blob: 9d763f02500650774f6c4ac769f3a554a1f84e21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart' show TypeProvider;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/forest.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as kernel;
/// An implementation of a [Forest] that can be used to build an AST structure.
class AstBuildingForest
implements Forest<Expression, Statement, Token, _Arguments> {
/// The type provider used to resolve the types of literal nodes, or `null` if
/// type resolution is not being performed.
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
/// The factory used to create AST nodes.
AstFactoryImpl astFactory = new AstFactoryImpl();
/// Initialize a newly created AST-building forest.
_Arguments arguments(List<Expression> positional, Token location,
{covariant List types, covariant List named}) {
_Arguments arguments = new _Arguments();
if (types != null) {
arguments.typeArguments = types.cast<TypeAnnotation>();
arguments.positionalArguments = positional.cast<Expression>();
if (named != null) {
arguments.namedArguments = named.cast<Expression>();
return arguments;
_Arguments argumentsEmpty(Token location) => new _Arguments();
List argumentsNamed(_Arguments arguments) => arguments.namedArguments;
List<Expression> argumentsPositional(_Arguments arguments) =>
void argumentsSetTypeArguments(_Arguments arguments, covariant List types) {
arguments.typeArguments = types.cast<TypeAnnotation>();
List argumentsTypeArguments(_Arguments arguments) => arguments.typeArguments;
Expression asExpression(Expression expression, type, Token location) =>
astFactory.asExpression(expression, location, type);
Expression asLiteralString(Expression value) => value;
Expression awaitExpression(Expression operand, Token awaitKeyword) {
return astFactory.awaitExpression(awaitKeyword, operand);
kernel.Arguments castArguments(_Arguments arguments) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this or remove it from the API.
throw new UnimplementedError();
Expression checkLibraryIsLoaded(dependency) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
throw new UnimplementedError();
Expression conditionalExpression(Expression condition, Token question,
Expression thenExpression, Token colon, Expression elseExpression) =>
condition, question, thenExpression, colon, elseExpression);
Statement expressionStatement(Expression expression, Token semicolon) =>
astFactory.expressionStatement(expression, semicolon);
Statement emptyStatement(Token semicolon) =>
kernel.DartType getTypeAt(TypeArgumentList typeArguments, int index) {
return null; // typeArguments.arguments[index].type.kernelType;
int getTypeCount(TypeArgumentList typeArguments) =>
bool isErroneousNode(covariant node) => false; // ???
Expression isExpression(Expression expression, Token isOperator,
Token notOperator, Object type) =>
astFactory.isExpression(expression, isOperator, notOperator, type);
Expression literalBool(bool value, Token location) =>
astFactory.booleanLiteral(location, value)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.boolType;
Expression literalDouble(double value, Token location) =>
astFactory.doubleLiteral(location, value)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.doubleType;
Expression literalInt(int value, Token location) =>
astFactory.integerLiteral(location, value)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.intType;
Expression literalList(
Token constKeyword,
bool isConst,
Object typeArgument,
Object typeArguments,
Token leftBracket,
List<Expression> expressions,
Token rightBracket) =>
constKeyword, typeArguments, leftBracket, expressions, rightBracket);
Expression literalMap(
Token constKeyword,
bool isConst,
covariant keyType,
covariant valueType,
Object typeArguments,
Token leftBracket,
covariant List entries,
Token rightBracket) =>
constKeyword, typeArguments, leftBracket, entries, rightBracket);
Expression literalNull(Token location) =>
astFactory.nullLiteral(location)..staticType = _typeProvider?.nullType;
Expression literalString(String value, Token location) =>
astFactory.simpleStringLiteral(location, value)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.stringType;
Expression literalSymbol(String value, Token location) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Get the missing information.
return astFactory.symbolLiteral(location, null /* components */)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.symbolType;
Expression literalType(covariant type, Token location) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Capture the type information.
return astFactory.simpleIdentifier(location)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.typeType;
Expression loadLibrary(dependency) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
throw new UnimplementedError();
Object mapEntry(Expression key, Token colon, Expression value) =>
astFactory.mapLiteralEntry(key, colon, value);
List mapEntryList(int length) => <MapLiteralEntry>[];
Expression notExpression(Expression operand, Token operator) =>
astFactory.prefixExpression(operator, operand)
..staticType = _typeProvider?.boolType;
int readOffset(AstNode node) => node.offset;
Expression stringConcatenationExpression(
List<Expression> strings, Token location) =>
Expression thisExpression(Token thisKeyword) =>
bool isThisExpression(Object node) => node is ThisExpression;
/// A data holder used to conform to the [Forest] API.
class _Arguments {
List<TypeAnnotation> typeArguments = <TypeAnnotation>[];
List<Expression> positionalArguments = <Expression>[];
List<Expression> namedArguments = <Expression>[];