blob: a0400c527b97c335c179da90a589241b1c13781b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of models;
enum InstanceKind {
/// A general instance of the Dart class Object.
/// null instance.
/// true or false.
/// An instance of the Dart class double.
/// An instance of the Dart class int.
/// An instance of the Dart class String.
/// An instance of the built-in VM List implementation. User-defined
/// Lists will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM Map implementation. User-defined
/// Maps will be PlainInstance.
/// Vector instance kinds.
/// Vector instance kinds.
/// Vector instance kinds.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the built-in VM TypedData implementations. User-defined
/// TypedDatas will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the Dart class StackTrace.
/// An instance of the built-in VM Closure implementation. User-defined
/// Closures will be PlainInstance.
/// An instance of the Dart class MirrorReference.
/// An instance of the Dart class RegExp.
/// An instance of the Dart class WeakProperty.
/// An instance of the Dart class Type.
/// An instance of the Dart class TypeParameter.
/// An instance of the Dart class TypeRef.
/// An instance of the Dart class RawReceivePort
bool isTypedData(InstanceKind? kind) {
if (kind == null) {
return false;
switch (kind) {
case InstanceKind.uint8ClampedList:
case InstanceKind.uint8List:
case InstanceKind.uint16List:
case InstanceKind.uint32List:
case InstanceKind.uint64List:
case InstanceKind.int8List:
case InstanceKind.int16List:
case InstanceKind.int32List:
case InstanceKind.int64List:
case InstanceKind.float32List:
case InstanceKind.float64List:
case InstanceKind.int32x4List:
case InstanceKind.float32x4List:
case InstanceKind.float64x2List:
return true;
return false;
bool isSimdValue(InstanceKind? kind) {
if (kind == null) {
return false;
switch (kind) {
case InstanceKind.float32x4:
case InstanceKind.float64x2:
case InstanceKind.int32x4:
return true;
return false;
bool isAbstractType(InstanceKind? kind) {
if (kind == null) {
return false;
switch (kind) {
case InstanceKind.type:
case InstanceKind.typeRef:
case InstanceKind.typeParameter:
return true;
return false;
abstract class InstanceRef extends ObjectRef {
/// What kind of instance is this?
InstanceKind? get kind;
/// Instance references always include their class.
ClassRef? get clazz;
/// [optional] The value of this instance as a string.
/// Provided for the instance kinds:
/// Null (null)
/// Bool (true or false)
/// Double (suitable for passing to Double.parse())
/// Int (suitable for passing to int.parse())
/// String (value may be truncated)
/// Float32x4
/// Float64x2
/// Int32x4
/// StackTrace
String? get valueAsString;
/// [optional] The valueAsString for String references may be truncated. If so,
/// this property is added with the value 'true'.
/// New code should use 'length' and 'count' instead.
bool? get valueAsStringIsTruncated;
/// [optional] The length of a List or the number of associations in a Map or
/// the number of codeunits in a String.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// String
/// List
/// Map
/// Uint8ClampedList
/// Uint8List
/// Uint16List
/// Uint32List
/// Uint64List
/// Int8List
/// Int16List
/// Int32List
/// Int64List
/// Float32List
/// Float64List
/// Int32x4List
/// Float32x4List
/// Float64x2List
int? get length;
/// [optional] The name of a Type instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Type
String? get name;
/// [optional] The corresponding Class if this Type is canonical.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Type
ClassRef? get typeClass;
/// [optional] The parameterized class of a type parameter:
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// TypeParameter
ClassRef? get parameterizedClass;
/// [optional] The pattern of a RegExp instance.
/// The pattern is always an instance of kind String.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
InstanceRef? get pattern;
/// [optional] The function associated with a Closure instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Closure
FunctionRef? get closureFunction;
/// [optional] The context associated with a Closure instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Closure
ContextRef? get closureContext;
abstract class Instance extends Object implements InstanceRef {
/// [optional] The index of the first element or association or codeunit
/// returned. This is only provided when it is non-zero.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// String
/// List
/// Map
/// Uint8ClampedList
/// Uint8List
/// Uint16List
/// Uint32List
/// Uint64List
/// Int8List
/// Int16List
/// Int32List
/// Int64List
/// Float32List
/// Float64List
/// Int32x4List
/// Float32x4List
/// Float64x2List
int? get offset;
/// [optional] The number of elements or associations or codeunits returned.
/// This is only provided when it is less than length.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// String
/// List
/// Map
/// Uint8ClampedList
/// Uint8List
/// Uint16List
/// Uint32List
/// Uint64List
/// Int8List
/// Int16List
/// Int32List
/// Int64List
/// Float32List
/// Float64List
/// Int32x4List
/// Float32x4List
/// Float64x2List
int? get count;
/// [optional] The elements of a TypedData instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Uint8ClampedList
/// Uint8List
/// Uint16List
/// Uint32List
/// Uint64List
/// Int8List
/// Int16List
/// Int32List
/// Int64List
/// Float32List
/// Float64List
/// Int32x4List
/// Float32x4List
/// Float64x2List
List<dynamic>? get typedElements;
/// [optional] The native fields of this Instance.
Iterable<NativeField>? get nativeFields;
/// [optional] The fields of this Instance.
Iterable<BoundField>? get fields;
/// [optional] The elements of a List instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// List
Iterable<Guarded<ObjectRef>>? get elements;
// It should be:
// Iterable<Guarded<InstanceRef>> get elements;
// In some situations we obtain lists of non Instances
/// [optional] The elements of a Map instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Map
Iterable<MapAssociation>? get associations;
/// [optional] The key for a WeakProperty instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// WeakProperty
InstanceRef? get key;
/// [optional] The key for a WeakProperty instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// WeakProperty
InstanceRef? get value;
/// [optional] The referent of a MirrorReference instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// MirrorReference
ObjectRef? get referent;
/// [optional] The type arguments for this type.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Type
TypeArgumentsRef? get typeArguments;
/// [optional] The index of a TypeParameter instance.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// TypeParameter
int? get parameterIndex;
/// [optional] The referent of a TypeRef instance.
/// The value will always be of one of the kinds:
/// Type, TypeRef, TypeParameter.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// TypeRef
InstanceRef? get targetType;
/// [optional] The bound of a TypeParameter.
/// The value will always be of one of the kinds:
/// Type, TypeRef, TypeParameter.
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// TypeParameter
InstanceRef? get bound;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// Closure
Breakpoint? get activationBreakpoint;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
bool? get isCaseSensitive;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
bool? get isMultiLine;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
FunctionRef? get oneByteFunction;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
FunctionRef? get twoByteFunction;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
FunctionRef? get externalOneByteFunction;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
FunctionRef? get externalTwoByteFunction;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
InstanceRef? get oneByteBytecode;
/// [optional]
/// Provided for instance kinds:
/// RegExp
InstanceRef? get twoByteBytecode;
abstract class BoundField {
FieldRef? get decl;
Guarded<InstanceRef>? get value;
abstract class NativeField {
int get value;