blob: fce7f249ef6d8b07d99e32b5280442cf3c154093 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Defines the tokens that are produced by the scanner, used by the parser, and
* referenced from the [AST structure](ast.dart).
library analyzer.dart.ast.token;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/syntactic_entity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart' show SimpleToken, TokenClass;
* The keywords in the Dart programming language.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class Keyword {
static const Keyword ABSTRACT = const Keyword._('ABSTRACT', "abstract", true);
static const Keyword AS = const Keyword._('AS', "as", true);
static const Keyword ASSERT = const Keyword._('ASSERT', "assert");
static const Keyword BREAK = const Keyword._('BREAK', "break");
static const Keyword CASE = const Keyword._('CASE', "case");
static const Keyword CATCH = const Keyword._('CATCH', "catch");
static const Keyword CLASS = const Keyword._('CLASS', "class");
static const Keyword CONST = const Keyword._('CONST', "const");
static const Keyword CONTINUE = const Keyword._('CONTINUE', "continue");
static const Keyword DEFAULT = const Keyword._('DEFAULT', "default");
static const Keyword DEFERRED = const Keyword._('DEFERRED', "deferred", true);
static const Keyword DO = const Keyword._('DO', "do");
static const Keyword DYNAMIC = const Keyword._('DYNAMIC', "dynamic", true);
static const Keyword ELSE = const Keyword._('ELSE', "else");
static const Keyword ENUM = const Keyword._('ENUM', "enum");
static const Keyword EXPORT = const Keyword._('EXPORT', "export", true);
static const Keyword EXTENDS = const Keyword._('EXTENDS', "extends");
static const Keyword EXTERNAL = const Keyword._('EXTERNAL', "external", true);
static const Keyword FACTORY = const Keyword._('FACTORY', "factory", true);
static const Keyword FALSE = const Keyword._('FALSE', "false");
static const Keyword FINAL = const Keyword._('FINAL', "final");
static const Keyword FINALLY = const Keyword._('FINALLY', "finally");
static const Keyword FOR = const Keyword._('FOR', "for");
static const Keyword GET = const Keyword._('GET', "get", true);
static const Keyword IF = const Keyword._('IF', "if");
static const Keyword IMPLEMENTS =
const Keyword._('IMPLEMENTS', "implements", true);
static const Keyword IMPORT = const Keyword._('IMPORT', "import", true);
static const Keyword IN = const Keyword._('IN', "in");
static const Keyword IS = const Keyword._('IS', "is");
static const Keyword LIBRARY = const Keyword._('LIBRARY', "library", true);
static const Keyword NEW = const Keyword._('NEW', "new");
static const Keyword NULL = const Keyword._('NULL', "null");
static const Keyword OPERATOR = const Keyword._('OPERATOR', "operator", true);
static const Keyword PART = const Keyword._('PART', "part", true);
static const Keyword RETHROW = const Keyword._('RETHROW', "rethrow");
static const Keyword RETURN = const Keyword._('RETURN', "return");
static const Keyword SET = const Keyword._('SET', "set", true);
static const Keyword STATIC = const Keyword._('STATIC', "static", true);
static const Keyword SUPER = const Keyword._('SUPER', "super");
static const Keyword SWITCH = const Keyword._('SWITCH', "switch");
static const Keyword THIS = const Keyword._('THIS', "this");
static const Keyword THROW = const Keyword._('THROW', "throw");
static const Keyword TRUE = const Keyword._('TRUE', "true");
static const Keyword TRY = const Keyword._('TRY', "try");
static const Keyword TYPEDEF = const Keyword._('TYPEDEF', "typedef", true);
static const Keyword VAR = const Keyword._('VAR', "var");
static const Keyword VOID = const Keyword._('VOID', "void");
static const Keyword WHILE = const Keyword._('WHILE', "while");
static const Keyword WITH = const Keyword._('WITH', "with");
static const List<Keyword> values = const <Keyword>[
* A table mapping the lexemes of keywords to the corresponding keyword.
static final Map<String, Keyword> keywords = _createKeywordMap();
* The name of the keyword type.
final String name;
* The lexeme for the keyword.
final String syntax;
* A flag indicating whether the keyword is a pseudo-keyword. Pseudo keywords
* can be used as identifiers.
final bool isPseudoKeyword;
* Initialize a newly created keyword to have the given [name] and [syntax].
