blob: e6c9a538acc4d32e015626cea801084b4b3762d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.barback.transformer_cache;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package_graph.dart';
import '../sdk.dart' as sdk;
import '../utils.dart';
import 'transformer_id.dart';
/// A cache for managing a snapshot of the first "stage" of transformers to
/// load.
/// This uses the [_stageTransformers] notion of a stage. Transformers are
/// divided into stages for loading based on which transformers are needed to
/// load one another. For example, if a transformer T1 produces a file that's
/// imported by another transformer T2, T2 must be put in a stage after T1.
/// We only cache the first stage because it's the only stage whose contents are
/// independent of any configuration. Since most transformers don't import the
/// output of other transformers, many packages will only have one stage.
class TransformerCache {
final PackageGraph _graph;
/// The set of transformer ids that were previously cached.
/// If there was no previous cache, this will be empty.
Set<TransformerId> _oldTransformers;
/// The set of transformer ids that are newly cached or re-used from the
/// previous cache.
Set<TransformerId> _newTransformers;
/// The directory in which transformers are cached.
/// This may be `null` if there's no physical entrypoint directory.
String _dir;
/// The directory of the manifest listing which transformers were cached.
String get _manifestPath => p.join(_dir, "manifest.txt");
/// Loads the transformer cache for [environment].
/// This may modify the cache.
TransformerCache.load(PackageGraph graph)
: _graph = graph,
_dir = graph.entrypoint.root.path(".pub/transformers") {
_oldTransformers = _parseManifest();
/// Clear the cache if it depends on any package in [changedPackages].
void clearIfOutdated(Set<String> changedPackages) {
var snapshotDependencies = unionAll( {
// If the transformer cache contains transformers we don't know about,
// that's fine; we just won't load them.
if (!_graph.packages.containsKey(id.package)) return new Set();
return _graph.transitiveDependencies(id.package)
.map((package) =>;
// If none of the snapshot's dependencies have changed, then we can reuse
// it.
if (!overlaps(changedPackages, snapshotDependencies)) return;
// Otherwise, delete it.
_oldTransformers = new Set();
/// Returns the path for the transformer snapshot for [transformers], or
/// `null` if the transformers shouldn't be cached.
/// There may or may not exist a file at the returned path. If one does exist,
/// it can safely be used to load the stage. Otherwise, a snapshot of the
/// stage should be written there.
String snapshotPath(Set<TransformerId> transformers) {
var path = p.join(_dir, "transformers.snapshot");
if (_newTransformers != null) return path;
if (transformers.any((id) => _graph.isPackageMutable(id.package))) {
log.fine("Not caching mutable transformers.");
return null;
if (!_oldTransformers.containsAll(transformers)) {
log.fine("Cached transformer snapshot is out-of-date, deleting.");
} else {
log.fine("Using cached transformer snapshot.");
_newTransformers = transformers;
return path;
/// Saves the manifest to the transformer cache.
void save() {
// If we didn't write any snapshots, there's no need to write a manifest.
if (_newTransformers == null) {
if (_dir != null) deleteEntry(_dir);
// We only need to rewrite the manifest if we created a new snapshot.
if (_oldTransformers.containsAll(_newTransformers)) return;
"${sdk.version}\n" +
ordered( => id.serialize())).join(","));
/// Parses the cache manifest and returns the set of previously-cached
/// transformers.
/// If the manifest indicates that the SDK version is out-of-date, this
/// deletes the existing cache. Otherwise,
Set<TransformerId> _parseManifest() {
if (!fileExists(_manifestPath)) return new Set();
var manifest = readTextFile(_manifestPath).split("\n");
// The first line of the manifest is the SDK version. We want to clear out
// the snapshots even if they're VM-compatible, since pub's transformer
// isolate scaffolding may have changed.
if (manifest.removeAt(0) != sdk.version.toString()) {
return new Set();
/// The second line of the manifest is a list of transformer ids used to
/// create the existing snapshot.
return manifest.single.split(",")
.map((id) => new TransformerId.parse(id, null))