blob: cfb5104a6da6719eaa3edca6730bd71e2fad041a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library test.kernel.reify.suite;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:io' show Platform, File;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show Target, TargetFlags, getTarget;
import 'package:kernel/target/vmcc.dart' show VmClosureConvertedTarget;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/testing/patched_sdk_location.dart'
show computeDartVm, computePatchedSdk;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/testing/kernel_chain.dart'
import 'package:testing/testing.dart'
show Chain, ChainContext, Result, StdioProcess, Step, runMe;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Program;
import 'package:kernel/transformations/generic_types_reification.dart'
as generic_types_reification;
class TestContext extends ChainContext implements CompileContext {
final Uri vm;
final Uri platformUri;
final Uri sdk;
final Target target = new NotReifiedTarget(new TargetFlags(
strongMode: true,
kernelRuntime: Platform.script.resolve("../../runtime/")));
// Strong mode is required to keep the type arguments in invocations of
// generic methods.
bool get strongMode => true;
final List<Step> steps;
TestContext(this.vm, this.platformUri, this.sdk, bool updateExpectations)
: steps = <Step>[
const Compile(),
const Print(),
const Verify(true),
const GenericTypesReification(),
const Print(),
const Verify(true),
new MatchExpectation(".expect",
updateExpectations: updateExpectations),
const WriteDill(),
const ReadDill(),
const Run(),
enum Environment {
Future<TestContext> createContext(
Chain suite, Map<String, String> environment) async {
Uri sdk = await computePatchedSdk();
Uri vm = computeDartVm(sdk);
Uri platform = sdk.resolve('platform.dill');
bool updateExpectations = environment["updateExpectations"] == "true";
return new TestContext(vm, platform, sdk, updateExpectations);
// [NotReifiedTarget] is intended to work as the [Target] class that
// [VmGenericTypesReifiedTarget] inherits from, but with some transformations
// disabled. Those include tree shaking and generic types information erasure
// passes.
// [NotReifiedTarget] also adds the necessary runtime libraries.
class NotReifiedTarget extends VmClosureConvertedTarget {
NotReifiedTarget(TargetFlags flags) : super(flags);
String get name => "not reified target";
// Tree shaking needs to be disabled, because Generic Types Reification
// transformation relies on certain runtime libraries to be present in
// the program that is being transformed. If the tree shaker is enabled,
// it just deletes everything from those libraries, because they aren't
// used in the program being transform prior to the transformation.
void performTreeShaking(CoreTypes coreTypes, Program program) {}
// Erasure needs to be disabled, because it removes the necessary information
// about type arguments for generic methods.
void performErasure(Program program) {}
// Adds the necessary runtime libraries.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries {
Target reifyTarget = getTarget("vmreify", this.flags);
var x = reifyTarget.extraRequiredLibraries;
return x;
class GenericTypesReification extends Step<Program, Program, TestContext> {
const GenericTypesReification();
String get name => "generic types reification";
Future<Result<Program>> run(Program program, TestContext testContext) async {
try {
CoreTypes coreTypes = new CoreTypes(program);
program = generic_types_reification.transformProgram(coreTypes, program);
return pass(program);
} catch (e, s) {
return crash(e, s);
class Run extends Step<Uri, int, TestContext> {
const Run();
String get name => "run";
bool get isAsync => true;
bool get isRuntime => true;
Future<Result<int>> run(Uri uri, TestContext context) async {
File generated = new File.fromUri(uri);
StdioProcess process;
try {
var sdkPath = context.sdk.toFilePath();
var args = ['--kernel-binaries=$sdkPath', generated.path];
process = await, args);
} finally {
generated.parent.delete(recursive: true);
return process.toResult();
main(List<String> arguments) => runMe(arguments, createContext, "testing.json");