blob: 9073f9878217a87615097b430e9882923b471cab [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import monitored
import re
typed_array_renames = {
'ArrayBuffer': 'ByteBuffer',
'ArrayBufferView': 'TypedData',
'DataView': 'ByteData',
'Float32Array': 'Float32List',
'Float64Array': 'Float64List',
'Int8Array': 'Int8List',
'Int16Array': 'Int16List',
'Int32Array': 'Int32List',
'Uint8Array': 'Uint8List',
'Uint8ClampedArray': 'Uint8ClampedList',
'Uint16Array': 'Uint16List',
'Uint32Array': 'Uint32List',
html_interface_renames = monitored.Dict('htmlrenamer.html_interface_renames',
'CDATASection': 'CDataSection',
'Clipboard': 'DataTransfer',
'Database': 'SqlDatabase', # Avoid conflict with Index DB's Database.
'DatabaseSync': 'SqlDatabaseSync',
'DOMApplicationCache': 'ApplicationCache',
'DOMFileSystem': 'FileSystem',
'DOMPoint': '_DomPoint',
'EntryCallback': '_EntryCallback',
'EntriesCallback': '_EntriesCallback',
'ErrorCallback': '_ErrorCallback',
'FileCallback': '_FileCallback',
'FileSystemCallback': '_FileSystemCallback',
'FileWriterCallback': '_FileWriterCallback',
'HTMLDocument' : 'HtmlDocument',
'IDBFactory': 'IdbFactory', # Manual to avoid name conflicts.
'NamedNodeMap': '_NamedNodeMap',
'NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback': '_NavigatorUserMediaErrorCallback',
'NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback': '_NavigatorUserMediaSuccessCallback',
'NotificationPermissionCallback': '_NotificationPermissionCallback',
'PositionCallback': '_PositionCallback',
'PositionErrorCallback': '_PositionErrorCallback',
'RTCDTMFSender': 'RtcDtmfSender',
'RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent': 'RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent',
'RTCErrorCallback': '_RtcErrorCallback',
'RTCSessionDescriptionCallback': '_RtcSessionDescriptionCallback',
'StringCallback': '_StringCallback',
'SVGDocument': 'SvgDocument', # Manual to avoid name conflicts.
'SVGElement': 'SvgElement', # Manual to avoid name conflicts.
'SVGException': 'SvgException', # Manual of avoid conflict with Exception.
'SVGGradientElement': '_GradientElement',
'SVGSVGElement': 'SvgSvgElement', # Manual to avoid name conflicts.
'WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES': 'VertexArrayObject',
'XMLHttpRequest': 'HttpRequest',
'XMLHttpRequestException': 'HttpRequestException',
'XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent': 'HttpRequestProgressEvent',
'XMLHttpRequestUpload': 'HttpRequestUpload',
}, **typed_array_renames))
# Interfaces that are suppressed, but need to still exist for Dartium and to
# properly wrap DOM objects if/when encountered.
_removed_html_interfaces = [
'DOMFileSystemSync', # Workers
'DatabaseSync', # Workers
'DataView', # Typed arrays
'DedicatedWorkerContext', # Workers
'DirectoryEntrySync', # Workers
'DirectoryReaderSync', # Workers
'EntrySync', # Workers
'FileEntrySync', # Workers
'FileReaderSync', # Workers
'FileWriterSync', # Workers
'RadioNodeList', # Folded onto NodeList in dart2js.
'SQLTransactionSync', # Workers
'SQLTransactionSyncCallback', # Workers
'SVGAltGlyphDefElement', # Webkit only.
'SVGAltGlyphItemElement', # Webkit only.
'SVGAnimateColorElement', # Deprecated. Use AnimateElement instead.
'SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement', # Currently not supported anywhere.
'SVGCursorElement', # Webkit only.
'SVGFEDropShadowElement', # Webkit only for the following:
'SharedWorker', # Workers
'SharedWorkerContext', # Workers
'WorkerContext', # Workers
'WorkerLocation', # Workers
'WorkerNavigator', # Workers
for interface in _removed_html_interfaces:
