blob: 892cc1e081347760e1055a57ea6b4650f0a3630c [file] [log] [blame]
part of html_common;
convertDartToNative_PrepareForStructuredClone(value) =>
new _StructuredCloneDartium()
convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, {mustCopy: false}) =>
new _AcceptStructuredCloneDartium()
.convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, mustCopy: mustCopy);
class _StructuredCloneDartium extends _StructuredClone {
newJsMap() => js.JsNative.newObject();
putIntoMap(map, key, value) => js.JsNative.setProperty(map, key, value);
newJsList(length) => js.JsNative.newArray()..length = length;
cloneNotRequired(e) => e is js.JSObject || e is TypedData || e is ByteBuffer;
/// A version of _AcceptStructuredClone, but using a different algorithm
/// so we can take advantage of an identity HashMap on Dartium without
/// the bad side-effect of modifying the JS source objects if we do the same in
/// dart2js.
/// This no longer inherits anything from _AcceptStructuredClone
/// and is never used polymorphically with it, so it doesn't inherit.
class _AcceptStructuredCloneDartium {
newDartList(length) => new List(length);
// As long as we stick to JSObject instead of intermingling legacy JsObject,
// we can simply use identical.
bool identicalInJs(a, b) => identical(a, b);
void forEachJsField(jsObject, action) {
var keys = js.JsNative.callMethod(_object, "keys", [jsObject]);
for (var key in keys) {
action(key, js.JsNative.getProperty(jsObject, key));
// Keep track of the clones, keyed by the original object. If we're
// not copying, these may be the same.
var clones = new HashMap.identity();
bool mustCopy = false;
Object findSlot(value) {
return clones.putIfAbsent(value, () => null);
writeSlot(original, x) {
clones[original] = x;
walk(e) {
if (e == null) return e;
if (e is bool) return e;
if (e is num) return e;
if (e is String) return e;
if (e is DateTime) return e;
if (isJavaScriptRegExp(e)) {
// TODO(sra).
throw new UnimplementedError('structured clone of RegExp');
if (isJavaScriptPromise(e)) {
return convertNativePromiseToDartFuture(e);
if (isJavaScriptSimpleObject(e)) {
// TODO(sra): If mustCopy is false, swizzle the prototype for one of a Map
// implementation that uses the properies as storage.
var copy = findSlot(e);
if (copy != null) return copy;
copy = {};
writeSlot(e, copy);
forEachJsField(e, (key, value) => copy[key] = walk(value));
return copy;
if (isJavaScriptArray(e)) {
var copy = findSlot(e);
if (copy != null) return copy;
int length = e.length;
// Since a JavaScript Array is an instance of Dart List, we can modify it
// in-place unless we must copy.
copy = mustCopy ? newDartList(length) : e;
writeSlot(e, copy);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
copy[i] = walk(e[i]);
return copy;
// Assume anything else is already a valid Dart object, either by having
// already been processed, or e.g. a clonable native class.
return e;
convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone(object, {mustCopy: false}) {
this.mustCopy = mustCopy;
var copy = walk(object);
return copy;
final _dateConstructor = js.JsNative.getProperty(window, "Date");
final _regexConstructor = js.JsNative.getProperty(window, "RegExp");
bool isJavaScriptDate(value) =>
value is js.JSObject && js.JsNative.instanceof(value, _dateConstructor);
bool isJavaScriptRegExp(value) =>
value is js.JSObject && js.JsNative.instanceof(value, _regexConstructor);
bool isJavaScriptArray(value) => value is js.JSArray;
final _object = js.JsNative.getProperty(window, "Object");
final _getPrototypeOf = js.JsNative.getProperty(_object, "getPrototypeOf");
_getProto(object) {
return _getPrototypeOf(object);
final _objectProto = js.JsNative.getProperty(_object, "prototype");
bool isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value) {
if (value is! js.JSObject) return false;
var proto = _getProto(value);
return proto == _objectProto || proto == null;
// TODO(jacobr): this makes little sense unless we are doing something
// ambitious to make Dartium and Dart2Js interop well with each other.
bool isImmutableJavaScriptArray(value) =>
isJavaScriptArray(value) &&
js.JsNative.getProperty(value, "immutable$list") != null;
final _promiseConstructor = js.JsNative.getProperty(window, 'Promise');
bool isJavaScriptPromise(value) =>
value is js.JSObject &&
js.JsNative.getProperty(value, 'constructor'), _promiseConstructor);
Future convertNativePromiseToDartFuture(js.JSObject promise) {
var completer = new Completer();
var newPromise = js.JsNative.callMethod(
js.JsNative.callMethod(promise, "then",
[js.allowInterop((result) => completer.complete(result))]),
[js.allowInterop((result) => completer.completeError(result))]);
return completer.future;
convertDartToNative_DateTime(DateTime date) {
return date;
/// Creates a Dart Rectangle from a Javascript object with properties
/// left, top, width and height or a 4 element array of integers. Used internally in Dartium.
