blob: b5bef6bb75c792e51faad20d6e88e4880016de36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library services.src.index.index_contributor;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/namespace.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/html.dart' as ht;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
* Adds data to [store] based on the resolved Dart [unit].
void indexDartUnit(
InternalIndexStore store, AnalysisContext context, CompilationUnit unit) {
// check unit
if (unit == null) {
// prepare unit element
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unit.element;
if (unitElement == null) {
// about to index
bool mayIndex = store.aboutToIndexDart(context, unitElement);
if (!mayIndex) {
// do index
unit.accept(new _IndexContributor(store));
* Adds data to [store] based on the resolved HTML [unit].
void indexHtmlUnit(
InternalIndexStore store, AnalysisContext context, ht.HtmlUnit unit) {
// check unit
if (unit == null) {
// prepare unit element
HtmlElement unitElement = unit.element;
if (unitElement == null) {
// about to index
bool mayIndex = store.aboutToIndexHtml(context, unitElement);
if (!mayIndex) {
// do index
* Visits a resolved AST and adds relationships into [InternalIndexStore].
class _IndexContributor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final InternalIndexStore _store;
LibraryElement _libraryElement;
Map<ImportElement, Set<Element>> _importElementsMap = {};
* A stack whose top element (the element with the largest index) is an
* element representing the inner-most enclosing scope.
Queue<Element> _elementStack = new Queue();
* Enter a new scope represented by the given [Element].
void enterScope(Element element) {
* @return the inner-most enclosing [Element], may be `null`.
Element peekElement() {
for (Element element in _elementStack) {
if (element != null) {
return element;
return null;
* Record the given relationship between the given [Element] and
* [LocationImpl].
void recordRelationship(
Element element, RelationshipImpl relationship, LocationImpl location) {
if (element != null && location != null) {
_store.recordRelationship(element, relationship, location);
visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
_recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
_recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement element = node.element;
try {
ExtendsClause extendsClause = node.extendsClause;
if (extendsClause != null) {
TypeName superclassNode = extendsClause.superclass;
_recordSuperType(superclassNode, IndexConstants.IS_EXTENDED_BY);
} else {
InterfaceType superType = element.supertype;
if (superType != null) {
ClassElement objectElement = superType.element;
recordRelationship(objectElement, IndexConstants.IS_EXTENDED_BY,
_createLocationForOffset(, 0));
WithClause withClause = node.withClause;
if (withClause != null) {
for (TypeName mixinNode in withClause.mixinTypes) {
_recordSuperType(mixinNode, IndexConstants.IS_MIXED_IN_BY);
ImplementsClause implementsClause = node.implementsClause;
if (implementsClause != null) {
for (TypeName interfaceNode in implementsClause.interfaces) {
_recordSuperType(interfaceNode, IndexConstants.IS_IMPLEMENTED_BY);
} finally {
visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ClassElement element = node.element;
try {
TypeName superclassNode = node.superclass;
if (superclassNode != null) {
_recordSuperType(superclassNode, IndexConstants.IS_EXTENDED_BY);
WithClause withClause = node.withClause;
if (withClause != null) {
for (TypeName mixinNode in withClause.mixinTypes) {
_recordSuperType(mixinNode, IndexConstants.IS_MIXED_IN_BY);
ImplementsClause implementsClause = node.implementsClause;
if (implementsClause != null) {
for (TypeName interfaceNode in implementsClause.interfaces) {
_recordSuperType(interfaceNode, IndexConstants.IS_IMPLEMENTED_BY);
} finally {
visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = node.element;
if (unitElement != null) {
_libraryElement = unitElement.enclosingElement;
if (_libraryElement != null) {
visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
SimpleIdentifier fieldName = node.fieldName;
Expression expression = node.expression;
// field reference is write here
if (fieldName != null) {
Element element = fieldName.staticElement;
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(fieldName);
element, IndexConstants.IS_WRITTEN_BY, location);
// index expression
if (expression != null) {
visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.staticElement;
// in 'class B = A;' actually A constructors are invoked
if (element != null &&
element.isSynthetic &&
element.redirectedConstructor != null) {
element = element.redirectedConstructor;
// prepare location
LocationImpl location;
if ( != null) {
int start = node.period.offset;
int end =;
location = _createLocationForOffset(start, end - start);
} else {
int start = node.type.end;
location = _createLocationForOffset(start, 0);
// record relationship
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
LocalVariableElement element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
ClassElement element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
ExportElement element = node.element;
if (element != null) {
LibraryElement expLibrary = element.exportedLibrary;
_recordLibraryReference(node, expLibrary);
visitFormalParameter(FormalParameter node) {
ParameterElement element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
Element element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
Element element = node.element;
visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
ImportElement element = node.element;
if (element != null) {
LibraryElement impLibrary = element.importedLibrary;
_recordLibraryReference(node, impLibrary);
visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
