blob: 9768d87ebf05e2cbdd7850a499868c96ace6ea71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Returns a Future that completes just before the window is about to
* repaint so the user can draw an animation frame.
* If you need to later cancel this animation, use [requestAnimationFrame]
* instead.
* The [Future] completes to a timestamp that represents a floating
* point value of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the page
* started to load (which is also the timestamp at this call to
* animationFrame).
* Note: The code that runs when the future completes should call
* [animationFrame] again for the animation to continue.
Future<num> get animationFrame {
var completer = new Completer<num>.sync();
requestAnimationFrame((time) {
return completer.future;
* The newest document in this window.
* ## Other resources
* * [Loading web
* pages](
* from WHATWG.
Document get document => JS('Document', '#.document', this);
WindowBase$NULLABLE _open2(url, name) =>
JS('Window|Null', ',#)', this, url, name);
WindowBase$NULLABLE _open3(url, name, options) =>
JS('Window|Null', ',#,#)', this, url, name, options);
* Opens a new window.
* ## Other resources
* * [](
* from MDN.
WindowBase open(String url, String name, [String$NULLABLE options]) {
if (options == null) {
return _DOMWindowCrossFrame._createSafe(_open2(url, name));
} else {
return _DOMWindowCrossFrame._createSafe(_open3(url, name, options));
// API level getter and setter for Location.
// TODO: The cross domain safe wrapper can be inserted here.
* The current location of this window.
* Location currentLocation = window.location;
* print(currentLocation.href); // ''
Location get location => _location;
// TODO: consider forcing users to do: window.location.assign('string').
* Sets the window's location, which causes the browser to navigate to the new
* location.
set location(value) {
_location = value;
// Native getter and setter to access raw Location object.
dynamic get _location => JS('Location|Null', '#.location', this);
set _location(value) {
JS('void', '#.location = #', this, value);
* Called to draw an animation frame and then request the window to repaint
* after [callback] has finished (creating the animation).
* Use this method only if you need to later call [cancelAnimationFrame]. If
* not, the preferred Dart idiom is to set animation frames by calling
* [animationFrame], which returns a Future.
* Returns a non-zero valued integer to represent the request id for this
* request. This value only needs to be saved if you intend to call
* [cancelAnimationFrame] so you can specify the particular animation to
* cancel.
* Note: The supplied [callback] needs to call [requestAnimationFrame] again
* for the animation to continue.
int requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback) {
return _requestAnimationFrame(_wrapZone(callback)$NULLASSERT);
* Cancels an animation frame request.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.cancelAnimationFrame](
* from MDN.
void cancelAnimationFrame(int id) {
int _requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback) native;
void _cancelAnimationFrame(int id) native;
_ensureRequestAnimationFrame() {
if (JS<bool>('bool',
'!!(#.requestAnimationFrame && #.cancelAnimationFrame)', this, this))
(function($this) {
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
for (var i = 0; i < vendors.length && !$this.requestAnimationFrame; ++i) {
$this.requestAnimationFrame = $this[vendors[i] + 'RequestAnimationFrame'];
$this.cancelAnimationFrame =
$this[vendors[i]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] ||
if ($this.requestAnimationFrame && $this.cancelAnimationFrame) return;
$this.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
return window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 16 /* 16ms ~= 60fps */);
$this.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }
* Gets an instance of the Indexed DB factory to being using Indexed DB.
* Use [dart:indexed_db.IdbFactory.supported] to check if Indexed DB is
* supported on the current platform.
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME, '23.0')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX, '15.0')
@SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10.0')
IdbFactory$NULLABLE get indexedDB =>
JS('IdbFactory|Null', // If not supported, returns null.
'#.indexedDB || #.webkitIndexedDB || #.mozIndexedDB',
this, this, this);
/// The debugging console for this window.
Console get console => Console._safeConsole;
* Access a sandboxed file system of `size` bytes.
* If `persistent` is true, the application will request permission from the
* user to create lasting storage. This storage cannot be freed without the
* user's permission. Returns a [Future] whose value stores a reference to
* the sandboxed file system for use. Because the file system is sandboxed,
* applications cannot access file systems created in other web pages.
Future<FileSystem> requestFileSystem(int size, {bool persistent: false}) {
return _requestFileSystem(persistent? 1 : 0, size);
* convertPointFromNodeToPage and convertPointFromPageToNode are removed.
* see
static bool get supportsPointConversions => DomPoint.supported;
* Static factory designed to expose `beforeunload` events to event
* handlers that are not necessarily instances of [Window].
* See [EventStreamProvider] for usage information.
static const EventStreamProvider<BeforeUnloadEvent> beforeUnloadEvent =
const EventStreamProvider('beforeunload');
/// Stream of `beforeunload` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<Event> get onBeforeUnload => beforeUnloadEvent.forTarget(this);
/// Stream of `wheel` events handled by this [Window].
Stream<WheelEvent> get onWheel => Element.wheelEvent.forTarget(this);
* Moves this window to a specific position.
* x and y can be negative.
* ## Other resources
* * [Window.moveTo](
* from MDN.
* * [Window.moveTo](
* from W3C.
void moveTo(Point p) {
_moveTo(p.x.toInt(), p.y.toInt());
int get pageXOffset => JS<num>('num', '#.pageXOffset', this).round();
int get pageYOffset => JS<num>('num', '#.pageYOffset', this).round();
* The distance this window has been scrolled horizontally.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface
* specification]( from W3C.
* * [scrollX](
* from MDN.
int get scrollX => JS<bool>('bool', '("scrollX" in #)', this) ?
JS<num>('num', '#.scrollX', this).round() :
* The distance this window has been scrolled vertically.
* ## Other resources
* * [The Screen interface
* specification]( from W3C.
* * [scrollY](
* from MDN.
int get scrollY => JS<bool>('bool', '("scrollY" in #)', this) ?
JS<num>('num', '#.scrollY', this).round() :