blob: 791214b260c846464b03807ba563dd734a4e06e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of template_binding;
/** Extensions to the [Node] API. */
class NodeBindExtension {
final Node _node;
Map<String, NodeBinding> _bindings;
* Binds the attribute [name] to the [path] of the [model].
* Path is a String of accessors such as ``.
* Returns the `NodeBinding` instance.
NodeBinding bind(String name, model, [String path]) {
window.console.error('Unhandled binding to Node: '
'$this $name $model $path');
/** Unbinds the attribute [name]. */
void unbind(String name) {
if (_bindings == null) return;
var binding = bindings.remove(name);
if (binding != null) binding.close();
/** Unbinds all bound attributes. */
void unbindAll() {
if (_bindings == null) return;
for (var binding in bindings.values) {
if (binding != null) binding.close();
_bindings = null;
// TODO(jmesserly): we should return a read-only wrapper here.
/** Gets the data bindings that are associated with this node. */
Map<String, NodeBinding> get bindings {
if (_bindings == null) _bindings = new LinkedHashMap<String, NodeBinding>();
return _bindings;
* Dispatch support so custom HtmlElement's can override these methods.
* A public method like [this.bind] should not call another public method such
* as [this.unbind]. Instead it should dispatch through [_self.unbind].
NodeBindExtension get _self => _node is NodeBindExtension ? _node : this;
TemplateInstance _templateInstance;
/** Gets the template instance that instantiated this node, if any. */
TemplateInstance get templateInstance =>
_templateInstance != null ? _templateInstance :
(_node.parent != null ? _node.parent.templateInstance : null);
/** Information about the instantiated template. */
class TemplateInstance {
// TODO(rafaelw): firstNode & lastNode should be read-synchronous
// in cases where script has modified the template instance boundary.
/** The first node of this template instantiation. */
final Node firstNode;
* The last node of this template instantiation.
* This could be identical to [firstNode] if the template only expanded to a
* single node.
final Node lastNode;
/** The model used to instantiate the template. */
final model;
TemplateInstance(this.firstNode, this.lastNode, this.model);
* Template Bindings native features enables a wide-range of use cases,
* but (by design) don't attempt to implement a wide array of specialized
* behaviors.
* Enabling these features is a matter of implementing and registering a
* BindingDelegate. A binding delegate is an object which contains one or more
* delegation functions which implement specialized behavior. This object is
* registered via [TemplateBindExtension.bindingDelegate]:
* <template bind>
* {{ What!Ever('crazy')->thing^^^I+Want(data) }}
* </template>
* Dart:
* class MySyntax extends BindingDelegate {
* getBinding(model, path, name, node) {
* // The magic happens here!
* }
* }
* ...
* templateBind(query('template'))
* ..bindingDelegate = new MySyntax()
* ..model = new MyModel();
* See <> for
* more information about Custom Syntax.
abstract class BindingDelegate {
* This syntax method allows for a custom interpretation of the contents of
* mustaches (`{{` ... `}}`).
* When a template is inserting an instance, it will invoke this method for
* each mustache which is encountered. The function is invoked with four
* arguments:
* - [model]: The data context for which this instance is being created.
* - [path]: The text contents (trimmed of outer whitespace) of the mustache.
* - [name]: The context in which the mustache occurs. Within element
* attributes, this will be the name of the attribute. Within text,
* this will be 'text'.
* - [node]: A reference to the node to which this binding will be created.
* If the method wishes to handle binding, it is required to return an object
* which has at least a `value` property that can be observed. If it does,
* then MDV will call [NodeBindExtension.bind] on the node:
* nodeBind(node).bind(name, retval, 'value');
* If the 'getBinding' does not wish to override the binding, it should return
* null.
// TODO(jmesserly): I had to remove type annotations from "name" and "node"
// Normally they are String and Node respectively. But sometimes it will pass
// (int name, CompoundBinding node). That seems very confusing; we may want
// to change this API.
getBinding(model, String path, name, node) => null;
* This syntax method allows a syntax to provide an alterate model than the
* one the template would otherwise use when producing an instance.
* When a template is about to create an instance, it will invoke this method
* The function is invoked with two arguments:
* - [template]: The template element which is about to create and insert an
* instance.
* - [model]: The data context for which this instance is being created.
* The template element will always use the return value of `getInstanceModel`
* as the model for the new instance. If the syntax does not wish to override
* the value, it should simply return the `model` value it was passed.
getInstanceModel(Element template, model) => model;
* A data binding on a [Node].
* See [NodeBindExtension.bindings] and [NodeBindExtension.bind].
abstract class NodeBinding {
Node _node;
var _model;
PathObserver _observer;
StreamSubscription _pathSub;
/** The property of [node] which will be data bound. */
final String property;
/** The property of [node] which will be data bound. */
final String path;
/** The node that has [property] which will be data bound. */
Node get node => _node;
* The bound data model.
get model => _model;
/** True if this binding has been [closed]. */
bool get closed => _node == null;
/** The value at the [path] on [model]. */
get value => _observer.value;
set value(newValue) {
_observer.value = newValue;
NodeBinding(this._node,, this._model, [String path])
: path = path != null ? path : '' {
_observePath() {
// Fast path if we're observing PathObserver.value
if (model is PathObserver && path == 'value') {
_observer = model;
} else {
// Create the path observer
_observer = new PathObserver(model, path);
_pathSub = _observer.bindSync(valueChanged);
/** Called when [value] changes to update the [node]. */
// TODO(jmesserly): the impl in template_binding uses reflection to set the
// property, but that isn't used except for specific known fields like
// "textContent", so I'm overridding this in the subclasses instead.
void valueChanged(newValue);
/** Called to sanitize the value before it is assigned into the property. */
sanitizeBoundValue(value) => value == null ? '' : '$value';
* Called by [NodeBindExtension.unbind] to close this binding and unobserve
* the [path].
* This can be overridden in subclasses, but they must call `super.close()`
* to free associated resources. They must also check [closed] and return
* immediately if already closed.
void close() {
if (closed) return;
if (_pathSub != null) _pathSub.cancel();
_pathSub = null;
_observer = null;
_node = null;
_model = null;