blob: 308df289271e71bab2ec5e94b542b2fccffffff0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The docgen tool takes in a library as input and produces documentation
* for the library as well as all libraries it imports and uses. The tool can
* be run by passing in the path to a .dart file like this:
* ./dart docgen.dart path/to/file.dart
* This outputs information about all classes, variables, functions, and
* methods defined in the library and its imported libraries.
library docgen;
// TODO(tmandel): Use 'package:' references for imports with relative paths.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json';
import 'dart:async';
import '../lib/dart2yaml.dart';
import '../lib/src/dart2js_mirrors.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as markdown;
import '../../args/lib/args.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors.dart';
import '../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/mirrors/mirrors_util.dart';
* Entry function to create YAML documentation from Dart files.
void main() {
// TODO(tmandel): Use args library once flags are clear.
Options opts = new Options();
Docgen docgen = new Docgen();
if (opts.arguments.length > 0) {
List<Path> libraries = [new Path(opts.arguments[0])];
Path sdkDirectory = new Path("../../../sdk/");
var workingMirrors = analyze(libraries, sdkDirectory,
options: ['--preserve-comments', '--categories=Client,Server']);
workingMirrors.then( (MirrorSystem mirrorSystem) {
var mirrors = mirrorSystem.libraries.values;
if (mirrors.isEmpty) {
print("no LibraryMirrors");
} else {
docgen.libraries = mirrors;
* This class documents a list of libraries.
class Docgen {
/// Libraries to be documented.
List<LibraryMirror> _libraries;
/// Saves list of libraries for Docgen object.
void set libraries(value) => _libraries = value;
/// Current library being documented to be used for comment links.
LibraryMirror _currentLibrary;
/// Current class being documented to be used for comment links.
ClassMirror _currentClass;
/// Current member being documented to be used for comment links.
MemberMirror _currentMember;
/// Should the output file type be JSON?
// TODO(tmandel): Add flag to allow for output to JSON.
bool outputToJson = false;
/// Resolves reference links
markdown.Resolver linkResolver;
* Docgen constructor initializes the link resolver for markdown parsing.
Docgen() {
this.linkResolver = (name) =>
fixReference(name, _currentLibrary, _currentClass, _currentMember);
* Creates documentation for filtered libraries.
void documentLibraries() {
//TODO(tmandel): Filter libraries and determine output type using flags.
_libraries.forEach((library) {
_currentLibrary = library;
var result = new Library(library.qualifiedName, _getComment(library),
_getVariables(library.variables), _getMethods(library.functions),
if (outputToJson) {
_writeToFile(stringify(result.toMap()), "${}.json");
} else {
_writeToFile(getYamlString(result.toMap()), "${}.yaml");
* Returns any documentation comments associated with a mirror with
* simple markdown converted to html.
String _getComment(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
String commentText;
mirror.metadata.forEach((metadata) {
if (metadata is CommentInstanceMirror) {
CommentInstanceMirror comment = metadata;
if (comment.isDocComment) {
if (commentText == null) {
commentText = comment.trimmedText;
} else {
commentText = "$commentText ${comment.trimmedText}";
return commentText == null ? "" :
markdown.markdownToHtml(commentText.trim(), linkResolver: linkResolver);
* Converts all [_] references in comments to <code>_</code>.
// TODO(tmandel): Create proper links for [_] style markdown based
// on scope once layout of viewer is finished.
markdown.Node fixReference(String name, LibraryMirror currentLibrary,
ClassMirror currentClass, MemberMirror currentMember) {
return new markdown.Element.text('code', name);
* Returns a map of [Variable] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Variable> _getVariables(Map<String, VariableMirror> mirrorMap) {
var data = {};
mirrorMap.forEach((String mirrorName, VariableMirror mirror) {
_currentMember = mirror;
data[mirrorName] = new Variable(mirrorName, mirror.isFinal,
mirror.isStatic, mirror.type.toString(), _getComment(mirror));
return data;
* Returns a map of [Method] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Method> _getMethods(Map<String, MethodMirror> mirrorMap) {
var data = {};
mirrorMap.forEach((String mirrorName, MethodMirror mirror) {
_currentMember = mirror;
data[mirrorName] = new Method(mirrorName, mirror.isSetter,
mirror.isGetter, mirror.isConstructor, mirror.isOperator,
mirror.isStatic, mirror.returnType.toString(), _getComment(mirror),
return data;
* Returns a map of [Class] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Class> _getClasses(Map<String, ClassMirror> mirrorMap) {
var data = {};
mirrorMap.forEach((String mirrorName, ClassMirror mirror) {
_currentClass = mirror;
var superclass;
if (mirror.superclass != null) {
superclass = mirror.superclass.qualifiedName;
var interfaces = => interface.qualifiedName);
data[mirrorName] = new Class(mirrorName, superclass, mirror.isAbstract,
mirror.isTypedef, _getComment(mirror), interfaces,
_getVariables(mirror.variables), _getMethods(mirror.methods));
return data;
* Returns a map of [Parameter] objects constructed from inputted mirrors.
