blob: 5699d15d68ed3b883909d8cadc1720c30accf061 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests that Kernel Dump Info matches the original Dump Info's output after
// filtering non-live blocks.
// @dart = 2.7
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/features.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/dump_info.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js_model/element_map.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js_model/js_world.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart' as info;
import 'package:dart2js_info/json_info_codec.dart' as info;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../equivalence/id_equivalence.dart';
import '../equivalence/id_equivalence_helper.dart';
final JsonEncoder encoder = const JsonEncoder();
final JsonEncoder indentedEncoder = const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
String jsonEncode(Map object, {bool indent = true}) {
final jsonEncoder = indent ? indentedEncoder : encoder;
final transformedObject = transformJsonObjectForComparison(object);
// Filter block comments since they interfere with ID test comments.
final json = jsonEncoder
.replaceAll('/*', '')
.replaceAll('*/', '');
return json;
/// Transforms a new DumpInfo or old DumpInfo object into a format that allows
/// for easier comparison.
Map transformJsonObjectForComparison(Map object) {
Map newObject = {};
object.forEach((key, value) {
if (value == null) {
newObject[key] = value;
dynamic newValue = value;
// Ignore type fields since K-World and J-World type strings are
// non-trivially different (though semantically identical).
if (key == 'type' || key == 'returnType' || key == 'name') {
// Ignore sizes for output units, as these deviate by some constant when
// `--new-dump-info` is enabled.
if (object['kind'] == 'outputUnit' && key == 'size') {
// Remove disambiguation portions of names. E.g., name%N -> name.
if (key == 'id' || key == 'name' || key == 'function' || key == 'parent') {
newValue = value.replaceAll(RegExp(r'%\d+'), '');
} else if (key == 'children') {
List values = object[key];
newValue = => name.replaceAll(RegExp(r'%\d+'), '')).toList();
newObject[key] = newValue;
return newObject;
Map filteredJsonObject(Map object, Set<String> filteredFields) {
Map filteredObject = {};
object.forEach((key, value) {
if (filteredFields.contains(key)) return;
filteredObject[key] = value;
return filteredObject;
void main(List<String> args) {
// Do not allow these tests to regenerate annotations.
final filteredArgs =
args.where((arg) => arg != '--g' && arg != '--generate').toList();
asyncTest(() async {
Directory dataDir = Directory.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('data'));
print('Testing output of new-dump-info');
await checkTests(dataDir, const DumpInfoDataComputer(),
args: filteredArgs,
testedConfigs: allSpecConfigs,
options: ['--dump-info', '--new-dump-info', '--enable-asserts']);
class Tags {
static const String library = 'library';
static const String clazz = 'class';
static const String classType = 'classType';
static const String closure = 'closure';
static const String function = 'function';
static const String typeDef = 'typedef';
static const String field = 'field';
static const String constant = 'constant';
static const String holding = 'holding';
static const String dependencies = 'dependencies';
static const String outputUnits = 'outputUnits';
static const String deferredFiles = 'deferredFiles';
class DumpInfoDataComputer extends DataComputer<Features> {
const DumpInfoDataComputer();
static const String wildcard = '%';
void computeLibraryData(Compiler compiler, LibraryEntity library,
Map<Id, ActualData<Features>> actualMap,
{bool verbose}) {
final converter = info.AllInfoToJsonConverter(isBackwardCompatible: true);
DumpInfoStateData dumpInfoState = compiler.dumpInfoStateForTesting;
final features = Features();
final libraryInfo = dumpInfoState.entityToInfo[library];
if (libraryInfo == null) return;
Tags.library, jsonEncode(libraryInfo.accept(converter)));
// Store program-wide information on the main library.
final name = '${library.canonicalUri.pathSegments.last}';
if (name.startsWith('main')) {
for (final constantInfo in {
Tags.constant, jsonEncode(constantInfo.accept(converter)));
Tags.dependencies, jsonEncode(;
for (final outputUnit in {
var outputUnitJsonObject = outputUnit.accept(converter);
// Remove the size from output units due to high noise ratio.
