blob: d4c21775952da61707b29e21fef14f8079665404 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mock.result_set_matcher;
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'action.dart';
import 'log_entry.dart';
/** Special values for use with [_ResultSetMatcher] [frequency]. */
class _Frequency {
/** Every call/throw must match */
static const ALL = const _Frequency._('ALL');
/** At least one call/throw must match. */
static const SOME = const _Frequency._('SOME');
/** No calls/throws should match. */
static const NONE = const _Frequency._('NONE');
const _Frequency._(;
final String name;
* [_ResultSetMatcher]s are used to make assertions about the results
* of method calls. When filtering an execution log by calling
* [getLogs], a [LogEntrySet] of matching call logs is returned;
* [_ResultSetMatcher]s can then assert various things about this
* (sub)set of logs.
* We could make this class use _ResultMatcher but it doesn't buy that
* match and adds some perf hit, so there is some duplication here.
class _ResultSetMatcher extends Matcher {
final Action action;
final Matcher value;
final _Frequency frequency; // ALL, SOME, or NONE.
const _ResultSetMatcher(this.action, this.value, this.frequency);
bool matches(logList, Map matchState) {
for (LogEntry entry in logList) {
// normalize the action; PROXY is like RETURN.
Action eaction = entry.action;
if (eaction == Action.PROXY) {
eaction = Action.RETURN;
if (eaction == action && value.matches(entry.value, matchState)) {
if (frequency == _Frequency.NONE) {
addStateInfo(matchState, {'entry': entry});
return false;
} else if (frequency == _Frequency.SOME) {
return true;
} else {
// Mismatch.
if (frequency == _Frequency.ALL) { // We need just one mismatch to fail.
addStateInfo(matchState, {'entry': entry});
return false;
// If we get here, then if count is _ALL we got all matches and
// this is success; otherwise we got all mismatched which is
// success for count == _NONE and failure for count == _SOME.
return (frequency != _Frequency.SOME);
Description describe(Description description) {
description.add(' to ');
description.add(frequency == _Frequency.ALL ? 'alway ' :
(frequency == _Frequency.NONE ? 'never ' : 'sometimes '));
if (action == Action.RETURN || action == Action.PROXY)
description.add('return ');
description.add('throw ');
return description.addDescriptionOf(value);
Description describeMismatch(logList, Description mismatchDescription,
Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (frequency != _Frequency.SOME) {
LogEntry entry = matchState['entry'];
if (entry.action == Action.RETURN || entry.action == Action.PROXY) {
} else {
mismatchDescription.add(' value that ');
value.describeMismatch(entry.value, mismatchDescription,
matchState['state'], verbose);
mismatchDescription.add(' at least once');
} else {
mismatchDescription.add('never did');
return mismatchDescription;
*[alwaysReturned] asserts that all matching calls to a method returned
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher alwaysReturned(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.ALL);
*[sometimeReturned] asserts that at least one matching call to a method
* returned a value that matched [value].
Matcher sometimeReturned(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.SOME);
*[neverReturned] asserts that no matching calls to a method returned
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher neverReturned(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.RETURN, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.NONE);
*[alwaysThrew] asserts that all matching calls to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher alwaysThrew(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.ALL);
*[sometimeThrew] asserts that at least one matching call to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher sometimeThrew(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.SOME);
*[neverThrew] asserts that no matching call to a method threw
* a value that matched [value].
Matcher neverThrew(value) =>
new _ResultSetMatcher(Action.THROW, wrapMatcher(value), _Frequency.NONE);