* The keyword is a pseudo-keyword if the [isPseudoKeyword] flag is `true`.
const Keyword._(, this.syntax, [this.isPseudoKeyword = false]);
String toString() => name;
* Create a table mapping the lexemes of keywords to the corresponding keyword
* and return the table that was created.
static Map<String, Keyword> _createKeywordMap() {
LinkedHashMap<String, Keyword> result =
new LinkedHashMap<String, Keyword>();
for (Keyword keyword in values) {
result[keyword.syntax] = keyword;
return result;
* A token that was scanned from the input. Each token knows which tokens
* precede and follow it, acting as a link in a doubly linked list of tokens.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class Token implements SyntacticEntity {
* Initialize a newly created token to have the given [type] and [offset].
factory Token(TokenType type, int offset) = SimpleToken;
int get end;
* Return `true` if this token represents an operator.
bool get isOperator;
* Return `true` if this token is a synthetic token. A synthetic token is a
* token that was introduced by the parser in order to recover from an error
* in the code.
bool get isSynthetic;
* Return `true` if this token represents an operator that can be defined by
* users.
bool get isUserDefinableOperator;
* Return the keyword, if a keyword token, or `null` otherwise.
Keyword get keyword;
int get length;
* Return the lexeme that represents this token.
String get lexeme;
* Return the next token in the token stream.
Token get next;
int get offset;
* Set the offset from the beginning of the file to the first character in
* the token to the given [offset].
void set offset(int offset);
* Return the first comment in the list of comments that precede this token,
* or `null` if there are no comments preceding this token. Additional
* comments can be reached by following the token stream using [next] until
* `null` is returned.
* For example, if the original contents were `/* one */ /* two */ id`, then
* the first preceding comment token will have a lexeme of `/* one */` and
* the next comment token will have a lexeme of `/* two */`.
Token get precedingComments;
* Return the previous token in the token stream.
Token get previous;
* Set the previous token in the token stream to the given [token].
void set previous(Token token);
* Return the type of the token.
TokenType get type;
* Apply (add) the given [delta] to this token's offset.
void applyDelta(int delta);
* Return a newly created token that is a copy of this token but that is not a
* part of any token stream.
Token copy();
* Copy a linked list of comment tokens identical to the given comment tokens.
Token copyComments(Token token);
* Return `true` if this token has any one of the given [types].
bool matchesAny(List<TokenType> types);
* Set the next token in the token stream to the given [token]. This has the
* side-effect of setting this token to be the previous token for the given
* token. Return the token that was passed in.
Token setNext(Token token);
* Set the next token in the token stream to the given token without changing
* which token is the previous token for the given token. Return the token
* that was passed in.
Token setNextWithoutSettingPrevious(Token token);
* Return the value of this token. For keyword tokens, this is the keyword
* associated with the token, for other tokens it is the lexeme associated
* with the token.
Object value();
* Compare the given [tokens] to find the token that appears first in the
* source being parsed. That is, return the left-most of all of the tokens.
* The list must be non-`null`, but the elements of the list are allowed to be
* `null`. Return the token with the smallest offset, or `null` if the list is
* empty or if all of the elements of the list are `null`.
static Token lexicallyFirst(List<Token> tokens) {
Token first = null;
int offset = -1;
int length = tokens.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Token token = tokens[i];
if (token != null && (offset < 0 || token.offset < offset)) {
first = token;
offset = token.offset;
return first;
* The types of tokens that can be returned by the scanner.
* Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
class TokenType {
* The type of the token that marks the start or end of the input.
