blob: dbbc3abbb4f7b90de8aa9681d5aebde5e12da546 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
// OtherResources=certificates/server_chain.pem
// OtherResources=certificates/server_key.pem
// OtherResources=certificates/trusted_certs.pem
// This test verifies that the bad certificate callback works in HttpClient.
import "dart:async";
import "dart:io";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
final HOST_NAME = 'localhost';
String localFile(path) => Platform.script.resolve(path).toFilePath();
SecurityContext serverContext = new SecurityContext()
password: 'dartdart');
class CustomException {}
main() async {
var HOST = (await InternetAddress.lookup(HOST_NAME)).first;
var server = await HttpServer.bindSecure(HOST, 0, serverContext, backlog: 5);
server.listen((request) {
request.listen((_) {}, onDone: () {
SecurityContext goodContext = new SecurityContext()
SecurityContext badContext = new SecurityContext();
SecurityContext defaultContext = SecurityContext.defaultContext;
await runClient(server.port, goodContext, true, 'pass');
await runClient(server.port, goodContext, false, 'pass');
await runClient(server.port, goodContext, 'fisk', 'pass');
await runClient(server.port, goodContext, 'exception', 'pass');
await runClient(server.port, badContext, true, 'pass');
await runClient(server.port, badContext, false, 'fail');
await runClient(server.port, badContext, 'fisk', 'fail');
await runClient(server.port, badContext, 'exception', 'throw');
await runClient(server.port, defaultContext, true, 'pass');
await runClient(server.port, defaultContext, false, 'fail');
await runClient(server.port, defaultContext, 'fisk', 'fail');
await runClient(server.port, defaultContext, 'exception', 'throw');
Future runClient(
int port, SecurityContext context, callbackReturns, result) async {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient(context: context);
client.badCertificateCallback = (X509Certificate certificate, host, port) {
// Throw exception if one is requested.
if (callbackReturns == 'exception') throw new CustomException();
return callbackReturns;
try {
var request = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse('https://$HOST_NAME:$port/'));
Expect.equals('pass', result);
await request.close();
} catch (error) {
Expect.notEquals(result, 'pass');
if (result == 'fail') {
Expect.isTrue(error is HandshakeException ||
(callbackReturns is! bool && error is TypeError));
} else if (result == 'throw') {
Expect.isTrue(error is CustomException);
} else {'Unknown expectation $result');