blob: 434463b734cdfec29e24da22700b27415feab42c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "vm/object_id_ring.h"
namespace dart {
void ObjectIdRing::Init(Isolate* isolate, int32_t capacity) {
ObjectIdRing* ring = new ObjectIdRing(isolate, capacity);
ObjectIdRing::~ObjectIdRing() {
ASSERT(table_ != NULL);
table_ = NULL;
if (isolate_ != NULL) {
isolate_ = NULL;
int32_t ObjectIdRing::GetIdForObject(RawObject* object) {
return AllocateNewId(object);
RawObject* ObjectIdRing::GetObjectForId(int32_t id) {
int32_t index = IndexOfId(id);
if (index == kInvalidId) {
return Object::null();
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < capacity_);
return table_[index];
void ObjectIdRing::VisitPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) {
ASSERT(table_ != NULL);
visitor->VisitPointers(table_, capacity_);
ObjectIdRing::ObjectIdRing(Isolate* isolate, int32_t capacity) {
ASSERT(capacity > 0);
isolate_ = isolate;
serial_num_ = 0;
wrapped_ = false;
table_ = NULL;
SetCapacityAndMaxSerial(capacity, kMaxId);
void ObjectIdRing::SetCapacityAndMaxSerial(int32_t capacity,
int32_t max_serial) {
ASSERT(max_serial <= kMaxId);
capacity_ = capacity;
if (table_ != NULL) {
table_ = reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(calloc(capacity_, kWordSize));
for (int i = 0; i < capacity_; i++) {
table_[i] = Object::null();
// The maximum serial number is a multiple of the capacity, so that when
// the serial number wraps, the index into table_ wraps with it.
max_serial_ = max_serial - (max_serial % capacity_);
int32_t ObjectIdRing::NextSerial() {
int32_t r = serial_num_;
if (serial_num_ >= max_serial_) {
serial_num_ = 0;
wrapped_ = true;
return r;
int32_t ObjectIdRing::AllocateNewId(RawObject* raw_obj) {
int32_t id = NextSerial();
ASSERT(id != kInvalidId);
int32_t cursor = IndexOfId(id);
ASSERT(cursor != kInvalidId);
if (table_[cursor] != Object::null()) {
// Free old handle.
table_[cursor] = Object::null();
ASSERT(table_[cursor] == Object::null());
table_[cursor] = raw_obj;
return id;
int32_t ObjectIdRing::IndexOfId(int32_t id) {
if (!IsValidId(id)) {
return kInvalidId;
ASSERT((id >= 0) && (id < max_serial_));
return id % capacity_;
bool ObjectIdRing::IsValidContiguous(int32_t id) {
ASSERT(id != kInvalidId);
ASSERT((id >= 0) && (id < max_serial_));
if (id >= serial_num_) {
// Too large.
return false;
int32_t bottom = 0;
if (serial_num_ >= capacity_) {
bottom = serial_num_ - capacity_;
return id >= bottom;
bool ObjectIdRing::IsValidId(int32_t id) {
if (id == kInvalidId) {
return false;
if (id < 0) {
return false;
if (id >= max_serial_) {
return false;
ASSERT((id >= 0) && (id < max_serial_));
if (wrapped_) {
// Serial number has wrapped around to 0.
if (serial_num_ >= capacity_) {
// Serial number is larger than capacity, the serial
// numbers are contiguous again.
wrapped_ = false;
return IsValidContiguous(id);
} else {
// When the serial number first wraps, the valid serial number range
// spans two intervals:
// #1 [0, serial_num_)
// #2 [max_serial_ - (capacity_ - serial_num), max_serial_)
// Check for both.
if (id < serial_num_) {
// Interval #1
return true;
// Interval #2
const int32_t max_serial_num = max_serial_;
const int32_t bottom = max_serial_num - (capacity_ - serial_num_);
return id >= bottom && bottom < max_serial_num;
ASSERT(wrapped_ == false);
return IsValidContiguous(id);
} // namespace dart