blob: e2cf32a4974c2941b2a07232370cbc4f45a67546 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:front_end/compilation_error.dart';
import 'package:front_end/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/performace_logger.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/ticker.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/uri_translator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/uri_translator_impl.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/problems.dart' show unimplemented;
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/multi_root_file_system.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart'
show Program, loadProgramFromBytes, CanonicalName;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/vm_fasta.dart';
import 'package:package_config/packages.dart' show Packages;
import 'package:package_config/src/packages_impl.dart'
show NonFilePackagesDirectoryPackages, MapPackages;
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart' as package_config;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart' show SourceSpan, SourceLocation;
/// All options needed for the front end implementation.
/// This includes: all of [CompilerOptions] in a form useful to the
/// implementation, default values for options that were not provided,
/// and information derived from how the compiler was invoked (like the
/// entry-points given to the compiler and whether a modular or whole-program
/// API was used).
/// The intent is that the front end should immediately wrap any incoming
/// [CompilerOptions] object in this class before doing further processing, and
/// should thereafter access all options via the wrapper. This ensures that
/// options are interpreted in a consistent way and that data derived from
/// options is not unnecessarily recomputed.
class ProcessedOptions {
/// The raw [CompilerOptions] which this class wraps.
final CompilerOptions _raw;
/// The package map derived from the options, or `null` if the package map has
/// not been computed yet.
Packages _packages;
/// The object that knows how to resolve "package:" and "dart:" URIs,
/// or `null` if it has not been computed yet.
UriTranslatorImpl _uriTranslator;
/// The SDK summary, or `null` if it has not been read yet.
/// A summary, also referred to as "outline" internally, is a [Program] where
/// all method bodies are left out. In essence, it contains just API
/// signatures and constants. When strong-mode is enabled, the summary already
/// includes inferred types.
Program _sdkSummaryProgram;
/// The summary for each uri in `options.inputSummaries`.
/// A summary, also referred to as "outline" internally, is a [Program] where
/// all method bodies are left out. In essence, it contains just API
/// signatures and constants. When strong-mode is enabled, the summary already
/// includes inferred types.
List<Program> _inputSummariesPrograms;
/// Other programs that are meant to be linked and compiled with the input
/// sources.
List<Program> _linkedDependencies;
/// The location of the SDK, or `null` if the location hasn't been determined
/// yet.
Uri _sdkRoot;
Uri get sdkRoot => _sdkRoot ??= _normalizeSdkRoot();
Uri _sdkSummary;
Uri get sdkSummary => _sdkSummary ??= _computeSdkSummaryUri();
Ticker ticker;
bool get verbose => _raw.verbose;
bool get verify => _raw.verify;
bool get debugDump => _raw.debugDump;
bool get setExitCodeOnProblem => _raw.setExitCodeOnProblem;
/// Like [CompilerOptions.chaseDependencies] but with the appropriate default
/// value filled in.
bool get chaseDependencies => _raw.chaseDependencies ?? !_modularApi;
/// Whether the compiler was invoked with a modular API.
/// Used to determine the default behavior for [chaseDependencies].
final bool _modularApi;
/// The entry-points provided to the compiler.
final List<Uri> inputs;
/// Initializes a [ProcessedOptions] object wrapping the given [rawOptions].
ProcessedOptions(CompilerOptions rawOptions,
[this._modularApi = false, this.inputs = const []])
: this._raw = rawOptions,
ticker = new Ticker(isVerbose: rawOptions.verbose);
/// The logger to report compilation progress.
PerformanceLog get logger {
return _raw.logger;
/// The byte storage to get and put serialized data.
ByteStore get byteStore {
return _raw.byteStore;
void reportMessage(LocatedMessage message) {
_raw.onError(new _CompilationMessage(message));
void reportMessageWithoutLocation(Message message) =>
reportMessage(message.withLocation(null, -1));
/// Runs various validations checks on the input options. For instance,
/// if an option is a path to a file, it checks that the file exists.
Future<bool> validateOptions() async {
if (inputs.isEmpty) {
return false;
for (var source in inputs) {
// Note: we don't translate Uris at this point because some of the
// validation further below must be done before we even construct an
// UriTranslator
// TODO(sigmund): consider validating dart/packages uri right after we
// build the uri translator.
if (source.scheme != 'dart' &&
source.scheme != 'packages' &&
!await fileSystem.entityForUri(source).exists()) {
return false;
if (_raw.sdkRoot != null &&
!await fileSystem.entityForUri(sdkRoot).exists()) {
return false;
var summary = sdkSummary;
if (summary != null && !await fileSystem.entityForUri(summary).exists()) {
return false;
if (compileSdk && summary != null) {
"The compileSdk and sdkSummary options are mutually exclusive"));
return false;
return true;
/// Determine whether to generate code for the SDK when compiling a
/// whole-program.
bool get compileSdk => _raw.compileSdk;
FileSystem _fileSystem;
/// Get the [FileSystem] which should be used by the front end to access
/// files.
