blob: 99b1a45af0c9b1affed3344d320204da05ac56f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Runs the tests in a batch on the various configurations used on the bots.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:migration/src/fork.dart';
import 'package:migration/src/log.dart';
const appJit = "--compiler=app_jit";
const dart2js = "--compiler=dart2js";
const dartdevc = "--compiler=dartdevc";
const noCompiler = "--compiler=none";
const precompiler = "--compiler=precompiler";
const analyzer = "--compiler=dart2analyzer";
const dartk = "--compiler=dartk";
const chrome = "--runtime=chrome";
const precompiled = "--runtime=dart_precompiled";
const noRuntime = "--runtime=none";
const vm = "--runtime=vm";
const d8 = "--runtime=d8";
const jsshell = "--runtime=jsshell";
const checked = "--checked";
const dart2jsBatch = "--dart2js-batch";
const fastStartup = "--fast-startup";
const useSdk = "--use-sdk";
const releaseMode = "--mode=release";
const productMode = "--mode=product";
const strong = "--strong";
/// Maps configuration names to a corresponding set of test.dart command line
/// arguments.
/// Each configuration name starts with the name of a column on the buildbot
/// waterfall (except for "dartjs-linux" which is just called "dart2js" here)
/// possibly followed by some modifier for a specific bot or annotated step on
/// a bot. The configs here are ordered the same order as the waterfall.
final allConfigs = {
"vm": [noCompiler, vm],
"vm-checked": [noCompiler, vm, checked],
"vm-app": [appJit, vm],
"vm-app-product": [productMode, appJit, vm],
"vm-kernel": [dartk, releaseMode, vm],
"vm-precomp": [precompiler, precompiled],
"vm-product": [productMode, noCompiler, vm],
// TODO(rnystrom): Add dart2js-d8-hostchecked, dart2js-d8-minified, or
// dart2js-jsshell?
"analyzer": [analyzer, noRuntime, useSdk],
"analyzer-checked": [analyzer, noRuntime, checked, useSdk],
"analyzer-checked-strong": [analyzer, noRuntime, checked, strong, useSdk],
"analyzer-strong": [analyzer, noRuntime, strong, useSdk],
"dart2js": [dart2js, chrome, useSdk, dart2jsBatch],
"dart2js-d8-checked": [dart2js, d8, checked, fastStartup, useSdk, dart2jsBatch],
"dart2js-jsshell": [dart2js, jsshell, fastStartup, useSdk, dart2jsBatch],
// TODO(rnystrom): Is it worth running dart2js on Firefox too?
"dartdevc": [dartdevc, chrome, useSdk, strong],
final buildSteps = [
// The SDK, which also builds the VM.
["--mode=release", "create_sdk"],
// The kernel service.
["--mode=release", "kernel-service"],
// Precompiled runtime for release
["--mode=release", "runtime_precompiled"],
// Product version of the runtime and precompiled runtime.
["--mode=product", "runtime", "runtime_precompiled"],
// Dartdevc and its dependencies.
["--mode=release", "dartdevc_test"],
Future<Null> main(List<String> arguments) async {
var argParser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
argParser.addFlag("build", help: "Build runtimes before running tests.");
abbr: "c", allowMultiple: true, help: "Which configurations to run.");
var argResults = argParser.parse(arguments);
if (argResults["help"] as bool) {
var remainingArgs = []..addAll(;
if (remainingArgs.length == 1) {
if (remainingArgs.length != 2) {
var build = argResults["build"] as bool;
var configs = argResults["config"] as List<String>;
if (configs.isEmpty) configs = allConfigs.keys.toList();
var tests = scanTests();
var startIndex = findFork(tests, remainingArgs[0]);
var endIndex = findFork(tests, remainingArgs[1]);
if (startIndex == null || endIndex == null) exit(1);
tests = tests.sublist(startIndex, endIndex + 1);
if (tests.isEmpty) {
print("No tests in range.");
// Build any needed targets first.
if (build) {
for (var steps in buildSteps) {
var command = "tools/ ${steps.join(' ')}";
print("Building ${bold(command)}:");
var exitCode = await run("tools/", steps);
if (exitCode != 0) {
print(red("Build failed: $command"));
// Splits the tests into selectors and patterns.
var selectors = <String, List<String>>{};
for (var test in tests) {
var parts = p.split(p.withoutExtension(test.twoPath));
var selector = parts[0];
var path = parts.skip(1).join("/");
selectors.putIfAbsent(selector, () => []).add(path);
var failed = <String>[];
var passed = <String>[];
for (var name in configs) {
var configArgs = allConfigs[name];
print("${bold(name)} ${configArgs.join(' ')}:");
var args = ["--progress=diff"];
if (!args.any((arg) => arg.startsWith("--mode"))) {
selectors.forEach((selector, paths) {
var exitCode = await run("tools/", args);
if (exitCode != 0) {
print(red("Configuration failed: $name"));
} else {
if (failed.length == 0) {
var s = passed.length == 1 ? "" : "s";
print("${green('PASSED')} all ${bold(passed.length)} configuration$s!");
} else {
if (passed.length > 0) {
var s = passed == 1 ? "" : "s";
print("${green('PASSED')} ${bold(passed.length)} configuration$s:");
for (var config in passed) {
print("- ${bold(config)}");
var s = failed == 1 ? "" : "s";
print("${red("FAILED")} ${bold(failed.length)} configuration$s:");
for (var config in failed) {
print("- ${bold(config)}");
void usage(ArgParser parser) {
print("Usage: dart run_tests.dart [--build] [--configs=...] "
"<first file> [last file]");
print(" \$ dart run_tests.dart map_to_string queue");
Future<int> run(String executable, List<String> arguments) async {
var process = await Process.start(executable, arguments);
process.stdout.listen((bytes) {
process.stderr.listen((bytes) {
return await process.exitCode;