blob: b3215bbfb8f3d0f6aeddcd83f02485da8eeff378 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/platform.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
Builtin::builtin_lib_props Builtin::builtin_libraries_[] = {
/* { url_, source_, patch_url_, patch_source_, has_natives_ } */
{ DartUtils::kBuiltinLibURL, _builtin_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ DartUtils::kIOLibURL, io_source_paths_,
DartUtils::kIOLibPatchURL, io_patch_paths_, true },
#if defined(DART_NO_SNAPSHOT)
// Only include these libraries in the dart_bootstrap case for now.
{ "dart:html", html_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "dart:html_common", html_common_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true},
{ "dart:js", js_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true},
{ "dart:js_util", js_util_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true},
{ "dart:_blink", _blink_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "dart:indexed_db", indexed_db_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "cached_patches.dart", cached_patches_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "dart:web_gl", web_gl_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "metadata.dart", metadata_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "dart:web_sql", web_sql_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "dart:svg", svg_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
{ "dart:web_audio", web_audio_source_paths_, NULL, NULL, true },
#endif // defined(DART_NO_SNAPSHOT)
// End marker.
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false }
Dart_Port Builtin::load_port_ = ILLEGAL_PORT;
const int Builtin::num_libs_ =
sizeof(Builtin::builtin_libraries_) / sizeof(Builtin::builtin_lib_props);
// Patch all the specified patch files in the array 'patch_files' into the
// library specified in 'library'.
static void LoadPatchFiles(Dart_Handle library,
const char* patch_uri,
const char** patch_files) {
for (intptr_t j = 0; patch_files[j] != NULL; j += 3) {
Dart_Handle patch_src = DartUtils::ReadStringFromFile(patch_files[j + 1]);
if (!Dart_IsString(patch_src)) {
// In case reading the file caused an error, use the sources directly.
const char* source = patch_files[j + 2];
patch_src = Dart_NewStringFromUTF8(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(source), strlen(source));
// Prepend the patch library URI to form a unique script URI for the patch.
intptr_t len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s", patch_uri, patch_files[j]);
char* patch_filename = DartUtils::ScopedCString(len + 1);
snprintf(patch_filename, len + 1, "%s/%s", patch_uri, patch_files[j]);
Dart_Handle patch_file_uri = DartUtils::NewString(patch_filename);
DART_CHECK_VALID(Dart_LibraryLoadPatch(library, patch_file_uri, patch_src));
Dart_Handle Builtin::Source(BuiltinLibraryId id) {
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) >= 0);
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) < num_libs_);
// Try to read the source using the path specified for the uri.
const char* uri = builtin_libraries_[id].url_;
const char** source_paths = builtin_libraries_[id].source_paths_;
return GetSource(source_paths, uri);
Dart_Handle Builtin::PartSource(BuiltinLibraryId id, const char* part_uri) {
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) >= 0);
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) < num_libs_);
// Try to read the source using the path specified for the uri.
const char** source_paths = builtin_libraries_[id].source_paths_;
return GetSource(source_paths, part_uri);
Dart_Handle Builtin::GetSource(const char** source_paths, const char* uri) {
if (source_paths == NULL) {
return Dart_Null(); // No path mapping information exists for library.
for (intptr_t i = 0; source_paths[i] != NULL; i += 3) {
if (!strcmp(uri, source_paths[i])) {
const char* source_path = source_paths[i + 1];
Dart_Handle src = DartUtils::ReadStringFromFile(source_path);
if (!Dart_IsString(src)) {
// In case reading the file caused an error, use the sources directly.
const char* source = source_paths[i + 2];
src = Dart_NewStringFromUTF8(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(source), strlen(source));
return src;
return Dart_Null(); // Uri does not exist in path mapping information.
void Builtin::SetNativeResolver(BuiltinLibraryId id) {
Dart_Handle Builtin::LoadLibrary(Dart_Handle url, BuiltinLibraryId id) {
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) >= 0);
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) < num_libs_);
Dart_Handle library = Dart_LoadLibrary(url, Dart_Null(), Source(id), 0, 0);
if (!Dart_IsError(library) && (builtin_libraries_[id].has_natives_)) {
// Setup the native resolver for built in library functions.
Dart_SetNativeResolver(library, NativeLookup, NativeSymbol));
if (builtin_libraries_[id].patch_url_ != NULL) {
ASSERT(builtin_libraries_[id].patch_paths_ != NULL);
return library;
Builtin::BuiltinLibraryId Builtin::FindId(const char* url_string) {
int id = 0;
while (true) {
if (builtin_libraries_[id].url_ == NULL) {
return kInvalidLibrary;
if (strcmp(url_string, builtin_libraries_[id].url_) == 0) {
return static_cast<BuiltinLibraryId>(id);
Dart_Handle Builtin::LoadAndCheckLibrary(BuiltinLibraryId id) {
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) >= 0);
ASSERT(static_cast<int>(id) < num_libs_);
Dart_Handle url = DartUtils::NewString(builtin_libraries_[id].url_);
Dart_Handle library = Dart_LookupLibrary(url);
if (Dart_IsError(library)) {
library = LoadLibrary(url, id);
return library;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart