _WasmBase {}
/// The Wasm `eqref` type.
class WasmEqRef extends WasmAnyRef {}
/// The Wasm `dataref` type.
class WasmDataRef extends WasmEqRef {}
abstract class _WasmArray extends WasmDataRef {
external int get length;
/// The Wasm `i8` storage type.
class WasmI8 extends _WasmInt {}
/// The Wasm `i16` storage type.
class WasmI16 extends _WasmInt {}
/// The Wasm `i32` type.
class WasmI32 extends _WasmInt {
external factory WasmI32.fromInt(int value);
external int toIntSigned();
external int toIntUnsigned();
/// The Wasm `i64` type.
class WasmI64 extends _WasmInt {
external factory WasmI64.fromInt(int value);
external int toInt();
/// The Wasm `f32` type.
class WasmF32 extends _WasmFloat {
external factory WasmF32.fromDouble(double value);
external double toDouble();
/// The Wasm `f64` type.
class WasmF64 extends _WasmFloat {
external factory WasmF64.fromDouble(double value);
external double toDouble();
/// A Wasm array with integer element type.
class WasmIntArray<T extends _WasmInt> extends _WasmArray {
external factory WasmIntArray(int length);
external int readSigned(int index);
external int readUnsigned(int index);
external void write(int index, int value);
/// A Wasm array with float element type.
class WasmFloatArray<T extends _WasmFloat> extends _WasmArray {
external factory WasmFloatArray(int length);
external double read(int index);
external void write(int index, double value);
/// A Wasm array with reference element type, containing Dart objects.
class WasmObjectArray<T extends Object?> extends _WasmArray {
external factory WasmObjectArray(int length);
external T read(int index);
external void write(int index, T value);
extension IntToWasmInt on int {
WasmI32 toWasmI32() => WasmI32.fromInt(this);
WasmI64 toWasmI64() => WasmI64.fromInt(this);
extension DoubleToWasmFloat on double {
WasmF32 toWasmF32() => WasmF32.fromDouble(this);
WasmF64 toWasmF64() => WasmF64.fromDouble(this);