static const TokenType EOF = const _EndOfFileTokenType();
static const TokenType DOUBLE = const TokenType._('DOUBLE');
static const TokenType HEXADECIMAL = const TokenType._('HEXADECIMAL');
static const TokenType IDENTIFIER = const TokenType._('IDENTIFIER');
static const TokenType INT = const TokenType._('INT');
static const TokenType KEYWORD = const TokenType._('KEYWORD');
static const TokenType MULTI_LINE_COMMENT =
const TokenType._('MULTI_LINE_COMMENT');
static const TokenType SCRIPT_TAG = const TokenType._('SCRIPT_TAG');
static const TokenType SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT =
const TokenType._('SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT');
static const TokenType STRING = const TokenType._('STRING');
static const TokenType AMPERSAND =
const TokenType._('AMPERSAND', TokenClass.BITWISE_AND_OPERATOR, '&');
static const TokenType AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND_EQ = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType AMPERSAND_EQ =
const TokenType._('AMPERSAND_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '&=');
static const TokenType AT = const TokenType._('AT', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '@');
static const TokenType BANG =
const TokenType._('BANG', TokenClass.UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR, '!');
static const TokenType BANG_EQ =
const TokenType._('BANG_EQ', TokenClass.EQUALITY_OPERATOR, '!=');
static const TokenType BAR =
const TokenType._('BAR', TokenClass.BITWISE_OR_OPERATOR, '|');
static const TokenType BAR_BAR =
const TokenType._('BAR_BAR', TokenClass.LOGICAL_OR_OPERATOR, '||');
static const TokenType BAR_BAR_EQ =
const TokenType._('BAR_BAR_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '||=');
static const TokenType BAR_EQ =
const TokenType._('BAR_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '|=');
static const TokenType COLON =
const TokenType._('COLON', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, ':');
static const TokenType COMMA =
const TokenType._('COMMA', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, ',');
static const TokenType CARET =
const TokenType._('CARET', TokenClass.BITWISE_XOR_OPERATOR, '^');
static const TokenType CARET_EQ =
const TokenType._('CARET_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '^=');
static const TokenType CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET =
const TokenType._('CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '}');
static const TokenType CLOSE_PAREN =
const TokenType._('CLOSE_PAREN', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, ')');
static const TokenType CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET =
const TokenType._('CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, ']');
static const TokenType EQ =
const TokenType._('EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '=');
static const TokenType EQ_EQ =
const TokenType._('EQ_EQ', TokenClass.EQUALITY_OPERATOR, '==');
static const TokenType FUNCTION =
const TokenType._('FUNCTION', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '=>');
static const TokenType GT =
const TokenType._('GT', TokenClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR, '>');
static const TokenType GT_EQ =
const TokenType._('GT_EQ', TokenClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR, '>=');
static const TokenType GT_GT =
const TokenType._('GT_GT', TokenClass.SHIFT_OPERATOR, '>>');
static const TokenType GT_GT_EQ =
const TokenType._('GT_GT_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '>>=');
static const TokenType HASH =
const TokenType._('HASH', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '#');
static const TokenType INDEX =
const TokenType._('INDEX', TokenClass.UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR, '[]');
static const TokenType INDEX_EQ =
const TokenType._('INDEX_EQ', TokenClass.UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR, '[]=');
static const TokenType IS =
const TokenType._('IS', TokenClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR, 'is');
static const TokenType LT =
const TokenType._('LT', TokenClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR, '<');
static const TokenType LT_EQ =
const TokenType._('LT_EQ', TokenClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR, '<=');
static const TokenType LT_LT =
const TokenType._('LT_LT', TokenClass.SHIFT_OPERATOR, '<<');
static const TokenType LT_LT_EQ =
const TokenType._('LT_LT_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '<<=');
static const TokenType MINUS =
const TokenType._('MINUS', TokenClass.ADDITIVE_OPERATOR, '-');
static const TokenType MINUS_EQ =
const TokenType._('MINUS_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '-=');
static const TokenType MINUS_MINUS =
const TokenType._('MINUS_MINUS', TokenClass.UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR, '--');
static const TokenType OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET =
const TokenType._('OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '{');
static const TokenType OPEN_PAREN =
const TokenType._('OPEN_PAREN', TokenClass.UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR, '(');
static const TokenType OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType PERCENT =
const TokenType._('PERCENT', TokenClass.MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR, '%');
static const TokenType PERCENT_EQ =
const TokenType._('PERCENT_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '%=');
static const TokenType PERIOD =
const TokenType._('PERIOD', TokenClass.UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR, '.');
static const TokenType PERIOD_PERIOD =
const TokenType._('PERIOD_PERIOD', TokenClass.CASCADE_OPERATOR, '..');
static const TokenType PLUS =
const TokenType._('PLUS', TokenClass.ADDITIVE_OPERATOR, '+');
static const TokenType PLUS_EQ =
const TokenType._('PLUS_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '+=');
static const TokenType PLUS_PLUS =
const TokenType._('PLUS_PLUS', TokenClass.UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR, '++');
static const TokenType QUESTION =
const TokenType._('QUESTION', TokenClass.CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR, '?');
static const TokenType QUESTION_PERIOD = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType QUESTION_QUESTION =
const TokenType._('QUESTION_QUESTION', TokenClass.IF_NULL_OPERATOR, '??');
static const TokenType QUESTION_QUESTION_EQ = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType SEMICOLON =
const TokenType._('SEMICOLON', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, ';');
static const TokenType SLASH =
const TokenType._('SLASH', TokenClass.MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR, '/');
static const TokenType SLASH_EQ =
const TokenType._('SLASH_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, '/=');
static const TokenType STAR =
const TokenType._('STAR', TokenClass.MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR, '*');
static const TokenType STAR_EQ =
const TokenType._('STAR_EQ', TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, "*=");
static const TokenType STRING_INTERPOLATION_EXPRESSION = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType STRING_INTERPOLATION_IDENTIFIER = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType TILDE =
const TokenType._('TILDE', TokenClass.UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR, '~');
static const TokenType TILDE_SLASH = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType TILDE_SLASH_EQ = const TokenType._(
static const TokenType BACKPING =
const TokenType._('BACKPING', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '`');
static const TokenType BACKSLASH =
const TokenType._('BACKSLASH', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '\\');
static const TokenType PERIOD_PERIOD_PERIOD =
const TokenType._('PERIOD_PERIOD_PERIOD', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '...');
static const TokenType GENERIC_METHOD_TYPE_LIST =
const TokenType._('GENERIC_METHOD_TYPE_LIST');
static const TokenType GENERIC_METHOD_TYPE_ASSIGN =
* The class of the token.
