blob: a36c59d6da6096aabbf3a5bf1bacca28f2cdba6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.command_line;
import 'fasta_codes.dart' show Message, templateFastaCLIArgumentRequired;
import 'deprecated_problems.dart' show deprecated_inputError;
import 'problems.dart' show unhandled;
deprecated_argumentError(Message usage, String message) {
if (usage != null) print(usage.message);
deprecated_inputError(null, null, message);
argumentError(Message usage, Message message) {
if (usage != null) print(usage.message);
deprecated_inputError(null, null, message.message);
class ParsedArguments {
final Map<String, dynamic> options = <String, dynamic>{};
final List<String> arguments = <String>[];
toString() => "ParsedArguments($options, $arguments)";
class CommandLine {
final Map<String, dynamic> options;
final List<String> arguments;
final Message usage;
CommandLine.parsed(ParsedArguments p, this.usage)
: this.options = p.options,
this.arguments = p.arguments {
if (verbose) {
CommandLine(List<String> arguments,
{Map<String, dynamic> specification, Message usage})
: this.parsed(parse(arguments, specification, usage), usage);
bool get verbose {
return options.containsKey("-v") || options.containsKey("--verbose");
/// Override to validate arguments and options.
void validate() {}
/// Parses a list of command-line [arguments] into options and arguments.
/// An /option/ is something that, normally, starts with `-` or `--` (one or
/// two dashes). However, as a special case `/?` and `/h` are also recognized
/// as options for increased compatibility with Windows. An option can have a
/// value.
/// An /argument/ is something that isn't an option, for example, a file name.
/// The specification is a map of options to one of the type literals `Uri`,
/// `int`, `bool`, or `String`, or a comma (`","`) that represents option
/// values of type [Uri], [int], [bool], [String], or a comma-separated list
/// of [String], respectively.
/// If [arguments] contains `"--"`, anything before is parsed as options, and
/// arguments; anything following is treated as arguments (even if starting
/// with, for example, a `-`).
/// Anything that looks like an option is assumed to be a `bool` option set
/// to true, unless it's mentioned in [specification] in which case the
/// option requires a value, either on the form `--option value` or
/// `--option=value`.
/// This method performs only a limited amount of validation, but if an error
/// occurs, it will print [usage] along with a specific error message.
static ParsedArguments parse(List<String> arguments,
Map<String, dynamic> specification, Message usage) {
specification ??= const <String, dynamic>{};
ParsedArguments result = new ParsedArguments();
int index = arguments.indexOf("--");
Iterable<String> nonOptions = const <String>[];
Iterator<String> iterator = arguments.iterator;
if (index != -1) {
nonOptions = arguments.skip(index + 1);
iterator = arguments.take(index).iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
String argument = iterator.current;
if (argument.startsWith("-")) {
var valueSpecification = specification[argument];
String value;
if (valueSpecification != null) {
if (!iterator.moveNext()) {
return argumentError(usage,
value = iterator.current;
} else {
index = argument.indexOf("=");
if (index != -1) {
value = argument.substring(index + 1);
argument = argument.substring(0, index);
valueSpecification = specification[argument];
if (valueSpecification == null) {
if (value != null) {
return deprecated_argumentError(
usage, "Argument '$argument' doesn't take a value: '$value'.");
result.options[argument] = true;
} else {
if (valueSpecification is! String && valueSpecification is! Type) {
return deprecated_argumentError(
"Unrecognized type of value "
"specification: ${valueSpecification.runtimeType}.");
switch ("$valueSpecification") {
case ",":
.putIfAbsent(argument, () => <String>[])
case "int":
case "bool":
case "String":
case "Uri":
if (result.options.containsKey(argument)) {
return deprecated_argumentError(
"Multiple values for '$argument': "
"'${result.options[argument]}' and '$value'.");
var parsedValue;
if (valueSpecification == int) {
parsedValue = int.parse(value, onError: (_) {
return deprecated_argumentError(
usage, "Value for '$argument', '$value', isn't an int.");
} else if (valueSpecification == bool) {
if (value == "true" || value == "yes") {
parsedValue = true;
} else if (value == "false" || value == "no") {
parsedValue = false;
} else {
return deprecated_argumentError(
"Value for '$argument' is '$value', "
"but expected one of: 'true', 'false', 'yes', or 'no'.");
} else if (valueSpecification == Uri) {
parsedValue = Uri.base.resolve(value);
} else if (valueSpecification == String) {
parsedValue = value;
} else if (valueSpecification is String) {
return deprecated_argumentError(
"Unrecognized value specification: "
"'$valueSpecification', try using a type literal instead.");
} else {
// All possible cases should have been handled above.
return unhandled("${valueSpecification.runtimeType}",
"CommandLine.parse", -1, null);
result.options[argument] = parsedValue;
return deprecated_argumentError(usage,
"Unrecognized value specification: '$valueSpecification'.");
} else if (argument == "/?" || argument == "/h") {
result.options[argument] = true;
} else {
return result;