blob: 719b3464011e4c4afa886e37edc269fc1b4b797d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../compiler.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../diagnostics/invariant.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart';
import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import '../types/masks.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import '../universe/side_effects.dart';
import 'types.dart';
/// A helper class that abstracts all accesses of the AST from Kernel nodes.
/// The goal is to remove all need for the AST from the Kernel SSA builder.
class KernelAstAdapter {
final JavaScriptBackend _backend;
final ResolvedAst _resolvedAst;
final Map<ir.Node, ast.Node> _nodeToAst;
final Map<ir.Node, Element> _nodeToElement;
Map<FunctionElement, ir.Member> functions,
Map<LibraryElement, ir.Library> libraries) {
for (FunctionElement functionElement in functions.keys) {
_nodeToElement[functions[functionElement]] = functionElement;
for (LibraryElement libraryElement in libraries.keys) {
_nodeToElement[libraries[libraryElement]] = libraryElement;
Compiler get _compiler => _backend.compiler;
TreeElements get _elements => _resolvedAst.elements;
ConstantValue getConstantForSymbol(ir.SymbolLiteral node) {
ast.Node astNode = getNode(node);
ConstantValue constantValue = _backend.constants
.getConstantValueForNode(astNode, _resolvedAst.elements);
assert(invariant(astNode, constantValue != null,
message: 'No constant computed for $node'));
return constantValue;
Element getElement(ir.Node node) {
Element result = _nodeToElement[node];
assert(result != null);
return result;
ast.Node getNode(ir.Node node) {
ast.Node result = _nodeToAst[node];
assert(result != null);
return result;
bool getCanThrow(ir.Procedure procedure) {
FunctionElement function = getElement(procedure);
return !;
TypeMask returnTypeOf(ir.Procedure node) {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredReturnTypeForElement(
getElement(node), _compiler);
SideEffects getSideEffects(ir.Node node) {
// TODO(het): Create the selector directly from the invocation
Selector getSelector(ir.MethodInvocation invocation) {
SelectorKind kind = Elements.isOperatorName(
? SelectorKind.OPERATOR
: SelectorKind.CALL;
ir.Name irName =;
Name name = new Name(, irName.isPrivate ? getElement(irName.library) : null);
int argumentCount = invocation.arguments.positional.length +
List<String> namedArguments = =>;
CallStructure callStructure =
new CallStructure(argumentCount, namedArguments);
return new Selector(kind, name, callStructure);
TypeMask typeOfInvocation(ir.MethodInvocation invocation) {
return _compiler.globalInference.results
.typeOfSend(getNode(invocation), _elements);
TypeMask selectorTypeOf(ir.MethodInvocation invocation) {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredTypeForSelector(
getSelector(invocation), typeOfInvocation(invocation), _compiler);
bool isIntercepted(ir.MethodInvocation invocation) {
return _backend.isInterceptedSelector(getSelector(invocation));