MethodElement element = node.bestElement;
if (element is MethodElement) {
Token operator = node.leftBracket;
LocationImpl location =
_createLocationForToken(operator, element != null);
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_INVOKED_BY, location);
visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
ExecutableElement element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier name = node.methodName;
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(name);
// element invocation
Element element = name.bestElement;
if (element is MethodElement ||
element is PropertyAccessorElement ||
element is FunctionElement ||
element is VariableElement) {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_INVOKED_BY, location);
// name invocation
Element nameElement = new NameElement(;
nameElement, IndexConstants.IS_INVOKED_BY, location);
visitPartDirective(PartDirective node) {
Element element = node.element;
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(node.uri);
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) {
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(node.libraryName);
recordRelationship(node.element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
_recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
_recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.staticElement;
LocationImpl location;
if (node.constructorName != null) {
int start = node.period.offset;
int end = node.constructorName.end;
location = _createLocationForOffset(start, end - start);
} else {
int start = node.thisKeyword.end;
location = _createLocationForOffset(start, 0);
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
Element nameElement = new NameElement(;
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(node);
// name in declaration
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
nameElement, IndexConstants.NAME_IS_DEFINED_BY, location);
// prepare information
Element element = node.bestElement;
// stop if already handled
if (_isAlreadyHandledName(node)) {
// record name read/write
if (element != null && element.enclosingElement is ClassElement ||
element == null && location.isQualified) {
bool inGetterContext = node.inGetterContext();
bool inSetterContext = node.inSetterContext();
if (inGetterContext && inSetterContext) {
nameElement, IndexConstants.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY, location);
} else if (inGetterContext) {
nameElement, IndexConstants.IS_READ_BY, location);
} else if (inSetterContext) {
nameElement, IndexConstants.IS_WRITTEN_BY, location);
// this.field parameter
if (element is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
RelationshipImpl relationship = peekElement() == element
? IndexConstants.IS_WRITTEN_BY
: IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY;
_store.recordRelationship(element.field, relationship, location);
// record specific relations
if (element is ClassElement ||
element is FunctionElement ||
element is FunctionTypeAliasElement ||
element is LabelElement ||
element is MethodElement ||
element is PropertyAccessorElement ||
element is PropertyInducingElement ||
element is TypeParameterElement) {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
} else if (element is PrefixElement) {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
} else if (element is ParameterElement || element is LocalVariableElement) {
bool inGetterContext = node.inGetterContext();
bool inSetterContext = node.inSetterContext();
if (inGetterContext && inSetterContext) {
element, IndexConstants.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY, location);
} else if (inGetterContext) {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_READ_BY, location);
} else if (inSetterContext) {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_WRITTEN_BY, location);
} else {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.staticElement;
LocationImpl location;
if (node.constructorName != null) {
int start = node.period.offset;
int end = node.constructorName.end;
location = _createLocationForOffset(start, end - start);
} else {
int start = node.superKeyword.end;
location = _createLocationForOffset(start, 0);
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
VariableDeclarationList variables = node.variables;
for (VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration in variables.variables) {
Element element = variableDeclaration.element;
visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
TypeParameterElement element = node.element;
try {
} finally {
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
VariableElement element = node.element;
// record declaration
SimpleIdentifier name =;
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(name);
location = _getLocationWithExpressionType(location, node.initializer);
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.NAME_IS_DEFINED_BY, location);
// visit
try {
} finally {
visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
NodeList<VariableDeclaration> variables = node.variables;
if (variables != null) {
// use first VariableDeclaration as Element for Location(s) in type
TypeName type = node.type;
if (type != null) {
for (VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration in variables) {
try {
} finally {
// only one iteration
// visit variables
* @return the [LocationImpl] representing location of the [AstNode].
LocationImpl _createLocationForNode(AstNode node) {
bool isQualified = _isQualifiedClassMemberAccess(node);
bool isResolved = true;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
isResolved = node.bestElement != null;
Element element = peekElement();
return new LocationImpl(element, node.offset, node.length,
isQualified: isQualified, isResolved: isResolved);
* [offset] - the offset of the location within [Source].
