| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import "package:status_file/expectation.dart"; |
| |
| import 'command.dart'; |
| import 'command_output.dart'; |
| import 'configuration.dart'; |
| import 'path.dart'; |
| import 'summary_report.dart'; |
| import 'terminal.dart'; |
| import 'test_case.dart'; |
| import 'utils.dart'; |
| |
| /// Controls how message strings are processed before being displayed. |
| class Formatter { |
| /// Messages are left as-is. |
| static const normal = Formatter._(); |
| |
| /// Messages are wrapped in ANSI escape codes to color them for display on a |
| /// terminal. |
| static const color = _ColorFormatter(); |
| |
| const Formatter._(); |
| |
| /// Formats a success message. |
| String passed(String message) => message; |
| |
| /// Formats a failure message. |
| String failed(String message) => message; |
| |
| /// Formats a section header. |
| String section(String message) => message; |
| } |
| |
| class _ColorFormatter extends Formatter { |
| static const _gray = "1;30"; |
| static const _green = "32"; |
| static const _red = "31"; |
| static const _escape = '\u001b'; |
| |
| const _ColorFormatter() : super._(); |
| |
| String passed(String message) => _color(message, _green); |
| String failed(String message) => _color(message, _red); |
| String section(String message) => _color(message, _gray); |
| |
| static String _color(String message, String color) => |
| "$_escape[${color}m$message$_escape[0m"; |
| } |
| |
| class EventListener { |
| void testAdded() {} |
| void done(TestCase test) {} |
| void allTestsKnown() {} |
| void allDone() {} |
| } |
| |
| class ExitCodeSetter extends EventListener { |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| exitCode = 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TimedProgressPrinter extends EventListener { |
| static const interval = Duration(minutes: 5); |
| int _numTests = 0; |
| int _numCompleted = 0; |
| bool _allKnown = false; |
| Timer _timer; |
| |
| TimedProgressPrinter() { |
| _timer = Timer.periodic(interval, callback); |
| } |
| |
| void callback(Timer timer) { |
| if (_allKnown) { |
| Terminal.print('$_numCompleted out of $_numTests completed'); |
| } |
| Terminal.print( |
| "Tests running for ${(interval * timer.tick).inMinutes} minutes"); |
| } |
| |
| void testAdded() => _numTests++; |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) => _numCompleted++; |
| |
| void allTestsKnown() => _allKnown = true; |
| |
| void allDone() => _timer.cancel(); |
| } |
| |
| class IgnoredTestMonitor extends EventListener { |
| static final int maxIgnored = 10; |
| |
| int countIgnored = 0; |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (test.lastCommandOutput.result(test) == Expectation.ignore) { |
| countIgnored++; |
| if (countIgnored > maxIgnored) { |
| Terminal.print( |
| "\nMore than $maxIgnored tests were ignored due to flakes in"); |
| Terminal.print("the test infrastructure. Notify dart-engprod@."); |
| Terminal.print("Output of the last ignored test was:"); |
| Terminal.print(_buildFailureOutput(test)); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| if (countIgnored > 0) { |
| Terminal.print("Ignored $countIgnored tests due to flaky infrastructure"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class UnexpectedCrashLogger extends EventListener { |
| final archivedBinaries = <String, String>{}; |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput && |
| test.result == Expectation.crash && |
| test.lastCommandExecuted is ProcessCommand && |
| test.lastCommandOutput.hasCoreDump) { |
| final mode = test.configuration.mode.name; |
| final arch = test.configuration.architecture.name; |
| |
| var pid = "${test.lastCommandOutput.pid}"; |
| var lastCommand = test.lastCommandExecuted as ProcessCommand; |
| |
| // We might have a coredump for the process. This coredump will be |
| // archived by CoreDumpArchiver (see tools/utils.py). |
| // |
| // For debugging purposes we need to archive the crashed binary as well. |
| // |
| // To simplify the archiving code we simply copy binaries into current |
| // folder next to core dumps and name them |
| // `binary.${mode}_${arch}_${binary_name}`. |
| final binName = lastCommand.executable; |
| final binFile = File(binName); |
