blob: 6b25a39f21f2bf306a4e99c3808613fb41d06c87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:mirrors";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class Foo<W, V> {
V field;
V get bar => field;
set bar(V v) {}
W m() {}
V n() {}
o(W w) {}
class Bar {}
class Baz {}
main() {
void testInstance() {
ClassMirror foo = reflect((new Foo<Bar, Baz>())).type;
ClassMirror bar = reflect(new Bar()).type;
ClassMirror baz = reflect(new Baz()).type;
VariableMirror field = foo.variables.values.single;
MethodMirror getter = foo.getters.values.single;
MethodMirror setter = foo.setters.values.single;
MethodMirror m = foo.methods[const Symbol('m')];
MethodMirror n = foo.methods[const Symbol('n')];
MethodMirror o = foo.methods[const Symbol('o')];
Expect.equals(foo, field.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, getter.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, setter.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, m.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, n.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, o.owner);
Expect.equals(baz, field.type); /// 01: ok
Expect.equals(baz, getter.returnType);
Expect.equals(bar, m.returnType);
Expect.equals(baz, n.returnType);
Expect.equals(bar, o.parameters.single.type);
Expect.equals(baz, setter.parameters.single.type);
void testOriginalDeclaration() {
ClassMirror foo = reflectClass(Foo);
VariableMirror field = foo.variables.values.single;
MethodMirror getter = foo.getters.values.single;
MethodMirror setter = foo.setters.values.single;
MethodMirror m = foo.methods[const Symbol('m')];
MethodMirror n = foo.methods[const Symbol('n')];
MethodMirror o = foo.methods[const Symbol('o')];
TypeVariableMirror w = foo.typeVariables[0];
TypeVariableMirror v = foo.typeVariables[1];
Expect.equals(foo, field.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, getter.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, setter.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, m.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, n.owner);
Expect.equals(foo, o.owner);
Expect.equals(v, field.type); /// 01: ok
Expect.equals(v, getter.returnType);
Expect.equals(w, m.returnType);
Expect.equals(v, n.returnType);
Expect.equals(w, o.parameters.single.type);
Expect.equals(v, setter.parameters.single.type);