blob: e1a51e6f22bc19d67b8c8c9c5327ec223bf90999 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library runtime_types;
import 'dart2jslib.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart';
import 'tree/tree.dart';
import 'universe/universe.dart';
import 'util/util.dart';
class RuntimeTypeInformation {
* Names used for elements in runtime type information. This map is kept to
* detect elements with the same name and use a different name instead.
final Map<String, Element> usedNames = new Map<String, Element>();
/** Get a unique name for the element. */
String getName(Element element) {
String guess =;
String name = guess;
int id = 0;
while (usedNames.containsKey(name) && usedNames[name] != element) {
name = '$guess@$id';
usedNames[name] = element;
return name;
bool hasTypeArguments(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type;
return !interfaceType.arguments.isEmpty();
return false;
* Map type variables to strings calling [:stringify:] and joins the results
* to a single string separated by commas.
* The argument [:hasValue:] is used to treat variables that will not receive
* a value at the use site of the code that is generated with this function.
static String stringifyTypeVariables(Link collection,
int numberOfInputs,
stringify(TypeVariableType variable,
bool hasValue)) {
int currentVariable = 0;
bool isFirst = true;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
collection.forEach((TypeVariableType variable) {
if (!isFirst) buffer.add(", ");
bool hasValue = currentVariable < numberOfInputs;
buffer.add(stringify(variable, hasValue));
isFirst = false;
return buffer.toString();
* Generate a string representation template for this element, using '#' to
* denote the place for the type argument input. If there are more type
* variables than [numberOfInputs], 'Dynamic' is used as the value for these
* arguments.
String generateRuntimeTypeString(ClassElement element, int numberOfInputs) {
String elementName = getName(element);
if (element.typeVariables.isEmpty()) return "'$elementName'";
String stringify(_, bool hasValue) => hasValue ? "' + # + '" : "Dynamic";
String arguments = stringifyTypeVariables(element.typeVariables,
return "'$elementName<$arguments>'";
* Generate a string template for the runtime type fields that contain the
* type descriptions of the reified type arguments, using '#' to denote the
* place for the type argument value, or [:null:] if there are more than
* [numberOfInputs] type variables.
static String generateTypeVariableString(ClassElement element,
int numberOfInputs) {
String stringify(TypeVariableType variable, bool hasValue) {
return "'${}': #";
return stringifyTypeVariables(element.typeVariables, numberOfInputs,