| final binBaseName = Path(binName).filename; |
| if (!archivedBinaries.containsKey(binName) && binFile.existsSync()) { |
| final archived = "binary.${mode}_${arch}_$binBaseName"; |
| TestUtils.copyFile(Path(binName), Path(archived)); |
| // On Windows also copy PDB file for the binary. |
| if (Platform.isWindows) { |
| final pdbPath = Path("$binName.pdb"); |
| if (File(pdbPath.toNativePath()).existsSync()) { |
| TestUtils.copyFile(pdbPath, Path("$archived.pdb")); |
| } |
| } |
| archivedBinaries[binName] = archived; |
| } |
| |
| final kernelServiceBaseName = 'kernel-service.dart.snapshot'; |
| final kernelService = |
| File('${binFile.parent.path}/$kernelServiceBaseName'); |
| if (!archivedBinaries.containsKey(kernelService) && |
| kernelService.existsSync()) { |
| final archived = "binary.${mode}_${arch}_$kernelServiceBaseName"; |
| TestUtils.copyFile(Path(kernelService.path), Path(archived)); |
| archivedBinaries[kernelServiceBaseName] = archived; |
| } |
| |
| final binaryPath = archivedBinaries[binName]; |
| if (binaryPath != null) { |
| final binaries = <String>[binaryPath]; |
| final kernelServiceBinaryPath = archivedBinaries[kernelServiceBaseName]; |
| if (kernelServiceBinaryPath != null) { |
| binaries.add(kernelServiceBinaryPath); |
| } |
| |
| // We have found and copied the binary. |
| RandomAccessFile unexpectedCrashesFile; |
| try { |
| unexpectedCrashesFile = |
| File('unexpected-crashes').openSync(mode: FileMode.append); |
| unexpectedCrashesFile.writeStringSync( |
| "${test.displayName},$pid,${binaries.join(',')}\n"); |
| } catch (e) { |
| Terminal.print('Failed to add crash to unexpected-crashes list: $e'); |
| } finally { |
| try { |
| if (unexpectedCrashesFile != null) { |
| unexpectedCrashesFile.closeSync(); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| Terminal.print('Failed to close unexpected-crashes file: $e'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class SummaryPrinter extends EventListener { |
| final bool jsonOnly; |
| |
| SummaryPrinter({bool jsonOnly}) : jsonOnly = jsonOnly ?? false; |
| |
| void allTestsKnown() { |
| if (jsonOnly) { |
| Terminal.print("JSON:"); |
| Terminal.print(jsonEncode(summaryReport.values)); |
| } else { |
| summaryReport.printReport(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TimingPrinter extends EventListener { |
| final _commandToTestCases = <Command, List<TestCase>>{}; |
| final _commandOutputs = <CommandOutput>{}; |
| final DateTime _startTime; |
| |
| TimingPrinter(this._startTime); |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| for (var commandOutput in test.commandOutputs.values) { |
| var command = commandOutput.command; |
| _commandOutputs.add(commandOutput); |
| _commandToTestCases.putIfAbsent(command, () => <TestCase>[]); |
| _commandToTestCases[command].add(test); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| var d = DateTime.now().difference(_startTime); |
| Terminal.print('\n--- Total time: ${_timeString(d)} ---'); |
| var outputs = _commandOutputs.toList(); |
| outputs.sort((a, b) { |
| return b.time.inMilliseconds - a.time.inMilliseconds; |
| }); |
| for (var i = 0; i < 20 && i < outputs.length; i++) { |
| var commandOutput = outputs[i]; |
| var command = commandOutput.command; |
| var testCases = _commandToTestCases[command]; |
| |
| var testCasesDescription = testCases.map((testCase) { |
| return "${testCase.configurationString}/${testCase.displayName}"; |
| }).join(', '); |
| |
| Terminal.print('${commandOutput.time} - ' |
| '${command.displayName} - ' |
| '$testCasesDescription'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class SkippedCompilationsPrinter extends EventListener { |
| int _skippedCompilations = 0; |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| for (var commandOutput in test.commandOutputs.values) { |
| if (commandOutput.compilationSkipped) _skippedCompilations++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| if (_skippedCompilations > 0) { |
| Terminal.print( |
| '\n$_skippedCompilations compilations were skipped because ' |
| 'the previous output was already up to date.\n'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TestFailurePrinter extends EventListener { |
| final Formatter _formatter; |
| |