/// If the client supplied roots using [CompilerOptions.multiRoots], the
/// returned [FileSystem] will automatically perform the appropriate mapping.
FileSystem get fileSystem => _fileSystem ??= _createFileSystem();
/// Whether to interpret Dart sources in strong-mode.
bool get strongMode => _raw.strongMode;
Target _target;
Target get target => _target ??= ?? new VmFastaTarget(new TargetFlags(strongMode: strongMode));
/// Get an outline program that summarizes the SDK, if any.
// TODO(sigmund): move, this doesn't feel like an "option".
Future<Program> loadSdkSummary(CanonicalName nameRoot) async {
if (_sdkSummaryProgram == null) {
if (sdkSummary == null) return null;
var bytes = await fileSystem.entityForUri(sdkSummary).readAsBytes();
_sdkSummaryProgram = loadProgram(bytes, nameRoot);
return _sdkSummaryProgram;
/// Get the summary programs for each of the underlying `inputSummaries`
/// provided via [CompilerOptions].
// TODO(sigmund): move, this doesn't feel like an "option".
Future<List<Program>> loadInputSummaries(CanonicalName nameRoot) async {
if (_inputSummariesPrograms == null) {
var uris = _raw.inputSummaries;
if (uris == null || uris.isEmpty) return const <Program>[];
// TODO(sigmund): throttle # of concurrent opreations.
var allBytes = await Future
.wait( => fileSystem.entityForUri(uri).readAsBytes()));
_inputSummariesPrograms = => loadProgram(bytes, nameRoot)).toList();
return _inputSummariesPrograms;
/// Load each of the [CompilerOptions.linkedDependencies] programs.
// TODO(sigmund): move, this doesn't feel like an "option".
Future<List<Program>> loadLinkDependencies(CanonicalName nameRoot) async {
if (_linkedDependencies == null) {
var uris = _raw.linkedDependencies;
if (uris == null || uris.isEmpty) return const <Program>[];
// TODO(sigmund): throttle # of concurrent opreations.
var allBytes = await Future
.wait( => fileSystem.entityForUri(uri).readAsBytes()));
_linkedDependencies = => loadProgram(bytes, nameRoot)).toList();
return _linkedDependencies;
/// Helper to load a .dill file from [uri] using the existing [nameRoot].
Program loadProgram(List<int> bytes, CanonicalName nameRoot) {
return loadProgramFromBytes(bytes, new Program(nameRoot: nameRoot));
/// Get the [UriTranslator] which resolves "package:" and "dart:" URIs.
/// This is an asynchronous method since file system operations may be
/// required to locate/read the packages file as well as SDK metadata.
Future<UriTranslatorImpl> getUriTranslator() async {
if (_uriTranslator == null) {
await _getPackages();
// TODO(scheglov) Load SDK libraries from whatever format we decide.
// TODO(scheglov) Remove the field "_raw.dartLibraries".
var libraries = _raw.dartLibraries ?? await _parseDartLibraries();
_uriTranslator = new UriTranslatorImpl(
libraries, const <String, List<Uri>>{}, _packages);
ticker.logMs("Read packages file");
return _uriTranslator;
Future<Map<String, Uri>> _parseDartLibraries() async {
Uri librariesJson = _raw.sdkRoot?.resolve("lib/libraries.json");
return await computeDartLibraries(fileSystem, librariesJson);
/// Get the package map which maps package names to URIs.
/// This is an asynchronous getter since file system operations may be
/// required to locate/read the packages file.
Future<Packages> _getPackages() async {
if (_packages == null) {
if (_raw.packagesFileUri == null) {
if (inputs.length > 1) {
// TODO(sigmund): consider not reporting an error if we would infer
// the same .packages file from all of the inputs.
_packages = Packages.noPackages;
} else {
_packages = await _findPackages(inputs.first);
} else {
_packages = await createPackagesFromFile(_raw.packagesFileUri);
return _packages;
/// Create a [Packages] given the Uri to a `.packages` file.
Future<Packages> createPackagesFromFile(Uri file) async {
try {
List<int> contents = await fileSystem.entityForUri(file).readAsBytes();
Map<String, Uri> map = package_config.parse(contents, file);
return new MapPackages(map);
} catch (e) {
.withLocation(file, -1));
return Packages.noPackages;
/// Finds a package resolution strategy using a [FileSystem].
/// The [scriptUri] points to a Dart script with a valid scheme accepted by
/// the [FileSystem].