Rectangle make_dart_rectangle(r) {
if (r == null) return null;
if (r is List) {
return new Rectangle(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
return new Rectangle(
js.JsNative.getProperty(r, 'left'),
js.JsNative.getProperty(r, 'top'),
js.JsNative.getProperty(r, 'width'),
js.JsNative.getProperty(r, 'height'));
// Converts a flat Dart map into a JavaScript object with properties this is
// is the Dartium only version it uses dart:js.
// TODO(alanknight): This could probably be unified with the dart2js conversions
// code in html_common and be more general.
convertDartToNative_Dictionary(Map dict) {
if (dict == null) return null;
var jsObject = js.JsNative.newObject();
dict.forEach((String key, value) {
if (value is List) {
var jsArray = js.JsNative.newArray();
value.forEach((elem) {
jsArray.add(elem is Map ? convertDartToNative_Dictionary(elem) : elem);
js.JsNative.setProperty(jsObject, key, jsArray);
} else {
js.JsNative.setProperty(jsObject, key, value);
return jsObject;
// Creates a Dart class to allow members of the Map to be fetched (as if getters exist).
// TODO(terry): Need to use package:js but that's a problem in dart:html. Talk to
// Jacob about how to do this properly using dart:js.
class _ReturnedDictionary {
Map _values;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
var key = MirrorSystem.getName(invocation.memberName);
if (invocation.isGetter) {
return _values[key];
} else if (invocation.isSetter && key.endsWith('=')) {
key = key.substring(0, key.length - 1);
_values[key] = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
Map get toMap => _values;
_ReturnedDictionary(Map value) : _values = value != null ? value : {};
// Helper function to wrapped a returned dictionary from blink to a Dart looking
// class.
convertNativeDictionaryToDartDictionary(values) {
if (values is! Map) {
// TODO(jacobr): wish wwe didn't have to do this.
values = convertNativeToDart_SerializedScriptValue(values);
return values != null ? new _ReturnedDictionary(values) : null;
convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(values) =>
// Conversion function place holder (currently not used in dart2js or dartium).
List convertDartToNative_StringArray(List<String> input) => input;
// Converts a Dart list into a JsArray. For the Dartium version only.
convertDartToNative_List(List input) => new js.JsArray()..addAll(input);
// Incredibly slow implementation to lookup the runtime type for an object.
// Fortunately, performance doesn't matter much as the results are cached
// as long as the object being looked up has a valid prototype.
// TODO(jacobr): we should track the # of lookups to ensure that things aren't
// going off the rails due to objects with null prototypes, etc.
// Note: unlike all other methods in this class, here we intentionally use
// the old JsObject types to bootstrap the new typed bindings.
Type lookupType(js.JsObject jsObject, bool isElement) {
try {
// TODO(jacobr): add static methods that return the runtime type of the patch
// class so that this code works as expected.
if (jsObject is js.JsArray) {
return js.JSArray.instanceRuntimeType;
if (jsObject is js.JsFunction) {
return js.JSFunction.instanceRuntimeType;
var constructor = js.JsNative.getProperty(jsObject, 'constructor');
if (constructor == null) {
// Perfectly valid case for JavaScript objects where __proto__ has
// intentionally been set to null.
// We should track and warn about this case as peformance will be poor.
return js.JSObject.instanceRuntimeType;
var jsTypeName = js.JsNative.getProperty(constructor, 'name');
if (jsTypeName is! String || jsTypeName.length == 0) {
// Not an html type.
return js.JSObject.instanceRuntimeType;
var dartClass_instance;
var customElementClass = null;
var extendsTag = "";
Type type = getHtmlCreateType(jsTypeName);
if (type != null) return type;
// Start walking the prototype chain looking for a JS class.
var prototype = js.JsNative.getProperty(jsObject, '__proto__');
while (prototype != null) {
// We're a Dart class that's pointing to a JS class.
var constructor = js.JsNative.getProperty(prototype, 'constructor');
if (constructor != null) {
jsTypeName = js.JsNative.getProperty(constructor, 'name');
type = getHtmlCreateType(jsTypeName);
if (type != null) return type;
prototype = js.JsNative.getProperty(prototype, '__proto__');
} catch (e) {
// This case can happen for cross frame objects.
if (js.JsNative.hasProperty(e, "postMessage")) {
// assume this is a Window. To match Dart2JS, separate conversion code
// in dart:html will switch the wrapper to a cross frame window as
// required.
// TODO(jacobr): we could consider removing this code completely.
return Window.instanceRuntimeType;
return js.JSObject.instanceRuntimeType;