| TestFailurePrinter([this._formatter = Formatter.normal]); |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (!test.unexpectedOutput) return; |
| for (var line in _buildFailureOutput(test, _formatter)) { |
| Terminal.print(line); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Prints a one-line summary of passed and failed tests. |
| class ResultCountPrinter extends EventListener { |
| final Formatter _formatter; |
| int _failedTests = 0; |
| int _passedTests = 0; |
| |
| ResultCountPrinter(this._formatter); |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| _failedTests++; |
| } else { |
| _passedTests++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| var suffix = _passedTests != 1 ? 's' : ''; |
| var passed = |
| '${_formatter.passed(_passedTests.toString())} test$suffix passed'; |
| |
| String summary; |
| if (_failedTests == 0) { |
| summary = 'All $passed'; |
| } else { |
| summary = '$passed, ${_formatter.failed(_failedTests.toString())} failed'; |
| } |
| |
| var marker = _formatter.section('==='); |
| Terminal.print('\n$marker $summary $marker'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Prints a list of the tests that failed. |
| class FailedTestsPrinter extends EventListener { |
| final List<TestCase> _failedTests = []; |
| |
| FailedTestsPrinter(); |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| _failedTests.add(test); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| if (_failedTests.isEmpty) return; |
| |
| Terminal.print(''); |
| Terminal.print('=== Failed tests ==='); |
| for (var test in _failedTests) { |
| var result = test.realResult.toString(); |
| if (test.realExpected != Expectation.pass) { |
| result += ' (expected ${test.realExpected})'; |
| } |
| |
| Terminal.print('${test.displayName}: $result'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class PassingStdoutPrinter extends EventListener { |
| final Formatter _formatter; |
| |
| PassingStdoutPrinter([this._formatter = Formatter.normal]); |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (!test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| var lines = <String>[]; |
| var output = OutputWriter(_formatter, lines); |
| for (final command in test.commands) { |
| var commandOutput = test.commandOutputs[command]; |
| if (commandOutput == null) continue; |
| |
| commandOutput.describe(test, test.configuration.progress, output); |
| } |
| for (var line in lines) { |
| Terminal.print(line); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() {} |
| } |
| |
| abstract class ProgressIndicator extends EventListener { |
| final DateTime _startTime; |
| int _foundTests = 0; |
| int _passedTests = 0; |
| int _failedTests = 0; |
| bool _allTestsKnown = false; |
| |
| ProgressIndicator(this._startTime); |
| |
| static EventListener fromProgress( |
| Progress progress, DateTime startTime, Formatter formatter) { |
| switch (progress) { |
| case Progress.compact: |
| return CompactProgressIndicator(startTime, formatter); |
| case Progress.line: |
| case Progress.verbose: |
| return LineProgressIndicator(startTime); |
| case Progress.status: |
| return null; |
| case Progress.buildbot: |
| return BuildbotProgressIndicator(startTime); |
| } |
| |
| throw "unreachable"; |
| } |
| |
| void testAdded() { |
| _foundTests++; |
| } |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| _failedTests++; |
| } else { |
| _passedTests++; |
| } |
| _printDoneProgress(test); |
| } |
| |
| void allTestsKnown() { |
| _allTestsKnown = true; |
| } |
| |
| void _printDoneProgress(TestCase test); |
| |
| int get _completedTests => _passedTests + _failedTests; |
| } |
| |
| abstract class CompactIndicator extends ProgressIndicator { |
| CompactIndicator(DateTime startTime) : super(startTime); |
| } |
| |
| class CompactProgressIndicator extends CompactIndicator { |
| final Formatter _formatter; |
| |
| CompactProgressIndicator(DateTime startTime, this._formatter) |
| : super(startTime); |
| |
| void _printDoneProgress(TestCase test) { |
| var percent = ((_completedTests / _foundTests) * 100).toInt().toString(); |
| var progressPadded = (_allTestsKnown ? percent : '--').padLeft(3); |
| var passedPadded = _passedTests.toString().padLeft(5); |
| var failedPadded = _failedTests.toString().padLeft(5); |