outputUnitJsonObject =
filteredJsonObject(outputUnitJsonObject, {'size'});
features.addElement(Tags.outputUnits, jsonEncode(outputUnitJsonObject));
Tags.deferredFiles, jsonEncode(;
final id = LibraryId(library.canonicalUri);
actualMap[id] =
ActualData<Features>(id, features, library.canonicalUri, -1, library);
void computeClassData(Compiler compiler, ClassEntity cls,
Map<Id, ActualData<Features>> actualMap,
{bool verbose: false}) {
final converter = info.AllInfoToJsonConverter(isBackwardCompatible: true);
DumpInfoStateData dumpInfoState = compiler.dumpInfoStateForTesting;
final features = Features();
final classInfo = dumpInfoState.entityToInfo[cls];
if (classInfo == null) return;
features.addElement(Tags.clazz, jsonEncode(classInfo.accept(converter)));
final classTypeInfos = => ==;
classTypeInfos.length < 2,
'Ambiguous class type info resolution. '
'Expected 0 or 1 elements, found: $classTypeInfos');
if (classTypeInfos.length == 1) {
Tags.classType, jsonEncode(classTypeInfos.first.accept(converter)));
JsClosedWorld closedWorld = compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
JsToElementMap elementMap = closedWorld.elementMap;
ir.Class node = elementMap.getClassDefinition(cls).node;
ClassId id = ClassId(;
ir.TreeNode nodeWithOffset = computeTreeNodeWithOffset(node);
actualMap[id] = ActualData<Features>(id, features,
nodeWithOffset?.location?.file, nodeWithOffset?.fileOffset, cls);
void computeMemberData(Compiler compiler, MemberEntity member,
Map<Id, ActualData<Features>> actualMap,
{bool verbose: false}) {
final converter = info.AllInfoToJsonConverter(isBackwardCompatible: true);
DumpInfoStateData dumpInfoState = compiler.dumpInfoStateForTesting;
final features = Features();
final functionInfo = dumpInfoState.entityToInfo[member];
if (functionInfo == null ||
functionInfo.treeShakenStatus != info.TreeShakenStatus.Live) return;
if (functionInfo is info.FunctionInfo) {
Tags.function, jsonEncode(functionInfo.accept(converter)));
for (final use in functionInfo.uses) {
jsonEncode(converter.visitDependencyInfo(use), indent: false));
for (final closure in functionInfo.closures) {
Tags.closure, jsonEncode(closure.accept(converter)));
Tags.function, jsonEncode(closure.function.accept(converter)));
if (functionInfo is info.FieldInfo) {
Tags.function, jsonEncode(functionInfo.accept(converter)));
for (final use in functionInfo.uses) {
jsonEncode(converter.visitDependencyInfo(use), indent: false));
for (final closure in functionInfo.closures) {
Tags.closure, jsonEncode(closure.accept(converter)));
Tags.function, jsonEncode(closure.function.accept(converter)));
JsClosedWorld closedWorld = compiler.backendClosedWorldForTesting;
JsToElementMap elementMap = closedWorld.elementMap;
ir.Member node = elementMap.getMemberDefinition(member).node;
Id id = computeMemberId(node);
ir.TreeNode nodeWithOffset = computeTreeNodeWithOffset(node);
actualMap[id] = ActualData<Features>(id, features,
nodeWithOffset?.location?.file, nodeWithOffset?.fileOffset, member);
DataInterpreter<Features> get dataValidator =>
const JsonFeaturesDataInterpreter(wildcard: wildcard);
/// Feature interpreter for Features with Json values.
/// The data annotation reader conserves whitespace visually while ignoring
/// them during comparison.
class JsonFeaturesDataInterpreter implements DataInterpreter<Features> {
final String wildcard;
const JsonFeaturesDataInterpreter({this.wildcard});
String isAsExpected(Features actualFeatures, String expectedData) {
if (wildcard != null && expectedData == wildcard) {
return null;
} else if (expectedData == '') {
return actualFeatures.isNotEmpty ? "Expected empty data." : null;
} else {
List<String> errorsFound = [];
Features expectedFeatures = Features.fromText(expectedData);
Set<String> validatedFeatures = Set<String>();
expectedFeatures.forEach((String key, Object expectedValue) {
Object actualValue = actualFeatures[key];
if (!actualFeatures.containsKey(key)) {
errorsFound.add('No data found for $key');
} else if (expectedValue == '') {
if (actualValue != '') {
errorsFound.add('Non-empty data found for $key');
} else if (wildcard != null && expectedValue == wildcard) {
} else if (expectedValue is List) {
if (actualValue is List) {
List actualList = actualValue.toList();
for (Object expectedObject in expectedValue) {
String expectedText =
jsonEncode(jsonDecode(expectedObject), indent: false);
bool matchFound = false;
if (wildcard != null && expectedText.endsWith(wildcard)) {
// Wildcard matcher.
String prefix =
expectedText.substring(0, expectedText.indexOf(wildcard));
List matches = [];
for (Object actualObject in actualList) {
final formattedActualObject =
jsonEncode(jsonDecode(actualObject), indent: false);
if (formattedActualObject.startsWith(prefix)) {
matchFound = true;
for (Object match in matches) {
} else {
for (Object actualObject in actualList) {
final formattedActualObject =
jsonEncode(jsonDecode(actualObject), indent: false);
if (expectedText == formattedActualObject) {
matchFound = true;
if (!matchFound) {
errorsFound.add("No match found for $key=[$expectedText]");
if (actualList.isNotEmpty) {
.add("Extra data found $key=[${actualList.join(',')}]");
} else {
errorsFound.add("List data expected for $key: "
"expected '$expectedValue', found '${actualValue}'");
} else if (expectedValue != actualValue) {
errorsFound.add("Mismatch for $key: expected '$expectedValue', "
"found '${actualValue}'");
actualFeatures.forEach((String key, Object value) {
if (!validatedFeatures.contains(key)) {
if (value == '') {
errorsFound.add("Extra data found '$key'");
} else {
errorsFound.add("Extra data found $key=$value");
return errorsFound.isNotEmpty ? errorsFound.join('\n ') : null;
String getText(Features actualData, [String indentation]) {
return actualData.getText(indentation);
bool isEmpty(Features actualData) {
return actualData == null || actualData.isEmpty;