final TokenClass _tokenClass;
* The name of the token type.
final String name;
* The lexeme that defines this type of token, or `null` if there is more than
* one possible lexeme for this type of token.
final String lexeme;
* Initialize a newly created token type to have the given [name],
* [_tokenClass] and [lexeme].
const TokenType._(,
[this._tokenClass = TokenClass.NO_CLASS, this.lexeme = null]);
* Return `true` if this type of token represents an additive operator.
bool get isAdditiveOperator => _tokenClass == TokenClass.ADDITIVE_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents an assignment operator.
bool get isAssignmentOperator =>
_tokenClass == TokenClass.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents an associative operator. An
* associative operator is an operator for which the following equality is
* true: `(a * b) * c == a * (b * c)`. In other words, if the result of
* applying the operator to multiple operands does not depend on the order in
* which those applications occur.
* Note: This method considers the logical-and and logical-or operators to be
* associative, even though the order in which the application of those
* operators can have an effect because evaluation of the right-hand operand
* is conditional.
bool get isAssociativeOperator =>
this == AMPERSAND ||
this == BAR ||
this == BAR_BAR ||
this == CARET ||
this == PLUS ||
this == STAR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents an equality operator.
bool get isEqualityOperator => _tokenClass == TokenClass.EQUALITY_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents an increment operator.
bool get isIncrementOperator =>
identical(lexeme, '++') || identical(lexeme, '--');
* Return `true` if this type of token represents a multiplicative operator.
bool get isMultiplicativeOperator =>
_tokenClass == TokenClass.MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this token type represents an operator.
bool get isOperator =>
_tokenClass != TokenClass.NO_CLASS &&
this != OPEN_PAREN &&
this != PERIOD;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents a relational operator.
bool get isRelationalOperator =>
_tokenClass == TokenClass.RELATIONAL_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents a shift operator.
bool get isShiftOperator => _tokenClass == TokenClass.SHIFT_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents a unary postfix operator.
bool get isUnaryPostfixOperator =>
_tokenClass == TokenClass.UNARY_POSTFIX_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this type of token represents a unary prefix operator.
bool get isUnaryPrefixOperator =>
_tokenClass == TokenClass.UNARY_PREFIX_OPERATOR;
* Return `true` if this token type represents an operator that can be defined
* by users.
bool get isUserDefinableOperator =>
identical(lexeme, '==') ||
identical(lexeme, '~') ||
identical(lexeme, '[]') ||
identical(lexeme, '[]=') ||
identical(lexeme, '*') ||
identical(lexeme, '/') ||
identical(lexeme, '%') ||
identical(lexeme, '~/') ||
identical(lexeme, '+') ||
identical(lexeme, '-') ||
identical(lexeme, '<<') ||
identical(lexeme, '>>') ||
identical(lexeme, '>=') ||
identical(lexeme, '>') ||
identical(lexeme, '<=') ||
identical(lexeme, '<') ||
identical(lexeme, '&') ||
identical(lexeme, '^') ||
identical(lexeme, '|');
* Return the precedence of the token, or `0` if the token does not represent
* an operator.
int get precedence => _tokenClass.precedence;
String toString() => name;
* A token representing the end (either the head or the tail) of a stream of
* tokens.
class _EndOfFileTokenType extends TokenType {
* Initialize a newly created token.
const _EndOfFileTokenType() : super._('EOF', TokenClass.NO_CLASS, '');
String toString() => '-eof-';