| var elapsed = DateTime.now().difference(_startTime); |
| var progressLine = '\r[${_timeString(elapsed)} | $progressPadded% | ' |
| '+${_formatter.passed(passedPadded)} | ' |
| '-${_formatter.failed(failedPadded)}]'; |
| Terminal.writeLine(progressLine); |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| Terminal.finishLine(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class LineProgressIndicator extends ProgressIndicator { |
| LineProgressIndicator(DateTime startTime) : super(startTime); |
| |
| void _printDoneProgress(TestCase test) { |
| var status = 'pass'; |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| status = 'fail'; |
| } |
| Terminal.print( |
| 'Done ${test.configurationString} ${test.displayName}: $status'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class BuildbotProgressIndicator extends ProgressIndicator { |
| static String stepName; |
| |
| BuildbotProgressIndicator(DateTime startTime) : super(startTime); |
| |
| void _printDoneProgress(TestCase test) { |
| var status = 'pass'; |
| if (test.unexpectedOutput) { |
| status = 'fail'; |
| } |
| var percent = ((_completedTests / _foundTests) * 100).toInt().toString(); |
| Terminal.print( |
| 'Done ${test.configurationString} ${test.displayName}: $status'); |
| Terminal.print('@@@STEP_CLEAR@@@'); |
| Terminal.print('@@@STEP_TEXT@ $percent% +$_passedTests -$_failedTests @@@'); |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| if (_failedTests == 0) return; |
| Terminal.print('@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'); |
| if (stepName != null) Terminal.print('@@@BUILD_STEP $stepName failures@@@'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| String _timeString(Duration duration) { |
| var min = duration.inMinutes; |
| var sec = duration.inSeconds % 60; |
| return '${min.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}:${sec.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}'; |
| } |
| |
| /// Builds and formats the failure output for a failed test. |
| class OutputWriter { |
| final Formatter _formatter; |
| final List<String> _lines; |
| String _pendingSection; |
| String _pendingSubsection; |
| bool _pendingLine = false; |
| |
| OutputWriter(this._formatter, this._lines); |
| |
| void section(String name) { |
| _pendingSection = name; |
| _pendingSubsection = null; |
| _pendingLine = false; |
| } |
| |
| void subsection(String name) { |
| _pendingSubsection = name; |
| _pendingLine = false; |
| } |
| |
| void write(String line) { |
| _writePending(); |
| _lines.add(line); |
| } |
| |
| void writeAll(Iterable<String> lines) { |
| if (lines.isEmpty) return; |
| _writePending(); |
| _lines.addAll(lines); |
| } |
| |
| /// Writes a blank line that separates lines of output. |
| /// |
| /// If no output is written after this before the next section, subsection, |
| /// or end out output, doesn't write the line. |
| void separator() { |
| _pendingLine = true; |
| } |
| |
| /// Writes the current section header. |
| void _writePending() { |
| if (_pendingSection != null) { |
| if (_lines.isNotEmpty) _lines.add(""); |
| _lines.add(_formatter.section("--- $_pendingSection:")); |
| _pendingSection = null; |
| } |
| |
| if (_pendingSubsection != null) { |
| _lines.add(""); |
| _lines.add(_formatter.section("$_pendingSubsection:")); |
| _pendingSubsection = null; |
| } |
| |
| if (_pendingLine) { |
| _lines.add(""); |
| _pendingLine = false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| List<String> _buildFailureOutput(TestCase test, |
| [Formatter formatter = Formatter.normal]) { |
| var lines = <String>[]; |
| var output = OutputWriter(formatter, lines); |
| _writeFailureStatus(test, formatter, output); |
| _writeFailureOutput(test, formatter, output); |
| _writeFailureReproductionCommands(test, formatter, output); |
| return lines; |
| } |
| |
| List<String> _buildFailureLog(TestCase test) { |
| final formatter = Formatter.normal; |
| final lines = <String>[]; |
| final output = OutputWriter(formatter, lines); |
| _writeFailureOutput(test, formatter, output); |
| _writeFailureReproductionCommands(test, formatter, output); |
| return lines; |
| } |
| |
| void _writeFailureStatus( |
| TestCase test, Formatter formatter, OutputWriter output) { |
| output.write(''); |