/// This function first tries to locate a `.packages` file in the `scriptUri`
/// directory. If that is not found, it instead checks for the presence of a
/// `packages/` directory in the same place. If that also fails, it starts
/// checking parent directories for a `.packages` file, and stops if it finds
/// it. Otherwise it gives up and returns [Packages.noPackages].
/// Note: this is a fork from `package:package_config/discovery.dart` to adapt
/// it to use [FileSystem]. The logic here is a mix of the logic in the
/// `findPackagesFromFile` and `findPackagesFromNonFile`:
/// * Like `findPackagesFromFile` resolution searches for parent
/// directories
/// * Like `findPackagesFromNonFile` if we resolve packages as the
/// `packages/` directory, we can't provide a list of packages that are
/// visible.
Future<Packages> _findPackages(Uri scriptUri) async {
var dir = scriptUri.resolve('.');
if (!dir.isAbsolute) {
.withArguments("Expected input Uri to be absolute: $scriptUri."));
return Packages.noPackages;
Future<Uri> checkInDir(Uri dir) async {
Uri candidate = dir.resolve('.packages');
if (await fileSystem.entityForUri(candidate).exists()) return candidate;
return null;
// Check for $cwd/.packages
var candidate = await checkInDir(dir);
if (candidate != null) return createPackagesFromFile(candidate);
// Check for $cwd/packages/
var packagesDir = dir.resolve("packages/");
if (await fileSystem.entityForUri(packagesDir).exists()) {
return new NonFilePackagesDirectoryPackages(packagesDir);
// Check for cwd(/..)+/.packages
var parentDir = dir.resolve('..');
while (parentDir.path != dir.path) {
candidate = await checkInDir(parentDir);
if (candidate != null) break;
dir = parentDir;
parentDir = dir.resolve('..');
if (candidate != null) return createPackagesFromFile(candidate);
return Packages.noPackages;
/// Get the location of the SDK.
Uri _normalizeSdkRoot() {
// If an SDK summary location was provided, the SDK itself should not be
// needed.
assert(_raw.sdkSummary == null);
if (_raw.sdkRoot == null) {
// TODO(paulberry): implement the algorithm for finding the SDK
// automagically.
return unimplemented('infer the default sdk location');
var root = _raw.sdkRoot;
if (!root.path.endsWith('/')) {
root = root.replace(path: root.path + '/');
return root;
/// Get or infer the location of the SDK summary.
Uri _computeSdkSummaryUri() {
if (_raw.sdkSummary != null) return _raw.sdkSummary;
// Infer based on the sdkRoot, but only when `compileSdk` is false,
// otherwise the default intent was to compile the sdk from sources and not
// to load an sdk summary file.
if (_raw.compileSdk) return null;
return sdkRoot.resolve('outline.dill');
/// Create a [FileSystem] specific to the current options.
/// If `_raw.multiRoots` is not empty, the file-system will implement the
/// semantics of multiple roots. If [chaseDependencies] is false, the
/// resulting file system will be hermetic.
FileSystem _createFileSystem() {
var result = _raw.fileSystem;
// Note: hermetic checks are done before translating multi-root URIs, so
// the order in which we create the file systems below is relevant.
if (!_raw.multiRoots.isEmpty) {
result = new MultiRootFileSystem('multi-root', _raw.multiRoots, result);
if (!chaseDependencies) {
var allInputs = inputs.toSet();
if (sdkSummary != null) allInputs.add(sdkSummary);
if (_raw.sdkRoot != null) {
// TODO(sigmund): refine this, we should be more explicit about when
// sdkRoot and libraries.json are allowed to be used.
/// Note: Searching the file-system for the package-config is not
/// supported in hermetic builds.
if (_raw.packagesFileUri != null) allInputs.add(_raw.packagesFileUri);
result = new HermeticFileSystem(allInputs, result);
return result;
/// A [FileSystem] that only allows access to files that have been explicitly
/// whitelisted.
class HermeticFileSystem implements FileSystem {
final Set<Uri> includedFiles;
final FileSystem _realFileSystem;
HermeticFileSystem(this.includedFiles, this._realFileSystem);
FileSystemEntity entityForUri(Uri uri) {
if (includedFiles.contains(uri)) return _realFileSystem.entityForUri(uri);
throw new HermeticAccessException(uri);
class HermeticAccessException extends FileSystemException {
HermeticAccessException(Uri uri)
: super(
'Invalid access to $uri: '
'the file is accessed in a modular hermetic build, '
'but it was not explicitly listed as an input.');
String toString() => message;
/// Wraps a [LocatedMessage] to implement the public [CompilationError] API.
class _CompilationMessage implements CompilationError {
final LocatedMessage original;
String get message => original.message;
String get tip => original.tip;
SourceSpan get span =>
new SourceLocation(original.charOffset, sourceUrl: original.uri)
String toString() => message;