blob: d11d83c410e9cf97f54935674648dea2b9ee4346 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of 'declaration_builders.dart';
abstract class ExtensionBuilder implements DeclarationBuilder {
/// Type parameters declared on the extension.
/// This is `null` if the extension is not generic.
List<NominalVariableBuilder>? get typeParameters;
/// The type of the on-clause of the extension declaration.
TypeBuilder get onType;
/// Return the [Extension] built by this builder.
Extension get extension;
/// Looks up extension member by [name] taking privacy into account.
/// If [setter] is `true` the sought member is a setter or assignable field.
/// If [required] is `true` and no member is found an internal problem is
/// reported.
/// If the extension member is a duplicate, `null` is returned.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support [AmbiguousBuilder] here and in instance
// member lookup to avoid reporting that the member doesn't exist when it is
// duplicate.
Builder? lookupLocalMemberByName(Name name,
{bool setter = false, bool required = false});
abstract class ExtensionBuilderImpl extends DeclarationBuilderImpl
with DeclarationBuilderMixin
implements ExtensionBuilder {
String name, LibraryBuilder parent, Uri fileUri, int fileOffset)
: super(name, parent, fileUri, fileOffset);
DartType buildAliasedTypeWithBuiltArguments(
LibraryBuilder library,
Nullability nullability,
List<DartType> arguments,
TypeUse typeUse,
Uri fileUri,
int charOffset,
{required bool hasExplicitTypeArguments}) {
throw new UnsupportedError("ExtensionBuilder.buildTypesWithBuiltArguments "
"is not supported in library '${library.importUri}'.");
bool get isExtension => true;
// Coverage-ignore(suite): Not run.
Nullability computeNullabilityWithArguments(List<TypeBuilder>? typeArguments,
{required Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TraversalState>
typeVariablesTraversalState}) =>