blob: caf9cd1c1c4e8fa49427eae4fa536acc9e21cff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'dart:async' show Future, Stream;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'dart:isolate' show Isolate, ReceivePort;
import 'test_root.dart' show TestRoot;
import 'test_description.dart' show TestDescription;
import 'error_handling.dart' show withErrorHandling;
import 'chain.dart' show CreateContext;
import '../testing.dart' show Chain, ChainContext, TestDescription, listTests;
import 'analyze.dart' show Analyze;
import 'log.dart' show isVerbose, logMessage, logNumberedLines, splitLines;
import 'suite.dart' show Dart, Suite;
import 'test_dart.dart' show TestDart;
import 'zone_helper.dart' show acknowledgeControlMessages;
Future<TestRoot> computeTestRoot(String configurationPath, Uri base) {
Uri configuration = configurationPath == null
? Uri.base.resolve("testing.json")
: base.resolve(configurationPath);
return TestRoot.fromUri(configuration);
/// This is called from a Chain suite, and helps implement main. In most cases,
/// main will look like this:
/// main(List<String> arguments) => runMe(arguments, createContext);
/// The optional argument [configurationPath] should be used when
/// `testing.json` isn't located in the current working directory and is a path
/// relative to `Platform.script`.
Future<Null> runMe(List<String> arguments, CreateContext f,
[String configurationPath]) {
return withErrorHandling(() async {
TestRoot testRoot =
await computeTestRoot(configurationPath, Platform.script);
for (Chain suite in testRoot.toolChains) {
if (Platform.script == suite.source) {
print("Running suite ${}...");
ChainContext context = await f(suite, <String, String>{});
await, new Set<String>());
/// This is called from a `_test.dart` file, and helps integration in other
/// test runner frameworks.
/// For example, to run the suite `my_suite` from `test.dart`, create a file
/// with this content:
/// import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart' show asyncTest;
/// import 'package:testing/testing.dart' show run;
/// main(List<String> arguments) => asyncTest(run(arguments, ["my_suite"]));
/// To run run the same suite from `package:test`, create a file with this
/// content:
/// import 'package:test/test.dart' show Timeout, test;
/// import 'package:testing/testing.dart' show run;
/// main() {
/// test("my_suite", () => run([], ["my_suite"]),
/// timeout: new Timeout(new Duration(minutes: 5)));
/// }
/// The optional argument [configurationPath] should be used when
/// `testing.json` isn't located in the current working directory and is a path
/// relative to `Uri.base`.
Future<Null> run(List<String> arguments, List<String> suiteNames,
[String configurationPath]) {
return withErrorHandling(() async {
TestRoot root = await computeTestRoot(configurationPath, Uri.base);
List<Suite> suites = root.suites
.where((Suite suite) => suiteNames.contains(
SuiteRunner runner = new SuiteRunner(suites, <String, String>{},
const <String>[], new Set<String>(), new Set<String>());
String program = await runner.generateDartProgram();
await runner.analyze(root.packages);
if (program != null) {
await runProgram(program, root.packages);
Future<Null> runProgram(String program, Uri packages) async {
Uri dataUri = new Uri.dataFromString(program);
ReceivePort exitPort = new ReceivePort();
Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawnUri(dataUri, <String>[], null,
paused: true,
onExit: exitPort.sendPort,
errorsAreFatal: false,
checked: true,
packageConfig: packages);
List error;
var subscription = isolate.errors.listen((data) {
error = data;
await acknowledgeControlMessages(isolate, resume: isolate.pauseCapability);
await for (var _ in exitPort) {
return error == null
? null
: new Future<Null>.error(error[0], new StackTrace.fromString(error[1]));
class SuiteRunner {
final List<Suite> suites;
final Map<String, String> environment;
final List<String> selectors;
final Set<String> selectedSuites;
final Set<String> skippedSuites;
final List<Uri> testUris = <Uri>[];
SuiteRunner(this.suites, this.environment, Iterable<String> selectors,
this.selectedSuites, this.skippedSuites)
: selectors = selectors.toList(growable: false);
bool shouldRunSuite(Suite suite) {
return !skippedSuites.contains( &&
(selectedSuites.isEmpty || selectedSuites.contains(;
Future<String> generateDartProgram() async {
StringBuffer imports = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer dart = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer chain = new StringBuffer();
bool hasRunnableTests = false;
await for (TestDescription description in listDescriptions()) {
hasRunnableTests = true;
await for (Chain suite in listChainSuites()) {
hasRunnableTests = true;
bool isFirstTestDartSuite = true;
for (TestDart suite in listTestDartSuites()) {
if (shouldRunSuite(suite)) {
hasRunnableTests = true;
if (isFirstTestDartSuite) {
isFirstTestDartSuite = false;
if (!hasRunnableTests) return null;
return """
library testing.generated;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'package:testing/src/run_tests.dart' show runTests;
import 'package:testing/src/chain.dart' show runChain;
import 'package:testing/src/log.dart' show enableVerboseOutput, isVerbose;
Future<Null> main() async {
if ($isVerbose) enableVerboseOutput();
Map<String, String> environment = JSON.decode('${JSON.encode(environment)}');
Set<String> selectors = JSON.decode('${JSON.encode(selectors)}').toSet();
await runTests(<String, Function> {
${splitLines(dart.toString().trim()).join(' ')}
${splitLines(chain.toString().trim()).join(' ')}
Future<bool> analyze(Uri packages) async {
bool hasAnalyzerSuites = false;
for (Analyze suite in listAnalyzerSuites()) {
if (shouldRunSuite(suite)) {
hasAnalyzerSuites = true;
await, testUris);
return hasAnalyzerSuites;
Stream<TestDescription> listDescriptions() async* {
for (Dart suite in suites.where((Suite suite) => suite is Dart)) {
await for (TestDescription description
in listTests(<Uri>[suite.uri], pattern: "")) {
testUris.add(await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(description.uri));
if (shouldRunSuite(suite)) {
String path = description.file.uri.path;
if (suite.exclude.any((RegExp r) => path.contains(r))) continue;
if (suite.pattern.any((RegExp r) => path.contains(r))) {
yield description;
Stream<Chain> listChainSuites() async* {
for (Chain suite in suites.where((Suite suite) => suite is Chain)) {
testUris.add(await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(suite.source));
if (shouldRunSuite(suite)) {
yield suite;
Iterable<Suite> listTestDartSuites() {
return suites.where((Suite suite) => suite is TestDart);
Iterable<Suite> listAnalyzerSuites() {
return suites.where((Suite suite) => suite is Analyze);