html_interface_renames[interface] = '_' + interface
convert_to_future_members = monitored.Set(
'htmlrenamer.converted_to_future_members', [
# Members from the standard dom that should not be exposed publicly in dart:html
# but need to be exposed internally to implement dart:html on top of a standard
# browser.
_private_html_members = monitored.Set('htmlrenamer._private_html_members', [
# Moved to HTMLDocument.
# Members from the standard dom that exist in the dart:html library with
# identical functionality but with cleaner names.
renamed_html_members = monitored.Dict('htmlrenamer.renamed_html_members', {
'DirectoryEntry.getDirectory': '_getDirectory',
'DirectoryEntry.getFile': '_getFile',
'Document.createCDATASection': 'createCDataSection',
'Document.defaultView': 'window',
'Document.querySelector': 'query',
'DOMURL.createObjectURL': 'createObjectUrl',
'DOMURL.revokeObjectURL': 'revokeObjectUrl',
'DOMWindow.clearTimeout': '_clearTimeout',
'DOMWindow.clearInterval': '_clearInterval',
'DOMWindow.setTimeout': '_setTimeout',
'DOMWindow.setInterval': '_setInterval',
'DOMWindow.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage': '_convertPointFromNodeToPage',
'DOMWindow.webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode': '_convertPointFromPageToNode',
'DOMWindow.webkitNotifications': 'notifications',
'DOMWindow.webkitRequestFileSystem': '_requestFileSystem',
'DOMWindow.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL': 'resolveLocalFileSystemUrl',
'Element.querySelector': 'query',
'Element.webkitCreateShadowRoot': 'createShadowRoot',
'Element.webkitMatchesSelector' : 'matches',
'Navigator.webkitGetUserMedia': '_getUserMedia',
'Node.appendChild': 'append',
'Node.cloneNode': 'clone',
'Node.nextSibling': 'nextNode',
'Node.ownerDocument': 'document',
'Node.parentElement': 'parent',
'Node.previousSibling': 'previousNode',
'Node.textContent': 'text',
'RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer': '_createAnswer',
'RTCPeerConnection.createOffer': '_createOffer',
'StorageInfo.queryUsageAndQuota': '_queryUsageAndQuota',
'SVGElement.className': '$dom_svgClassName',
'SVGStopElement.offset': 'gradientOffset',
#'WorkerContext.webkitRequestFileSystem': '_requestFileSystem',
#'WorkerContext.webkitRequestFileSystemSync': '_requestFileSystemSync',
for member in convert_to_future_members:
if member in renamed_html_members:
renamed_html_members[member] = '_' + renamed_html_members[member]
renamed_html_members[member] = '_' + member[member.find('.') + 1 :]
# Members and classes from the dom that should be removed completely from
# dart:html. These could be expressed in the IDL instead but expressing this
# as a simple table instead is more concise.
# Syntax is: ClassName.(get\:|set\:|call\:|on\:)?MemberName
# Using get: and set: is optional and should only be used when a getter needs
# to be suppressed but not the setter, etc.
# TODO(jacobr): cleanup and augment this list.
_removed_html_members = monitored.Set('htmlrenamer._removed_html_members', [
# TODO(jacobr): should these be removed?
# Manual dart: library name lookup.
_library_names = monitored.Dict('htmlrenamer._library_names', {
'DOMWindow': 'html',
'Database': 'web_sql',
'Navigator': 'html',
'WorkerContext': 'html',
class HtmlRenamer(object):
def __init__(self, database):
self._database = database
def RenameInterface(self, interface):
if 'Callback' in interface.ext_attrs:
if in _removed_html_interfaces:
return None
if in html_interface_renames:
return html_interface_renames[]
if any( in ['Element', 'Document']
for interface in self._database.Hierarchy(interface)):
return self.DartifyTypeName(interface.javascript_binding_name)
def RenameMember(self, interface_name, member_node, member, member_prefix='',
Returns the name of the member in the HTML library or None if the member is
suppressed in the HTML library
interface = self._database.GetInterface(interface_name)
if self.ShouldSuppressMember(interface, member, member_prefix):
return None
if 'CheckSecurityForNode' in member_node.ext_attrs:
return None
name = self._FindMatch(interface, member, member_prefix,
target_name = renamed_html_members[name] if name else member
if self._FindMatch(interface, member, member_prefix, _private_html_members):
if not target_name.startswith('$dom_'): # e.g. $dom_svgClassName
target_name = '$dom_' + target_name
if not name and target_name.startswith('webkit'):
target_name = member[len('webkit'):]
target_name = target_name[:1].lower() + target_name[1:]
if dartify_name:
target_name = self._DartifyMemberName(target_name)
return target_name
def ShouldSuppressMember(self, interface, member, member_prefix=''):
""" Returns true if the member should be suppressed."""
if self._FindMatch(interface, member, member_prefix,
return True
if in _removed_html_interfaces:
return True
return False
def ShouldSuppressInterface(self, interface):
""" Returns true if the interface should be suppressed."""
if in _removed_html_interfaces:
return True
def _FindMatch(self, interface, member, member_prefix, candidates):
for interface in self._database.Hierarchy(interface):
member_name = + '.' + member
if member_name in candidates:
return member_name
member_name = + '.' + member_prefix + member
if member_name in candidates:
return member_name
member_name = + '.*'
if member_name in candidates:
return member_name
def GetLibraryName(self, interface):
# Some types have attributes merged in from many other interfaces.
if in _library_names:
return _library_names[]
# TODO(ager, blois): The conditional has been removed from indexed db,
# so we can no longer determine the library based on the conditionals.
return 'indexed_db'
return 'web_sql'
if 'Conditional' in interface.ext_attrs:
if 'WEB_AUDIO' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']:
return 'web_audio'
if 'SVG' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']:
return 'svg'
if 'INDEXED_DATABASE' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']:
return 'indexed_db'
if 'SQL_DATABASE' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']:
return 'web_sql'
if 'WEBGL' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']:
return 'web_gl'
if in typed_array_renames:
return 'typed_data'
return 'html'
def DartifyTypeName(self, type_name):
"""Converts a DOM name to a Dart-friendly class name. """
if type_name in html_interface_renames:
return html_interface_renames[type_name]
# Strip off any standard prefixes.
name = re.sub(r'^SVG', '', type_name)
name = re.sub(r'^IDB', '', name)
name = re.sub(r'^WebGL', '', name)
name = re.sub(r'^WebKit', '', name)
return self._CamelCaseName(name)
def _DartifyMemberName(self, member_name):
# Strip off any OpenGL ES suffixes.
name = re.sub(r'OES$', '', member_name)
return self._CamelCaseName(name)
def _CamelCaseName(self, name):
def toLower(match):
return + +
# We're looking for a sequence of letters which start with capital letter
# then a series of caps and finishes with either the end of the string or
# a capital letter.
# The [0-9] check is for names such as 2D or 3D
# The following test cases should match as:
# WebKitCSSFilterValue: WebKit(C)(SS)(F)ilterValue
# XPathNSResolver: (X)()(P)ath(N)(S)(R)esolver (no change)
# IFrameElement: (I)()(F)rameElement (no change)
return re.sub(r'([A-Z])([A-Z]{2,})([A-Z]|$)', toLower, name)