* [length] - the length of the location.
* Returns the [LocationImpl] representing the given offset and length within the
* inner-most [Element].
LocationImpl _createLocationForOffset(int offset, int length) {
Element element = peekElement();
return new LocationImpl(element, offset, length);
* @return the [LocationImpl] representing location of the [Token].
LocationImpl _createLocationForToken(Token token, bool isResolved) {
Element element = peekElement();
return new LocationImpl(element, token.offset, token.length,
isQualified: true, isResolved: isResolved);
* Exit the current scope.
void _exitScope() {
* @return `true` if given node already indexed as more interesting reference, so it should
* not be indexed again.
bool _isAlreadyHandledName(SimpleIdentifier node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is MethodInvocation) {
return parent.methodName == node;
return false;
bool _isQualifiedClassMemberAccess(AstNode node) {
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier && parent.identifier == node) {
return parent.prefix.staticElement is! PrefixElement;
if (parent is PropertyAccess && parent.propertyName == node) {
return parent.realTarget != null;
if (parent is MethodInvocation && parent.methodName == node) {
Expression target = parent.realTarget;
if (target is SimpleIdentifier &&
target.staticElement is PrefixElement) {
return false;
return target != null;
return false;
* Records [ImportElement] reference if given [SimpleIdentifier] references some
* top-level element and not qualified with import prefix.
void _recordImportElementReferenceWithoutPrefix(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (_isIdentifierInImportCombinator(node)) {
if (_isIdentifierInPrefixedIdentifier(node)) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
ImportElement importElement = internal_getImportElement(
_libraryElement, null, element, _importElementsMap);
if (importElement != null) {
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForOffset(node.offset, 0);
importElement, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
* Records [ImportElement] that declares given prefix and imports library with element used
* with given prefix node.
void _recordImportElementReferenceWithPrefix(SimpleIdentifier prefixNode) {
ImportElementInfo info = internal_getImportElementInfo(prefixNode);
if (info != null) {
int offset = prefixNode.offset;
int length = info.periodEnd - offset;
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForOffset(offset, length);
info.element, IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
* Records reference to defining [CompilationUnitElement] of the given
* [LibraryElement].
void _recordLibraryReference(UriBasedDirective node, LibraryElement library) {
if (library != null) {
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForNode(node.uri);
IndexConstants.IS_REFERENCED_BY, location);
* Record reference to the given operator [Element] and name.
void _recordOperatorReference(Token operator, Element element) {
// prepare location
LocationImpl location = _createLocationForToken(operator, element != null);
// record name reference
String name = operator.lexeme;
if (name == "++") {
name = "+";
if (name == "--") {
name = "-";
if (StringUtilities.endsWithChar(name, 0x3D) && name != "==") {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
Element nameElement = new NameElement(name);
recordRelationship(nameElement, IndexConstants.IS_INVOKED_BY, location);
// record element reference
if (element != null) {
recordRelationship(element, IndexConstants.IS_INVOKED_BY, location);
* Records a relation between [superNode] and its [Element].
void _recordSuperType(TypeName superNode, RelationshipImpl relationship) {
if (superNode != null) {
Identifier superName =;
if (superName != null) {
Element superElement = superName.staticElement;
superElement, relationship, _createLocationForNode(superNode));
* Records the [Element] definition in the library and universe.
void _recordTopLevelElementDefinition(Element element) {
LocationImpl location = createLocation(element);
recordRelationship(_libraryElement, IndexConstants.DEFINES, location);
* Creates a [LocationImpl] representing declaration of the [Element].
static LocationImpl createLocation(Element element) {
if (element != null) {
int offset = element.nameOffset;
int length = element.displayName.length;
return new LocationImpl(element, offset, length);
return null;
* If the given expression has resolved type, returns the new location with this type.
* [location] - the base location
* [expression] - the expression assigned at the given location
static LocationImpl _getLocationWithExpressionType(
LocationImpl location, Expression expression) {
if (expression != null) {
return new LocationWithData<DartType>(location, expression.bestType);
return location;
* @return `true` if given "node" is part of an import [Combinator].
static bool _isIdentifierInImportCombinator(SimpleIdentifier node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
return parent is Combinator;
* @return `true` if given "node" is part of [PrefixedIdentifier] "prefix.node".
static bool _isIdentifierInPrefixedIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
return parent is PrefixedIdentifier && parent.identifier == node;