blob: 9f22f7f647aec59ebd23f567d3067a99073e2c09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.task.options;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/plugin/options.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/analysis_options_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/model.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// The errors produced while parsing `.analysis_options` files.
/// The list will be empty if there were no errors, but will not be `null`.
final ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError> ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_ERRORS =
new ListResultDescriptor<AnalysisError>(
/// Validates `analyzer` top-level options.
class AnalyzerOptionsValidator extends TopLevelOptionValidator {
: super('analyzer', const ['exclude', 'plugins', 'strong-mode']);
/// Convenience class for composing validators.
class CompositeValidator extends OptionsValidator {
final List<OptionsValidator> validators;
void validate(ErrorReporter reporter, Map<String, YamlNode> options) =>
validators.forEach((v) => v.validate(reporter, options));
/// A task that generates errors for an `.analysis_options` file.
class GenerateOptionsErrorsTask extends SourceBasedAnalysisTask {
/// The name of the input whose value is the content of the file.
/// The task descriptor describing this kind of task.
static final TaskDescriptor DESCRIPTOR = new TaskDescriptor(
final AnalysisOptionsProvider optionsProvider = new AnalysisOptionsProvider();
GenerateOptionsErrorsTask(AnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target)
: super(context, target);
TaskDescriptor get descriptor => DESCRIPTOR;
Source get source => target.source;
void internalPerform() {
String content = getRequiredInput(CONTENT_INPUT_NAME);
List<AnalysisError> errors = <AnalysisError>[];
try {
Map<String, YamlNode> options =
} on OptionsFormatException catch (e) {
SourceSpan span = e.span;
var error = new AnalysisError(source, span.start.column + 1, span.length,
AnalysisOptionsErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR, [e.message]);
// Record outputs.
outputs[ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_ERRORS] = errors;
outputs[LINE_INFO] = _computeLineInfo(content);
List<AnalysisError> _validate(Map<String, YamlNode> options) =>
new OptionsFileValidator(source).validate(options);
/// Return a map from the names of the inputs of this kind of task to the
/// task input descriptors describing those inputs for a task with the
/// given [target].
static Map<String, TaskInput> buildInputs(Source source) =>
<String, TaskInput>{CONTENT_INPUT_NAME: CONTENT.of(source)};
/// Create a task based on the given [target] in the given [context].
static GenerateOptionsErrorsTask createTask(
AnalysisContext context, AnalysisTarget target) =>
new GenerateOptionsErrorsTask(context, target);
/// Compute [LineInfo] for the given [content].
static LineInfo _computeLineInfo(String content) {
List<int> lineStarts = <int>[0];
for (int index = 0; index < content.length; index++) {
if (content.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x0A) {
lineStarts.add(index + 1);
return new LineInfo(lineStarts);
/// Validates `linter` top-level options.
/// TODO(pq): move into `linter` package and plugin.
class LinterOptionsValidator extends TopLevelOptionValidator {
LinterOptionsValidator() : super('linter', const ['rules']);
/// Validates options defined in an `.analysis_options` file.
class OptionsFileValidator {
// TODO(pq): move to an extension point.
final List<OptionsValidator> _validators = [
new AnalyzerOptionsValidator(),
new LinterOptionsValidator()
final Source source;
OptionsFileValidator(this.source) {
List<AnalysisError> validate(Map<String, YamlNode> options) {
RecordingErrorListener recorder = new RecordingErrorListener();
ErrorReporter reporter = new ErrorReporter(recorder, source);
_validators.forEach((OptionsValidator v) => v.validate(reporter, options));
return recorder.errors;
/// Validates top-level options. For example,
/// plugin:
/// top-level-option: true
class TopLevelOptionValidator extends OptionsValidator {
final String pluginName;
final List<String> supportedOptions;
TopLevelOptionValidator(this.pluginName, this.supportedOptions);
void validate(ErrorReporter reporter, Map<String, YamlNode> options) {
YamlNode node = options[pluginName];
if (node is YamlMap) {
node.nodes.forEach((k, v) {
if (k is YamlScalar) {
if (!supportedOptions.contains(k.value)) {
[pluginName, k.value]);
//TODO(pq): consider an error if the node is not a Scalar.