| output.write(formatter |
| .failed('FAILED: ${test.configurationString} ${test.displayName}')); |
| |
| output.write('Expected: ${test.expectedOutcomes.join(" ")}'); |
| output.write('Actual: ${test.result}'); |
| |
| final ranAllCommands = test.commandOutputs.length == test.commands.length; |
| if (!test.lastCommandOutput.hasTimedOut) { |
| if (!ranAllCommands && !test.hasCompileError) { |
| output.write('Unexpected compile error.'); |
| } else { |
| if (test.hasCompileError) { |
| output.write('Missing expected compile error.'); |
| } |
| if (test.hasRuntimeError) { |
| output.write('Missing expected runtime error.'); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _writeFailureOutput( |
| TestCase test, Formatter formatter, OutputWriter output) { |
| for (var i = 0; i < test.commands.length; i++) { |
| var command = test.commands[i]; |
| var commandOutput = test.commandOutputs[command]; |
| if (commandOutput == null) continue; |
| |
| var time = niceTime(commandOutput.time); |
| output.section('Command "${command.displayName}" (took $time)'); |
| output.write(command.toString()); |
| commandOutput.describe(test, test.configuration.progress, output); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void _writeFailureReproductionCommands( |
| TestCase test, Formatter formatter, OutputWriter output) { |
| final ranAllCommands = test.commandOutputs.length == test.commands.length; |
| if (test.configuration.runtime.isBrowser && ranAllCommands) { |
| // Additional command for rerunning the steps locally after the fact. |
| output.section('To debug locally, run'); |
| output.write(test.configuration.servers.commandLine); |
| } |
| |
| output.section('Re-run this test'); |
| List<String> arguments; |
| if (Platform.isFuchsia) { |
| arguments = [Platform.executable, Platform.script.path]; |
| } else { |
| arguments = ['python3', 'tools/test.py']; |
| } |
| arguments.addAll(test.configuration.reproducingArguments); |
| arguments.add(test.displayName); |
| |
| output.write(arguments.map(escapeCommandLineArgument).join(' ')); |
| } |
| |
| /// Writes a results.json file with a line for each test. |
| /// Each line is a json map with the test name and result and expected result. |
| class ResultWriter extends EventListener { |
| final List<Map> _results = []; |
| final List<Map> _logs = []; |
| final String _outputDirectory; |
| |
| ResultWriter(this._outputDirectory); |
| |
| void allTestsKnown() { |
| // Write an empty result log file, that will be overwritten if any tests |
| // are actually run, when the allDone event handler is invoked. |
| writeOutputFile([], TestUtils.resultsFileName); |
| writeOutputFile([], TestUtils.logsFileName); |
| } |
| |
| String newlineTerminated(Iterable<String> lines) => |
| lines.map((l) => l + '\n').join(); |
| |
| void done(TestCase test) { |
| var name = test.displayName; |
| var index = name.indexOf('/'); |
| var suite = name.substring(0, index); |
| var testName = name.substring(index + 1); |
| var time = |
| test.commandOutputs.values.fold(Duration.zero, (d, o) => d + o.time); |
| var experiments = test.experiments; |
| var record = { |
| "name": name, |
| "configuration": test.configuration.configuration.name, |
| "suite": suite, |
| "test_name": testName, |
| "time_ms": time.inMilliseconds, |
| "result": test.realResult.toString(), |
| "expected": test.realExpected.toString(), |
| "matches": test.realResult.canBeOutcomeOf(test.realExpected), |
| if (experiments.isNotEmpty) "experiments": experiments, |
| }; |
| _results.add(record); |
| if (test.configuration.writeLogs && record['matches'] != true) { |
| var log = { |
| 'name': name, |
| 'configuration': record['configuration'], |
| 'result': record['result'], |
| 'log': newlineTerminated(_buildFailureLog(test)) |
| }; |
| _logs.add(log); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void allDone() { |
| writeOutputFile(_results, TestUtils.resultsFileName); |
| writeOutputFile(_logs, TestUtils.logsFileName); |
| } |
| |
| void writeOutputFile(List<Map> results, String fileName) { |
| if (_outputDirectory == null) return; |
| var path = Uri.directory(_outputDirectory).resolve(fileName); |
| File.fromUri(path) |
| .writeAsStringSync(newlineTerminated(results.map(jsonEncode))); |
| } |
| } |