Map<String, Parameter> _getParameters(List<ParameterMirror> mirrorList) {
var data = {};
mirrorList.forEach((ParameterMirror mirror) {
_currentMember = mirror;
data[mirror.simpleName] = new Parameter(mirror.simpleName,
mirror.isOptional, mirror.isNamed, mirror.hasDefaultValue,
mirror.type.toString(), mirror.defaultValue);
return data;
* Transforms the map by calling toMap on each value in it.
Map recurseMap(Map inputMap) {
var outputMap = {};
inputMap.forEach((key, value) {
outputMap[key] = value.toMap();
return outputMap;
* A class containing contents of a Dart library.
class Library {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
/// Top-level variables in the library.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Top-level functions in the library.
Map<String, Method> functions;
/// Classes defined within the library
Map<String, Class> classes;
String name;
Library(, this.comment, this.variables,
this.functions, this.classes);
/// Generates a map describing the [Library] object.
Map toMap() {
var libraryMap = {};
libraryMap["name"] = name;
libraryMap["comment"] = comment;
libraryMap["variables"] = recurseMap(variables);
libraryMap["functions"] = recurseMap(functions);
libraryMap["classes"] = recurseMap(classes);
return libraryMap;
* A class containing contents of a Dart class.
// TODO(tmandel): Figure out how to do typedefs (what is needed)
class Class {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
/// List of the names of interfaces that this class implements.
List<String> interfaces;
/// Top-level variables in the class.
Map<String, Variable> variables;
/// Methods in the class.
Map<String, Method> methods;
String name;
String superclass;
bool isAbstract;
bool isTypedef;
Class(, this.superclass, this.isAbstract, this.isTypedef,
this.comment, this.interfaces, this.variables, this.methods);
/// Generates a map describing the [Class] object.
Map toMap() {
var classMap = {};
classMap["name"] = name;
classMap["comment"] = comment;
classMap["superclass"] = superclass;
classMap["abstract"] = isAbstract.toString();
classMap["typedef"] = isTypedef.toString();
classMap["implements"] = new List.from(interfaces);
classMap["variables"] = recurseMap(variables);
classMap["methods"] = recurseMap(methods);
return classMap;
* A class containing properties of a Dart variable.
class Variable {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
String name;
bool isFinal;
bool isStatic;
String type;
Variable(, this.isFinal, this.isStatic, this.type, this.comment);
/// Generates a map describing the [Variable] object.
Map toMap() {
var variableMap = {};
variableMap["name"] = name;
variableMap["comment"] = comment;
variableMap["final"] = isFinal.toString();
variableMap["static"] = isStatic.toString();
variableMap["type"] = type;
return variableMap;
* A class containing properties of a Dart method.
class Method {
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown.
String comment;
/// Parameters for this method.
Map<String, Parameter> parameters;
String name;
bool isSetter;
bool isGetter;
bool isConstructor;
bool isOperator;
bool isStatic;
String returnType;
Method(, this.isSetter, this.isGetter, this.isConstructor,
this.isOperator, this.isStatic, this.returnType, this.comment,
/// Generates a map describing the [Method] object.
Map toMap() {
var methodMap = {};
methodMap["name"] = name;
methodMap["comment"] = comment;
methodMap["type"] = isSetter ? "setter" : isGetter ? "getter" :
isOperator ? "operator" : isConstructor ? "constructor" : "method";
methodMap["static"] = isStatic.toString();
methodMap["return"] = returnType;
methodMap["parameters"] = recurseMap(parameters);
return methodMap;
* A class containing properties of a Dart method/function parameter.
class Parameter {
String name;
bool isOptional;
bool isNamed;
bool hasDefaultValue;
String type;
String defaultValue;
Parameter(, this.isOptional, this.isNamed, this.hasDefaultValue,
this.type, this.defaultValue);
/// Generates a map describing the [Parameter] object.
Map toMap() {
var parameterMap = {};
parameterMap["name"] = name;
parameterMap["optional"] = isOptional.toString();
parameterMap["named"] = isNamed.toString();
parameterMap["default"] = hasDefaultValue.toString();
parameterMap["type"] = type;
parameterMap["value"] = defaultValue;
return parameterMap;
* Writes text to a file in the 'docs' directory.
void _writeToFile(String text, String filename) {
Directory dir = new Directory('docs');
if (!dir.existsSync()) {
File file = new File('docs/$filename');
if (!file.exists()) {